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I agree 100 percent. PPP has a tendency to take it all as much as PNC did. PNC wrestled any real power away from the "coalition" and lost.

PPP has a Civic component which is in fact their version of "coalition" but they are eventually morphed into the PPP. 

So what should happen in a PPP government ?

Engage Shuman, he has his heart in Guyana and his people, leaves his family in Canada to serve his country, that must be commended. He will eventually command support and its best to bring him in. Amerindians should no longer used as pawns in Guyanese politics.

Court a couple of capable PNC ministers who can contribute and prove to Guyanese that they are truly a People's party. Failing that, we are back to "Abie pun top" politics. Oil wealth should not be for "Abie" alone but for ALL Guyanese.

Granger missed out on a great opportunity by turning his back on the very people who brought him to power with a great deal of goodwill and lost. Ali should not make the same mistake.

Last edited by Former Member

Powah share is way to go. Dat lameta loud mout TK seh yuh need wan new constitution foh doh or it na go wuk. Hey hey hey. What PPP go do is reach out to black peopkle. Dem go chase poor coolie like dem is daag as Irfaan use to do...hey hey hey. Dem go be dem own enemy cause dem also like tief. Tiefin in de PPP DNA. Dem is natural barn tiefs...hey hey hey. Dat go open accuse. Blackman go seh coolie is tief and dem go extend dat to marginalise. Den de destabilise go start...hey hey hey. Dem bais go still bun down a few building in de comin wek...hey hey hey. 

But what ayoo doan see is de PPP loooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvveeeeeee de Burnham law and constitution. De next step is not go be foh share powah but foh use de Burnham law and constitution foh abondon de third term limit. De next 5 year is foh focus pon gettin Bharrat back pan tap. Hey hey hey. Not powah share. Bharrat go need lil stability so he go pay foh am by giving blakman across de class divide nuff, nuff, nuff goodies. He go enrich dem few Indo/putagee/Lebanese NEPS. But dem go chase poor coolies like dem is daag. Why gee dem anything when yuh know dem go always vote foh yuh? Hey hey hey...ayoo watch foh de replace of place holder puppy Irfaan wid abie Lord Bharrat...meh a go tek out meh lota and pick two hibiscus and throw lil dar pon meh Lard Bharrat pictcha dis marnin...meh go throw lil milk pon he pictcha too...hey hey hey. 


Bai Labba sometimes you rass does talk like a real cane juice stand owner. How de rass Jagdeo going to use the constitution to run for a third term when CCJ already ruled that the constitution only provides for two terms ?

Stop talking like a Canjie house patient. 
Any amendment to allow for a third time will require 2/3 of parliament and it ain’t happening with PNC in opposition. 
Bai sometimes, you does mek me hand fall. 

I know that you don’t like Jagdeo but don’t let that resentment blind your good vision. 


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