Sorry, saw Kaz respond to you.
I thought it was hilarious that APNU+AFC issued a statement asking everyone to respect the votes casted on Monday when they are the ones currently disrespecting those votes. The wickedness of those people would make Satan envious.
I will posting more videos later this evening.
@Former Member
I am not sure if Granger was diagnosed with Cancer or that was part of the early election drama. How could he take Chemo and still have hair on his head? How could he recover in such a short time? I have treated people with Chemo and knows how it works and with the type he claims he has he should have lost his voice.
That policeman in the video run for his life Rass .
It does add up Dond. It seems that everyone associated with the Coalition falls sick whenever they are faced with making any decisions. You have Granger then. Then there was Lowenfield having a heart attack. Then there was ole man Patto getting sick and more recently you have first Mingo and then Singh. Dem Russians proppa fvcking with the Coalition idiots.
Don't fvck with dem Berbicians. Their cutlasses are well sharpened since they haven't been able to use it to cut cane for a while now.
Have some respect booooooyyyyy. Although it is true, you shouldn't refer to your mother's pu ssy as a white man's swamp.