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A Partnership for National Unity/People’s National Congress (APNU/PNC) went up in arms when President Ramotar had cause to point out that between 1964-1992 whilst in government it did practically nothing for the Amerindian people. The party and its mouth pieces were at pains to point to the contrary. We however, can only attribute their barefaced attempts to their contempt for Amerindians who, they obviously believe, should’ve been satisfied with whatever crumbs fell off the PNC table back then.



As far as the lot of the Amerindians in those long 28 years, the PNC can spout nonsense about all sorts of “projects” they initiated in the hinterland. The proof of the paiwari is in the drinking. And the pathetic bottom line is that the Household Income and Expenditure Survey of 1993 (right after the infamous 28 years) proved that the economic and social conditions of Amerindians had deteriorated far below those of 1964. To say that this is what happened to the rest of the population also is of no comfort. The poverty of Amerindians – extending to 100 per cent in several communities – had increased in absolute terms.

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Originally Posted by Conscience:

A Partnership for National Unity/People’s National Congress (APNU/PNC) went up in arms when President Ramotar had cause to point out that between 1964-1992 whilst in government it did practically nothing for the Amerindian people. The party and its mouth pieces were at pains to point to the contrary. We however, can only attribute their barefaced attempts to their contempt for Amerindians who, they obviously believe, should’ve been satisfied with whatever crumbs fell off the PNC table back then.



As far as the lot of the Amerindians in those long 28 years, the PNC can spout nonsense about all sorts of “projects” they initiated in the hinterland. The proof of the paiwari is in the drinking. And the pathetic bottom line is that the Household Income and Expenditure Survey of 1993 (right after the infamous 28 years) proved that the economic and social conditions of Amerindians had deteriorated far below those of 1964. To say that this is what happened to the rest of the population also is of no comfort. The poverty of Amerindians – extending to 100 per cent in several communities – had increased in absolute terms.

 I guess they should be thankful that the PPP gives an unknown Indian furniture maker 4 percent of t he nations lands with no quibbling while they have to beg for what is their natural patrimony from carpetbaggers! The PPP should be glad they can squat on the authroity to "give" when it is by mere numbers and this thing called democracy they rob native peoples . That does not make it moral.


6000 years at the boot of the parasitic Brahmins have not taught these Sudras what it is to consider oneself the chosen caste. It has not thought them the humility of being able to stand as men and women of honor. Instead they pretend they give the native people what they never had in the first place.


I feel like John of Gaunt speaking of Henry the second II ( embodied in the PPP) ,  about the wanton pillage and plunder of our country by these crooks . But "this   rash, fierce blaze of riot cannot last". The PPP will get its due and  these crooks will one day meet the force of justice in a court of law.


BTW Amerindians are still 70% in poverty in their own home world.


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