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Former Member

November 04, 2014, midterm elections were concluded and Republicans takes control of the senate with 52 seats as was expected. President Obama made his announcement and said he will work in a bipartisan manner to get the nation business rolling. But, it's not that easy in his last two years of his presidency. The immigration reform is very important for 11 million undocumented aliens in this country. He said after the mid-term election, he will use his executive power to pass a unilateral immigration bill if his party loses the senate. During his recent announcement, he said he will make a decision before the end of December 2014.


On a personal note:

I am proud to see a lot of Guyanese turn out to vote on election day at PS-100. I have noticed young and old people alike casting their ballots. I would like to encourage them to vote at every elections. Vote and be counted. That's the American way.


PS. I want president Obama to past the Immigration reform bill by executive order by hook or crook, then we will vote in a Republican in the White House. (Jeb Bush).


Opinions and comments are welcome!

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Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Asha:

Is it fair for legal immigrants to wait in line while illegals get fast tracked to residency?

Yes it is.................Legal immigrants at least have a path to legal status.

But that timeline will get longer because of the processing of illegals, some people might die before they get their legal visas, while the backtrackers who have broken the law get a free pass. How can that be fair? How can you reward law breakers?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Asha:

Is it fair for legal immigrants to wait in line while illegals get fast tracked to residency?

This Country is big and strong enough to have both. In any case, this Country needs them all.

i am not denying that, just saying that legals awaiting visas will have to wait longer because of illegals.

Originally Posted by Asha:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Asha:

Is it fair for legal immigrants to wait in line while illegals get fast tracked to residency?

Yes it is.................Legal immigrants at least have a path to legal status.

But that timeline will get longer because of the processing of illegals, some people might die before they get their legal visas, while the backtrackers who have broken the law get a free pass. How can that be fair? How can you reward law breakers?

Yes this country was built on immigrants and immigration. Many of the people who "broke the law" to come here came here for a better life running away from poverty, crime and persecution in their own countries.


The Majority of Americans support this move both Republicans and Dems they just are squabbling over who gets credit for the move.


Many presidents did this in the past, this is not new ground. It is just the same lame old excuses being regurgitated time and time again.


Seven Surprising Ways Immigration Helps Build a Stronger America

Posted: 01/23/2013 4:35 pm EST Updated: 03/25/2013 5:12 am EDT

President Obama has pledged to make immigration reform one of his top legislative priorities in 2013. He highlighted this commitment again in his inaugural address on Monday. Republicans are alsoreevaluating their stance on immigration. Here are seven frequently overlooked ways that immigration contributes to life in the United States:

1. Immigration fuels our economy. As an article from Newsweek points out, many Americans wrongly believe that immigration hurts the economy. There is consensus among many leading economists that immigration actually gives economies a net boost. In fact, a report from the Migration Policy Institute indicates that "immigration unambiguously improves employment, productivity, and income," especially when an economy is growing. And, contrary to popular belief, immigrants do not reduce native employment rates overall.

2. Immigration creates jobs. Much of the anti-immigration debate revolves around the idea that immigration gives society more people to take care of. Rarely do people realize that quite the opposite is true -- that immigrants create new populations of people who buy things. In the heavily commercialized country that is the United States, new arrivals need to buy food, rent an apartment, and spend money in their local economies in order to survive. This, in turn, makes small businesses grow, for which they often need to hire more people to serve their newfound customers. Indeed, Mexican immigrants actually make up 4 percent of U.S. Gross Domestic Product.

3. Immigration helps us retain the best global talent. President Obama alluded to the need for America to be able to retain more international students and engineers. The software industry, struggling to find enough competent Americans to fill all the jobs available, has been lobbying heavily for immigration reform. These businesses simply cannot locate enough high-quality engineers to remain competitive in a globalized era. In the dynamic and often cutthroat business world, companies cannot afford to sit back and hope that the American education system will eventually catch up. Either American companies must recruit the best talent now, or their competitors in other countries will have a clear and timely advantage.

4. Immigration makes us less globally isolated. Unlike people living in most European countries, Americans rarely travel outside of their homeland -- only 30% have passports. If you include all of the transcontinental countries, there are 50 internationally recognized sovereign states in Europe. By comparison, many Americans do actually travel within the 50 states that comprise the U.S., but remain largely in a familiar cultural environment even when the landscape changes. In other words, most Americans' only contact with people from other countries actually takes place right in their home country. The ability to demonstrate understanding and respect for diverse cultural backgrounds is a vital skill in today's globalized world. Giving Americans more opportunities to meet people from other countries right here at home helps connect our citizenry to the broader world.

5. Immigration enhances our multilingualism. America is already rich in natural language resources, with approximately one out of every five people who live here speaking a language other than English at home. With the exception of some native-born populations, such as those who speak Native American languages or use American Sign Language, the majority of that linguistic diversity is owed to immigrants who brought their languages here, just like English speakers originally did. We lag behind many countries when it comes to teaching children other languages in our educational system. Yet, our own government -- including the Department of Defense and the State Department -- rely heavily on skilled multilingual individuals in order to accomplish critical work, such as translating information for intelligence purposes and providing language training to diplomats who will serve overseas. The bulk of our nation's language capacity is thanks to its immigrants.

6. Immigration opens us up to ideas from elsewhere. Along with new people and new languages come new ideas. Immigrants bring with them practices and cultural knowledge from their homelands, so that these ideas can be incorporated into the new country they call home. Cutting ourselves off from the world is generally a dangerous thing. Just look at North Korea, which also happens to be the only country that is truly monolingual, owing in great part to this isolation. Diversity can strengthen a population, not just in terms of demographics, but in terms of ideas that can help the American Dream to continue evolving with the times.

7. Immigration shapes how the world views America. The foreign-born population in the United States is currently made up of 37 million people, or about 12 percent of the total U.S. population. This means we have 37 million voices who frequently report back to people in other countries about life in the United States. These immigrants often trigger international tourism when their friends and families come to visit, spending money in our economy and helping America obtain a piece of the U.S. $2 trillion global travel and tourism industry, which is reportedly double the size of automotive manufacturing worldwide. Each of those tourists takes back with them not only souvenirs and photos, but individual experiences that help form collective opinions overseas of what America is like and why it matters in the world.

As the world waits for details on what exactly "comprehensive immigration reform" will mean, let us remember that immigration is what brought the vast majority of Americans to this land in the first place. It seems silly to debate whether immigration is a good thing or not when it's such an integral part of the very foundation the country was built on. Instead, it's time for America to focus on how our immigration policies can be made more efficient, enabling the United States to take better advantage of all the benefits immigration currently offers our society, and will no doubt continue to do so.

Originally Posted by Asha:

Is it fair for legal immigrants to wait in line while illegals get fast tracked to residency?

the term legal immigrants is an ex post notion. You are legal only after you finished the process. There is no line so to speak for illegals to join.  What the notion of a line refers to is the processing in ones country. On the date of filing for modification of ones status one joins the queue the same as those in your home country who want to be legal immigrants. That is only possible in an intellectual discourse. The processing would demand two queues since people with differing skill sets would be at work here; the normal queue and those seeking adjustment to their status.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

November 04, 2014, midterm elections were concluded and Republicans takes control of the senate with 52 seats as was expected. President Obama made his announcement and said he will work in a bipartisan manner to get the nation business rolling.

This election is no surprise, as always, there are radical changes to the structure of governments in the US_of_A. Of interest is the fact that in this mid-term election, the seats in contest were predominantly in the hands of the Republicans.


As Lindsey Graham stated on CNN, this election is by no means a major victory for the Republican Party.


The interest event is the elections for also the President in 2016.

Originally Posted by Asha:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Asha:

Is it fair for legal immigrants to wait in line while illegals get fast tracked to residency?

This Country is big and strong enough to have both. In any case, this Country needs them all.

i am not denying that, just saying that legals awaiting visas will have to wait longer because of illegals.

I hear you Radha/Asha/???. Some of the illegals have committed identity theft by using other peoples' dob etc. Regular Americans would be prosecuted for this. Why should these illegals get a free pass? 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Asha:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Asha:

Is it fair for legal immigrants to wait in line while illegals get fast tracked to residency?

This Country is big and strong enough to have both. In any case, this Country needs them all.

i am not denying that, just saying that legals awaiting visas will have to wait longer because of illegals.

I hear you Radha/Asha/???. Some of the illegals have committed identity theft by using other peoples' dob etc. Regular Americans would be prosecuted for this. Why should these illegals get a free pass? 

Clearly if any of these people have a criminal record they would be immediately disqualified and deported so, again you are in the propaganda business.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Asha:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Asha:

Is it fair for legal immigrants to wait in line while illegals get fast tracked to residency?

This Country is big and strong enough to have both. In any case, this Country needs them all.

i am not denying that, just saying that legals awaiting visas will have to wait longer because of illegals.

I hear you Radha/Asha/???. Some of the illegals have committed identity theft by using other peoples' dob etc. Regular Americans would be prosecuted for this. Why should these illegals get a free pass? 

Clearly if any of these people have a criminal record they would be immediately disqualified and deported so, again you are in the propaganda business.

So now you are an immigration expert? How the hell you know they will catch all of them? Anil seh he don't blame you; he blame the inbreeding thing.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Asha:

Is it fair for legal immigrants to wait in line while illegals get fast tracked to residency?

Yes it is.................Legal immigrants at least have a path to legal status.

Do they?  There are fewer opportunities for people to be sponsored.  Green card holders can no longer sponsor adult kids, and that is how many of us came in.  In addition the cost has soared.


What people need to understand is that all of this only benefits Mexicans and Central Americans who can walk over the border.  The rest of us have to figure out how to get a visa and then how to stay.


I thoroughly support the Dream Act as kids brought in by their parents shouldn't be punished especially if the USA is all they know, and if they are college bound.


For the rest.  They needed to do what many Guyanese did and that was to get a fake marriage and lie low for years.  And then "divorce".

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Seven Surprising Ways Immigration Helps Build a Stronger America

Posted: 01/23/2013 4:35 pm EST Updated: 03/25/2013 5:12 am EDT

Its really interesting how Caribbean people fell for the Mexican scam.


Caribbean people enter with green cards or with visitor/business/student visas. All difficult to get. 


An immigrant is some one who applied to obtain legal residency and who was approved.  Every one else is an undocumented, or out of status migrant.


Immigrants have played a very important role in this country.  Why should the immigrants who play by the rules and enter legally get punished while those who walk over the border get rewarded?  These people are not immigrants.  They are MIGRANTS.


Being a green card holder has gotten more and more difficult.  Now they have to re apply to keep their status and can be deported at a whim.  In addition the cost of obtaining a green card has soared, and the ways that one can be sponsored have narrowed. Why?  Because our silly Caribbean politicians fell for the Mexican scam and now these scamsters who walked over the border will get preference over the millions who must wait decades and before they get the opportunity to migrate.


The private sector employment for October as released by ADP yesterday was over 230,000 (an annualized rate of 2.7 million jobs created - Clinton would have been proud). For over 30 months unemployment and GDP growth in America were doin g better than the rest of the OECD countries. Yet all the Democratic candidate in the Nov 4th elections ran away from that.


The cost curve for health care premiums is bending downward and medicare spending is finally getting under control. As flawed as it is there are millions more insured than would have been and preventative care is burgeoning that will result in later years in decreased spending. Yet, the Dems ran away from Obamacare.


Obama got a mandate from winning two elections on a campaign to bring the troops home and he has done so, yet the Dems could not counter the lead from behind charge and weak leadership of a man who hunted down bin Laden and squished Al Qaeda. Yes, Al Qaeda - ISIS is a sectarian creation of Saddam's former generals and foot soldiers - the same people that Maliki banished. Bush's stupid 2003 Iraq invasion unleashed this devil and Obama is right to leave American lives and treasure out of it. Yet, the Dems allowed the Repubs to smear them on this.


Obama got the Syrians to get rid of their gas weapons of mass destruction, yet the Repubs painted the stupid Dems with some red line shit. Obama did the right thing, even as he wants Assad out. Let the Syrians take care of business with help and only intervene to prevent genocide. Obama stated this clearly as a goal of his Administration when he received his Nobel prize. Yet Dems allowed the Repubs to make them out as weak vacillating horseshit.


The auto industry has been saved. Dodd-Frank is going to do some bit in reigning in the shadow banking sector that nearly collapsed the world economy. Yet Dems were ashamed of Obama. Like Al Gore running away from Clinton in 2000 - see where that hanging chads and all.


The US recently surpassed Russia and Saudi Arabia as the world's leading producer of petroleum (including gas), and gasolene is now sub-$3 a gal. Yet the Keystone pipeline got he Dems running scared.


Mid-terms especially in a President's 6th year always result in the defeat of the Presidential party (except 2 cases in the last century). The Obama coalition did not come out to vote in numbers - Blacks, Latinos and women; only old white folks. Also this year saw Dems in Red States where Romney defeated Obama up against the Repubs. In 2016 the reverse will happen where Repubs in Blue States are up for re-election. See how the Dems regain the Senate.


If Obama were running for a 3rd term this past Tuesday you bet he would have won and carried on his coattails a lot of Dems. He has the bully pulpit and the veto pen. The Dems in the Senate can filibuster (now the shoes are on the other feet) the Repubs so they can get a taste  of their own medicine.. Obama rides in Air Force One and the Beast. Let's see what the Repub Senate leader does. He talked about gutting Obamacare in his campaign, and now he sings the tune of not dismantling it but working to make it better. He, Mitch McConnell sated that all he wants to do si to block, block and bloc; now he wants to find common ground. Anybody knows what the Repubs ran on?


So all you folks who want to judge Obama, wait for another 10 years and see how he will have been exhalted. The last two years of a lame-duck Presidency saw great things from Reagan and Clinton. Obama is not to be written off. Iran recently acceded to having the Russians convert weapons-grade uranium. Obama's sanctions are biting. Putin is hurting and the Rubble is tumbling. See how gas prices are falling. His sanctions against Russia are paying dividends. Obama did the smart thing by not getting in the middle of a conflict America has no business in - the Crimea takeover and not supporting the Nazi fascist West Ukrainians who went after the Russian-speaking East Ukraine.


Look how Hamas in Gaza is now embracing the moderate West Bank Palestinian Authority. Obama might yet seal a historic Palestinian/Israeli peace. Watch how the American economy is being transformed under Obama's watch - VCs and tech startups and innovation are driving changes and Obama's emphasis on tech sciences and maths will only help. See Obama make a historic Immigration change in his lame-duck last 2 years with a Repub House.


You ain't see nuthin yet!


Kari you can publish White House press releases but understand this.  the GOP was all but dead in 2008 thanks to the disaster that George Bush left this country in.


Yet the GOP now enjoy record levels of control at the local, state and federal level.  Even blue Massachussets now has a GOP governor!


The fact remains that the recovery has NOT benefitted the average US worker.  Many have seen their salaries crumble as they either endured pay cuts or found jobs which pay less than what they had before.  And even those who aren't in this position earn LESS in real terms than they did 7 years ago.


So the Obama coalition stayed home (blacks, Hispanics, young whites and single females).  The others came out to vote.  Indeed some GOP winners got over 40% of the Hispanic vote!


The Democrats are in as much trouble as are the GOP.  The GOP appeal mainly to ageing white men and their wives.  The Democrats to minorities, young whites and single women who aren't the most reliable voters.  Blacks are WORSE off than they were before Obama came out, and indeed a study came out yesterday claiming that the black upper middle class in NYC has SHRUNK, and this in a region which is probably friendlier to educated blacks than many other places.


The next candidate will be a traditional white male (I bet Hillary chickens out based on Tuesday).  That person will most likely not do any better than did Kerry or Gore.


If you think that your average US voter cares about most of what you wrote  you are mad.  This is why Udall lost. Rather then addressing issues which interested the voters who spoke on the women's uterus, as if all female voters care about is the right to have an abortion.  Well his opponent grabbed 40% of the Hispanic vote!


In most of the South blacks stayed home even more than they did in 2010.  Why the shock when most are even worse off than they were then?  Indeed the Democrats bombarding them with phone call promising the return of the KKK if they don't vote was probably met with a long "suck teeth".

Originally Posted by Kari:

The Obama coalition did not come out to vote in numbers - Blacks, Latinos and women;



why didn't they?  After ignoring blacks for the past 7 years the Democrats suddenly bombarded those living in VA, NC, GA and FL with ads promising the return of slavery and the KKK if they didn't vote.  Nothing about how they will help those blacks who are no longer in the middle class and who have lost their homes (at least 15-20% have).


Here is the problem.  Younger minority voters aren't owned by the Democrats and the little black old ladies who vote Democrat because of Kennedy and Johnson are dying off.  Hispanics aren't loyal to either party, and younger blacks are increasingly disinterested in voting.  Indeed some claim that 40% of the young black males voted for Christie last year!  He got about 25% of the black vote.


So yes the GOP can get their old white people out. When some regular white guy runs in 2016 (assuming Hillary doesn't which is quite likely, given that her white working class base are now very hostile) young whites, single women, Hispanics and blacks might well stay home.  If people are unemployed or stuck in low paid jobs Obamacare isn't a huge priority for them.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:

Kari you can publish White House press releases but understand this.  the GOP was all but dead in 2008 thanks to the disaster that George Bush left this country in.


Yet the GOP now enjoy record levels of control at the local, state and federal level.  Even blue Massachussets now has a GOP governor!


The fact remains that the recovery has NOT benefitted the average US worker.  Many have seen their salaries crumble as they either endured pay cuts or found jobs which pay less than what they had before.  And even those who aren't in this position earn LESS in real terms than they did 7 years ago.


So the Obama coalition stayed home (blacks, Hispanics, young whites and single females).  The others came out to vote.  Indeed some GOP winners got over 40% of the Hispanic vote!


The Democrats are in as much trouble as are the GOP.  The GOP appeal mainly to ageing white men and their wives.  The Democrats to minorities, young whites and single women who aren't the most reliable voters.  Blacks are WORSE off than they were before Obama came out, and indeed a study came out yesterday claiming that the black upper middle class in NYC has SHRUNK, and this in a region which is probably friendlier to educated blacks than many other places.


The next candidate will be a traditional white male (I bet Hillary chickens out based on Tuesday).  That person will most likely not do any better than did Kerry or Gore.


If you think that your average US voter cares about most of what you wrote  you are mad.  This is why Udall lost. Rather then addressing issues which interested the voters who spoke on the women's uterus, as if all female voters care about is the right to have an abortion.  Well his opponent grabbed 40% of the Hispanic vote!


In most of the South blacks stayed home even more than they did in 2010.  Why the shock when most are even worse off than they were then?  Indeed the Democrats bombarding them with phone call promising the return of the KKK if they don't vote was probably met with a long "suck teeth".

Caribny, the media was saying the same thing about the Republicans in 2012, so any talk of the demise of the Democrats is just media cycling.


The GOP never talked about issues they bandied abouit in 2012 - abortion, same-sex marriage and pot. The GOP not once put forward one thing that they ran on, other than we're not Obama. What's thier fix for ObamaCare?


One thing you cannot deny - no matter how much you may think of how little Obama has done for Blacks (and say that about the Republicans who blocked and blocked and blocked and filibustered and filibustered and stalled nominations, etc. over 6 years), Blacks will vote 98% for Obama and come out in the 90% range. Put Obama on the ballot today and he wins hands down. What does that say about your theory about Obama and Blacks?


America is going through a generational change on Obama's watch. Provide the same ratio of dependents to working age to Clinton and Bush and see what kind of economy they'll have. Obama recognizes this and that's why the attempts at structural change in infrastructure and education. That's wh he tackled health care that was more of a plymouth rock on him than on Clinton and Bush. No excuses for him he is rising to the challenge. The results will be seen after a lag.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

The Obama coalition did not come out to vote in numbers - Blacks, Latinos and women;



why didn't they?  After ignoring blacks for the past 7 years the Democrats suddenly bombarded those living in VA, NC, GA and FL with ads promising the return of slavery and the KKK if they didn't vote.  Nothing about how they will help those blacks who are no longer in the middle class and who have lost their homes (at least 15-20% have).


Here is the problem.  Younger minority voters aren't owned by the Democrats and the little black old ladies who vote Democrat because of Kennedy and Johnson are dying off.  Hispanics aren't loyal to either party, and younger blacks are increasingly disinterested in voting.  Indeed some claim that 40% of the young black males voted for Christie last year!  He got about 25% of the black vote.


So yes the GOP can get their old white people out. When some regular white guy runs in 2016 (assuming Hillary doesn't which is quite likely, given that her white working class base are now very hostile) young whites, single women, Hispanics and blacks might well stay home.  If people are unemployed or stuck in low paid jobs Obamacare isn't a huge priority for them.

I'm not a Hillary fan and if Elizabeth Warren runs she'll do an Obama on her.

Originally Posted by TI:

Pepole get tired of listening to promises and seeing the same crap happening over and over again. Why should they even go out and vote? I didn't. When Governments are FOR the people I will consider voting.

What's the solution? How do you get the politicians to work for the people? State solutions, not problems.


The Republicans campaigned on one thing only - we are not Obama. When pressed they said the election is a repudiation of Obama's policies. When asked what policy, it's hamanamanamanamanamana......


Joni Ernst the new Michelle Bachman said one thing in her campaign that she castrated pigs on her farm in Iowa and she will make Washington squeal - squeal like a pig: Appalachia.


The Staten Island Repub who faces 21 Federal indictment and threatened on TV to throw a reporter off a balcony was elected.


The voters voted for ballot issues like legalize pot and same sex marriage yet voted candidates on the same ballots who are against those very things. Go figure.


Put a monkey in last week's elections with an "R" after his or her name and you bet he or she will be elected. Dems treated Obama and all his successes like strangers. Terrific news on health care costs and coverage, employment, gas prices, petroleum production, troops not engaging in other people's civil war, etc. Al Gore showed the way - run away from Clinton's successes and lose. The Dem this year followed.


The Repubs ran on nothing and now that they have to govern they want to work with Obama - not to make him a one-term President. They presented no campaign policies in tis election and kept quiet on immigration and all the social wedge issues they've lost the American public on.


Chief, it's a generational change and you would know it - educated workforce versus the unskilled service industries. Two things the US is faced with today - more dependents than producing class (the age demographic) and the shift of job skills and hence pay (globalization). Hand these two factors to Bill Clinton now  and see if you would all be heaping praise on him now. Obama has similar job growth numbers and we must find a fault. History is seen when we're removed from it. It's not to blame Obama for what is, but what he is doing about it for the next generation. It's like GMO foods that the current generation's DNA is unaccustomed to and hence cancer andf other diseases. The same genetically food modified today in two generations from now will be healthy. Ask if Obama is preparing the body for the new jobs "genetically modified" so to speak. You no loinger come out of high scholl and work in the plant down the road and put your kid through College. Did the Repubs work with Obama on the College debt situation? Did Obama cause that trillion dollar College loan situation like Bush created ISIL? Think about it, before you have to agree with short-sighted analysis by Caribny. Yuh mek me hand fall.


I am with Chief and Caribny on that specific issue. Obama failed to deliver relief to the masses. He helped the big banks by hiring them to come up with a bailout plan and then once they executed the bailout plan they all left his administration to go right back to the very banks they helped bail out.


This whole thing is a complete scam it is almost PPP esque.....


Obama failed and the people spoke clearly that is why none of those BS bullet points the Whitehouse is releasing resonates with the people. Areas where Obama cleaned up 2 years ago roundly voted against him.


I won't even get into the foreign policy failures. Now I see today 1500 troops are headed to Iraq to "train" iraqi troops. Bullshit. Everyone of those folks are special ops. Sooner rather than later there will inevitably be more than 5000 troops on the ground then 10k and we are right back where we begun.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

I am with Chief and Caribny on that specific issue. Obama failed to deliver relief to the masses. He helped the big banks by hiring them to come up with a bailout plan and then once they executed the bailout plan they all left his administration to go right back to the very banks they helped bail out.


This whole thing is a complete scam it is almost PPP esque.....


Obama failed and the people spoke clearly that is why none of those BS bullet points the Whitehouse is releasing resonates with the people. Areas where Obama cleaned up 2 years ago roundly voted against him.


I won't even get into the foreign policy failures. Now I see today 1500 troops are headed to Iraq to "train" iraqi troops. Bullshit. Everyone of those folks are special ops. Sooner rather than later there will inevitably be more than 5000 troops on the ground then 10k and we are right back where we begun.



i hope u understand that much of your foolish tirade is rubbished by results of the 2012 general election


it's a smart play to pelt and run on the foreign policy part though . . . taking the lazy route of proliferating nostradamus wannabees on GNI


discretion being the better part of valor and all

Last edited by Former Member
No one is addressing points so this is a conversation where we talk past each other.  People say failed without showing the failures. The credit and banking system was teetering and there would have been depression - Era soup kitchens, and then Obama came up with Dodd-Frank to curb the derivatives shadow banking that was the cause of the 2008 crash. I guess Chief and others are inadequately informed.

Thats right Obama helped the banks, there is a great article out in the press right now about Eric Holder and the Obama administration partnering with Jamie Dimon to bury all the illegalities that Chase was carrying on with.


Is that not a fact?


Read the rolling stone article. Not flattering of Holder and the Obama administration period.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Thats right Obama helped the banks, there is a great article out in the press right now about Eric Holder and the Obama administration partnering with Jamie Dimon to bury all the illegalities that Chase was carrying on with.


Is that not a fact?


Read the rolling stone article. Not flattering of Holder and the Obama administration period.

who's disagreeing with u about Obama helping the banks? . . . this was well known (and loomed LARGE) in 2012


your notion that he? was somehow being punished for this in the 2014 midterms is simply bizarre

Last edited by Former Member

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