At first sitting of parliament, Shuman should bring the government down in an NCV. I think they have a seat.
@Totaram how did GECOM declare the results when 400+ boxes remained unopened and not verified against the SOP?
I hope they have a seat
@Former Member which government. APNU stealing the majority
Unlikely that Shuman may get a seat even if the other smaller parties joined their votes together; a process that is allowed under Guyana laws.
@Former Member I heard Anil Nandlall say that a man shouted it from the second floor of a building, seriously, I am not making it up. Apparently that is all the RO had to do .
They holding Claudette Singh hostage? I join late.
@ Base, the verification is not about opening the box, counting the ballots and verifying it against the numbers on the SOP. It is about ensuring that the SOP that GECOM has has the correct info as checked against those given to party agents at the polling stations. Tge PPP placed on the internet copies of all the SOP for Region 4 so that all can see for themselves.
Zed i join lil late. Are u buying this story that the APNU has indeed won?
These asses trying all kind of juvenile routines. In the end they will have to go, I donât see this as a well orchestrated plan.
@ Sheik I do not believe that they have the number of votes they claim to have in Region 4, verify using the SOP which the PPP has published on the web. Coalition cannot show sop to verify their numbers. Also, Jonas of ANUG, someone I really trust said that the PPP has won and Granger is lying to his people. All the parties and the observers have copies of the sop for region 4 so know that the coalition has lost and GECOM is rigging for the coalition.
The above video is still streaming live.
Media barred from entering the building
someone should take his ass out
God will