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Teachers protest parking meters, range of other issues.

January 25, 2017 Source

The implementation of parking meters within the vicinity of schools was the proverbial straw that broke the back of the Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU) and led to scores of members from the East Coast, Georgetown and East and West Coast Demerara branches holding a candle light vigil on Main Street last evening.

Stabroek News understands that the teachers chose to have the vigil in front of the official residence of both the President and the Prime Minister because they wanted the numerous issues and concerns facing Guyana’s teachers to be given the attention it deserves.

“This was a mandate from the members of the branches and by extension the teachers of Guyana,” one participant told Stabroek News.

President of the GTU Mark Lyte also explained that the vigil is about more that parking meters.

The Guyana Teachers’ Union last evening held a candle light vigil along Main Street in front of the residences of President David Granger and Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo.

“It is about the many unsolved issues we have with both the Ministry of Education and the Teaching Service Commission,” he explained.

The union has since 2015 been engaged in a protracted negotiation for a new multi-year agreement on wages, salaries and allowances. Additionally several provisions from the previous multi-year agreement have still to be fulfilled included provisions for duty-free concessions and debunching.

Further the union has been engaged in a protracted legal battle with the Teaching Service Commission (TSC)  over the promotion of senior teachers. Though they were in November granted an order by the High Court directing the TSC to review the 2015 senior promotons list this has not yet been accomplished.

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo last evening engaged the teachers as they stood outside his home and invited them to discuss their concerns. He was however unable to give any guarantees beyond a promise to speak with the subject Ministers about the issues raised and have them addressed.

The teachers will continue to hold the vigil tonight and tomorrow in hopes that their concerns will be addressed.

According to Lyte, the GTU expects wage and salary negotiations to conclude by February month end, promotions to be approved and duty-free concessions granted accordingly while paid parking for teachers should be reviewed.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Cars might be more common than bicycles in Guyana. Nobody wants to walk a mile anymore. They even have taxis pickup and deliver their Chinese fried rice for $300.00. Go figure.

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:

Cars might be more common than bicycles in Guyana. Nobody wants to walk a mile anymore. They even have taxis pickup and deliver their Chinese fried rice for $300.00. Go figure.

Go figure this"

Guyana buy cars and complain about the gas price.

They buy big houses and complain about the taxes.

I think Guyanese live above their means.

skeldon_man posted:

Cars might be more common than bicycles in Guyana. Nobody wants to walk a mile anymore. They even have taxis pickup and deliver their Chinese fried rice for $300.00. Go figure.

One of my family have 24 hr taxi service,the kid raking in the dough.

The young ones today living high life.

In my younger days we used to ride 20-25 miles to get to places and even walked  5+ miles.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Cars might be more common than bicycles in Guyana. Nobody wants to walk a mile anymore. They even have taxis pickup and deliver their Chinese fried rice for $300.00. Go figure.

One of my family have 24 hr taxi service,the kid raking in the dough.

The young ones today living high life.

In my younger days we used to ride 20-25 miles to get to places and even walked  5+ miles.

It seems like laziness has become part of the Guyanese culture. I remember the days when we use to walk everywhere we want to go (within 2 miles). I love to reminisce  the days when we walked miles going fishing or catching parakeets. We use to spend almost all day at the backdam.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Cars might be more common than bicycles in Guyana. Nobody wants to walk a mile anymore. They even have taxis pickup and deliver their Chinese fried rice for $300.00. Go figure.

One of my family have 24 hr taxi service,the kid raking in the dough.

The young ones today living high life.

In my younger days we used to ride 20-25 miles to get to places and even walked  5+ miles.

Thanks to the PPP, yuh family doing good.  Let's know he doing in a few more months/years!

Your younger days was PNC time so you had to walk!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Cars might be more common than bicycles in Guyana. Nobody wants to walk a mile anymore. They even have taxis pickup and deliver their Chinese fried rice for $300.00. Go figure.

One of my family have 24 hr taxi service,the kid raking in the dough.

The young ones today living high life.

In my younger days we used to ride 20-25 miles to get to places and even walked  5+ miles.


Your younger days was PNC time so you had to walk!

And line up for or smuggle Gasoline. Yes, people had to do this under Django's PNC era.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Cars might be more common than bicycles in Guyana. Nobody wants to walk a mile anymore. They even have taxis pickup and deliver their Chinese fried rice for $300.00. Go figure.

One of my family have 24 hr taxi service,the kid raking in the dough.

The young ones today living high life.

In my younger days we used to ride 20-25 miles to get to places and even walked  5+ miles.

Thanks to the PPP, yuh family doing good.  Let's know he doing in a few more months/years!

Your younger days was PNC time so you had to walk!

The kid is still doing good.

I enjoyed my young days was very active riding and walking and attending karate classes for a few years.

Nothing to do with PNC time,damn this under dog,became a millionaire during their tenure.

yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Cars might be more common than bicycles in Guyana. Nobody wants to walk a mile anymore. They even have taxis pickup and deliver their Chinese fried rice for $300.00. Go figure.

One of my family have 24 hr taxi service,the kid raking in the dough.

The young ones today living high life.

In my younger days we used to ride 20-25 miles to get to places and even walked  5+ miles.


Your younger days was PNC time so you had to walk!

And line up for or smuggle Gasoline. Yes, people had to do this under Django's PNC era.

Bhai i am aware of the gas line,had a car during that period,luckily the gas station owners were my acquaintance suh i get lil preference.


No paid parking in front of public schools -City, SCS, teachers agree.


The Mayor & City Council, Guyana Teachers Union and Smart City Solutions, after giving due and special consideration to the critical and fundamental role that our teachers play in the education and development of the nation’s children, agreed today, 27th January, 2017, at a joint meeting between the Council, the Union and the Company, that vehicle parking spaces immediately in front of the public schools will not be regulated for the purpose of metered parking by Smart City Solutions, a joint statement  said.


The people won,City Hall buckled.

Nehru posted:

You sound like Uncle Tom. He knows of the sufferings of the Guyanese people BUT he thanks God Granger made him a toilet cleaner!!!!!!!!!

What suffering when they are getting home delivery of Chinese food and using taxis to go home from the rum shop.


Nothing to do with PNC time,damn this under dog,became a millionaire during their tenure.

 In Guyana dollars or US Dollars. I notice you use this forum to promote your success, blowing your  own trumpet. Today is braggart Friday!!!

kp posted:

Nothing to do with PNC time,damn this under dog,became a millionaire during their tenure.

 In Guyana dollars or US Dollars. I notice you use this forum to promote your success, blowing your  own trumpet. Today is braggart Friday!!!

How about the other braggarts,the magnifying glass was dirty ??

Any way you want to look G$$ there and US$$ here pickney will inherit,coming soon i will go back to my poor life.

Django posted: Any way you want to look G$$ there and US$$ here pickney will inherit,coming soon i will go back to my poor life.

You remind me of a 'poor' blind coolie man named David. In the 1960s and '70s he used to beg in the VH-GT ferryboat. After that he claimed a begging spot on the Water Street pavement in front the bank. Dem bai seh 'poor David' had wife and kids and house. Remember him?

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted: Any way you want to look G$$ there and US$$ here pickney will inherit,coming soon i will go back to my poor life.

You remind me of a 'poor' blind coolie man named David. In the 1960s and '70s he used to beg in the VH-GT ferryboat. After that he claimed a begging spot on the Water Street pavement in front the bank. Dem bai seh 'poor David' had wife and kids and house. Remember him?

I remember him,he had a female guide.


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