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Driver in fatal Sheriff Street accident yet to be charged – Police source blames acting Commissioner

Despite being involved in an accident which claimed the life of a toddler, 21-year-old Heeranand Boodhram is yet to be charged and a police source says it is as a result of his father’s friendship with Police Commissioner (ag) David Ramnarine.

The 21-year-old was the driver of motor vehicle GPP 3500 which collided with a motor car at the corner of Garnette and Sheriff Streets, causing the death of four-year-old, Ambeka Providence.  Abiola Trotman, the mother of the infant also sustained injuries during the accident which occurred at around 22:00hrs on September 10th last.  

The driver was found to be above the legal limit for alcohol consumption while driving when following a breathalyser test.

In spite of this the young man is yet to be taken before the courts. A police source said that despite not suffering any serious injury he had checked himself into a city hospital in order to avoid being arrested and placed in police custody. He has since checked out of the hospital and is still to be charged.

The source said that the young man’s father, Sunil Boodhram, is a wealthy businessman who is close to acting Police Commissioner David Ramnarine. Ramnarine keeps close tabs on the investigation and is reported to have issued instructions not to arrest the driver.

In the meanwhile the source also revealed that negotiations are on-going as an effort is being made to settle the matter out-of-court. In spite of this the source believes that the driver who was DUI should’ve been charged.

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The norm in Guyana is who know who and victimized the victim twice. I disagree with your heading, Django. The community need to put pressure on the government until someone take full responsibility and charged the driver. Guyanese are too laid back and selfish. That why who know who will always win even when they're wrong.


It is the power of corruption. This has to be laid at the feet of the PNC/AFC. They claimed to be the saviors of the nation from corruption, but we see it continue unabated under this corrupt administration. 


Shut yo rass deh druggie

"The source said that the young man’s father, Sunil Boodhram, is a wealthy businessman who is close to acting Police Commissioner David Ramnarine. Ramnarine keeps close tabs on the investigation and is reported to have issued instructions not to arrest the driver."


By your post is nuff East Indian people joining up PNC/AFC nowadays eh?

Last edited by cain
Django posted:

Driver in fatal Sheriff Street accident yet to be charged – Police source blames acting Commissioner

.  Abiola Trotman, the mother of the infant also sustained injuries during the accident which occurred at around 22:00hrs on September 10th last.  


The source said that the young man’s father, Sunil Boodhram, is a wealthy businessman who is close to acting Police Commissioner David Ramnarine. Ramnarine keeps close tabs on the investigation and is reported to have issued

And yet the Indo KKK scream that there is an Indian Holocaust in Guyana.

Boodhram, protected by Ramnarine when he killed the kid of Abiola.

I don't think so.

Sorry baseman the Indo oligarchs continue to run Guyana.  They have purchased APNU just as they bought out the PPP.

Drugb posted:

It is the power of corruption. This has to be laid at the feet of the PNC/AFC. They claimed to be the saviors of the nation from corruption, but we see it continue unabated under this corrupt administration. 

Really druggie. RAMNARINE, protecting BOODHRAM. This is clearly what we saw during the PPP.


What is obvious is that the coalition has up to now, failed in living up to its promise of ending corruption, these kind of things when it gets into power. It really failed to understand the role of money in politics when in opposition, it criticized the ppp and it really knows because now they and many high government officials are the ones being bought by the economic elites.


cain posted:

Shut yo rass deh druggie

"The source said that the young man’s father, Sunil Boodhram, is a wealthy businessman who is close to acting Police Commissioner David Ramnarine. Ramnarine keeps close tabs on the investigation and is reported to have issued instructions not to arrest the driver."


By your post is nuff East Indian people joining up PNC/AFC nowadays eh?

And who in charge? The PPP and Indian business men? No dummy, Granger et al. They are in charge of the police and court system. In fact the police force is 99.9999% black PNC operatives. 

Zed posted:

What is obvious is that the coalition has up to now, failed in living up to its promise of ending corruption, these kind of things when it gets into power. It really failed to understand the role of money in politics when in opposition, it criticized the ppp and it really knows because now they and many high government officials are the ones being bought by the economic elites.


So your solution is to bring back the PPP and with it its corruption and blatant endorsement of narco criminals.

Drugb posted:

And who in charge? The PPP and Indian business men? No dummy, Granger et al. They are in charge of the police and court system. In fact the police force is 99.9999% black PNC operatives. 

Druggie when PPP officials pistol whipped or licked down people because they drove drunk. Or paid off policemen to protect their sons from being convicted for rape, that was OK.

Don't remember that being a problem for you.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

And who in charge? The PPP and Indian business men? No dummy, Granger et al. They are in charge of the police and court system. In fact the police force is 99.9999% black PNC operatives. 

Druggie when PPP officials pistol whipped or licked down people because they drove drunk. Or paid off policemen to protect their sons from being convicted for rape, that was OK.

Don't remember that being a problem for you.

Any circumvention of law is always an issue. I criticized the PPP for their softness in confronting the corruption in the police force which is majority Black PNC supporters. But I believe the PPP allowed them to drink soup via bribery to keep them calm. Now Granger in charge, we expect the force to be cleaned up but instead it is business as usual with bribery and corruption. 

Drugb posted:

Any circumvention of law is always an issue. I criticized the PPP for their softness in confronting the corruption in the police force which is majority Black PNC supporters. But I believe the PPP allowed them to drink soup via bribery to keep them calm. Now Granger in charge, we expect the force to be cleaned up but instead it is business as usual with bribery and corruption. 

Now you could have urged Indians to do their civic duty and join the police force, as Jagan was begging them to do. In 1994 Jagan had a 100% Indian presidential guard, and those soft skin souls left after a few mornings, to Jagan's embarrassment.

Even the Phantoms were BLACK criminals hired to man the para militias that they set up to protect them.

Indians refuse to be police men, and also refused to be Phantoms.  Talk about sweet skin people!

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Any circumvention of law is always an issue. I criticized the PPP for their softness in confronting the corruption in the police force which is majority Black PNC supporters. But I believe the PPP allowed them to drink soup via bribery to keep them calm. Now Granger in charge, we expect the force to be cleaned up but instead it is business as usual with bribery and corruption. 

Now you could have urged Indians to do their civic duty and join the police force, as Jagan was begging them to do. In 1994 Jagan had a 100% Indian presidential guard, and those soft skin souls left after a few mornings, to Jagan's embarrassment.

Even the Phantoms were BLACK criminals hired to man the para militias that they set up to protect them.

Indians refuse to be police men, and also refused to be Phantoms.  Talk about sweet skin people!

We don't know for sure why Indians are not a larger part of the police. In fact some suggest that they are being systematically shut out of the force by its Black leadership. These soft skinned lazy man jobs are reserved for the Blacks and the Indians are told to go toil in the fields. 

caribny posted:
Zed posted:

What is obvious is that the coalition has up to now, failed in living up to its promise of ending corruption, these kind of things when it gets into power. It really failed to understand the role of money in politics when in opposition, it criticized the ppp and it really knows because now they and many high government officials are the ones being bought by the economic elites.


So your solution is to bring back the PPP and with it its corruption and blatant endorsement of narco criminals.

Look who's preaching anti corruption. You defend the PNC thievery and corruption that is happening under your nose. You defend the PNC hiring two narco traffickers..Lear Goring and Noel Blackman. Shut your mouth now about PPP corruption and narco criminals. Your boys are in full business now. Tell them to stop.


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