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KishanB posted:

What a shame that after 50 years there is so much hopelessness in Guyana.  The PNC and PPP really atrophied Guyana.                 

About two years prior to May 2015, the US Ambassador had indicated that illegal migration had ebated and called on Guyanese to come for holiday visas. This was a testament to the stability and prosperity ushered in by the PPP.

But that was not good enough for the political rejects, those seeking personal gain, jobs etc, many of who have no skin in the game as they live high and dry in the great USA.  They fooled a few and facilitated rigging and the overthrow of the PPP govt!

These traitors have the tears and blood of all the Guyanese people on their hands.

KishanB posted:

What a shame that after 50 years there is so much hopelessness in Guyana.  The PNC and PPP really atrophied Guyana.                 

I am glad you say so as some would have you believe that overseas based Guyanese were returning to Guyana in droves until last year May.

In fact even many PPP supporters who returned left in DISGUST and this was when Jagdeo was president.

ba$eman posted:
KishanB posted:

What a shame that after 50 years there is so much hopelessness in Guyana.  The PNC and PPP really atrophied Guyana.                 

About two years prior to May 2015, the US Ambassador had indicated that illegal migration had ebated and called on Guyanese to come for holiday visas. This was a testament to the stability and prosperity ushered in by the PPP.


These traitors have the tears and blood of all the Guyanese people on their hands.

And yet the population DROPPED between 2002 and 2012.  Why is this baseman. Why will a country with a youthful population experience a population decline even as the profile of its youthful population would suggest low death rates and high birth rates.

Obviously loads of Guyanese must have left in that period.  Maybe just not for the USA.   With restrictions on who is able to get a green card and the high cost of this fewer people can afford to migrate to the USA.   Interesting in this period Bajans and others began to squeal about being overwhelmed by hordes of PPP supporters swamping them.

In fact Bajans noted with irony that PPP supporters living in Barbados would go to Guyana for elections to vote back in the PPP, and then immediately return to Barbados.  Apparently they couldn't take life under a PPP regime.


Hey racist Carib,

Take a look at the lineup at the Passport office.

Blacks, bums and drunks are lining up for passports in massive numbers to flee the PNC madness in Guyana.

Tek time na. 

You are so fixated on your hate for Indos that the Black people's plight does not matter to your blatant racist eyes.


Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Your hero Moses did shyte for Guyanese. Guyana is royally screwed.

yugi22, Are you saying that Moses Nagamootoo, who has been in office for just over 1 year, is single-handedly responsible for the current state of the Guyanese economy, its civil culture (you know the bribery, the public dis-servants, the cheapness of life), the sub-optimal infrastructure, etc.?

How does the mention of Moses Nagamootoo's name advance a discussion on the state of Guyana? Is he that significant that he wielded power beyond his years in opposition and later as a Minister in the PPP government before he left them?

Or are you singularly obsessed with Moses to the point that your every utterance about Guyana begins and ends with his name?

Kari posted:
yuji22 posted:

Your hero Moses did shyte for Guyanese. Guyana is royally screwed.

yugi22, Are you saying that Moses Nagamootoo, who has been in office for just over 1 year, is single-handedly responsible for the current state of the Guyanese economy, its civil culture (you know the bribery, the public dis-servants, the cheapness of life), the sub-optimal infrastructure, etc.?

How does the mention of Moses Nagamootoo's name advance a discussion on the state of Guyana? Is he that significant that he wielded power beyond his years in opposition and later as a Minister in the PPP government before he left them?

Or are you singularly obsessed with Moses to the point that your every utterance about Guyana begins and ends with his name?

He and his PNC cohorts...YES!!

Kari posted:
yuji22 posted:

Your hero Moses did shyte for Guyanese. Guyana is royally screwed.

yugi22, Are you saying that Moses Nagamootoo, who has been in office for just over 1 year, is single-handedly responsible for the current state of the Guyanese economy, its civil culture (you know the bribery, the public dis-servants, the cheapness of life), the sub-optimal infrastructure, etc.?

How does the mention of Moses Nagamootoo's name advance a discussion on the state of Guyana? Is he that significant that he wielded power beyond his years in opposition and later as a Minister in the PPP government before he left them?

Or are you singularly obsessed with Moses to the point that your every utterance about Guyana begins and ends with his name?


Moses opened his loud mouth and he has done shyte since taking office.

Moses name must be mentioned since he must be held accountable for his lies.

He lives like a fat cat at the expense of the poor.

Only a true multi ethnic, non racial party with young and fresh minds will bring about change. Moses is a hindrance to social and economic progress in a democracy. He needs to lead by example.

I am waiting for that day when Guyana can move forward beyond dinosaurs like Moses.

He should take a page from Ramjattan who has pulled up his sleeves and is doing his best to implement change. I am no fan of Ramjattan but I give Jack his Jacket.


First of all there is nothing for Moses to feel negative about his year in office. Secondly, to both you Ba$e and Jugi, there has been no answer to the 23 years that preceded this last year and its relevance to the current state of Guyana. Let me help you: Guyana is still a primary producing economy; its labor force has skills that are still 20th century; the technology train whizzed past Guyana; the murder capital of the Caribbean occupied Guyana; and so on and so on. Remember 23 years? Now how does Moses 1 year - and not as the leader of that government - stack up?


Should I start with the 28 Years of PNC rape, rigged elections, blatant racism, the destruction of the economy, line up for food, gas and no electricity. No TV and no opposition to the PNC. No freedom of press ?

Please give me a break. And yes, Granger and the current PNC top dogs are the ones who were in Charge back then during the glorious PNC dictatorship days.

Those days are back in full swing right under your nose. Take a deep breath.


Kari posted:

Stay on point here Yugi. That 28 years ended 24 years ago - 24!!! That's history. Evfen if they're making a comeback (and that's another argument), stay with the more recent 23 years that ended only 1 year ago - 1!!!!

Indos have lifted up their lives and standard of living. Take a look at Guyana today vs the 28 years of PNC suffering.

Guyana has now been declared a country with a middle class. Did that happen in one year ? What are you smoking ?

Get real man. Stop smoking the cheap stuff.

Go back to your DNC feel good convention.



These APNU people are talking as if the PPP gov't. took a prosperous country with no economic problems in 1992 and impoverished it to the level of  a dirt poor third world nation.  This is absolutely ridiculous. In the last 2 decades the GNP has expanded to 10 times its size and personal income has grown. The PPP transformed Guyana to a far better country. 


Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

These APNU people are talking as if the PPP gov't. took a prosperous country with no economic problems in 1992 and impoverished it to the level of  a dirt poor third world nation.  This is absolutely ridiculous. In the last 2 decades the GNP has expanded to 10 times its size and personal income has grown. The PPP transformed Guyana to a far better country. 


These katahars are shameless mongrels!!

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

These APNU people are talking as if the PPP gov't. took a prosperous country with no economic problems in 1992 and impoverished it to the level of  a dirt poor third world nation.  This is absolutely ridiculous. In the last 2 decades the GNP has expanded to 10 times its size and personal income has grown. The PPP transformed Guyana to a far better country. 


Banna, in a nutshell. When the PPP took over they did a good job, far as I could tell. I visited Guyana just after Jagan had passed and I did notice a change. I  noticed there was some hesitation by the petty thieves to conduct business as usual and felt safe in the city. This being said, I also noticed much wealth by many individuals, I saw homes much larger than the one my wife and I struggled to acquire in Canada and I was in awe. I am not a jealous person, a man/woman deserves the best the world has to offer, providing he or she is deserving of it and worked for it,regardless from a rich or poor background.

Years later we learn about Guyana being in the drug trade, planes having the freedom to fly out of private hangers now found to be runners, sleazy deals done, Govt officials residing in their own little heavens,  so did Guyana really come out of the shit hole the PNC left it in...No.


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