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The PPP, the mother of Guyana’s poverty
October 14, 2011 | By KNews Letters

Dear Editor,

I refer to a well written feature written by one Parvati Persaud Edwards in the Chronicle. The style and form of writing caught my eyes and I want to congratulate the writer for her talent, that Guyana needs to nurture and cultivate. What I however do not subscribe to is the content and half truths in the article.
One Emmanuel Cummings describes the PPP as the Father and Mother of all political parties in Guyana?
What utter rubbish? If the PNC was never alive the PPP would have been history ages ago. If one is to read Balram Singh Rai’s book, ideologically, very few Indo-Guyanese subscribe to Marxism/Communism but as a result of ethnic insecurities they were stuck to the PPP. That is why the PPP mantra “a vote against the PPP is a vote for the PNC” was so potent.
The PNC could never have and never win a free and fair elections in Guyana as a result of these ethnic insecurities, there were numerically short of the 50 per cent.
Indo-Guyanese stood with the PPP for the last 19 years even though their bellies were burning, their children worst off, their dignity were vanquished, all because they did not want the “Burnham party back in power”
This year 2011, is the first time that the PNC is so irrelevant to these elections and the Indo-Guyanese have a real alternative to the PPP in the form of the AFC, this is creating the conditions for more Indo-Guyanese vote on issues rather than race.

If one is to look at the poverty statistics, under the PPP, we are moving away from the MDG goal of halving the 1990 poverty level by 2015. If the PPP is elected to office and based on the current performance of the economy, Guyana poverty rate will hit approx 41% by 2015, moving away from the goal of cutting the poverty level to 21.6% by 2015. Guyana under the PPP has already moved away from its intended goal agreed with the United Nation in 1990.
What is the use of economic growth when the people who should really be benefiting from this economic growth are excluded from the wealth created by the PPP? All Team Ramotar has been doing is to share this new found wealth to their “carrion crow” business partners and their political handlers, leaving the scraps for the poor thus contributing to and increase in the poverty levels since 1999 and this situation will only get worst.
So wake up Mr. Cummings, the PPP is the Father and Mother of Guyana’s misery and poverty, thank you!
Suraj Chowtie

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Wow! This is a Curtly Ambrose yoker Suraj bowling here. If my memory serves me right, Mr Chowtie made the right turn since he was a PPP supporter a year ago. CHANGE IS COMING!
Corruption and Narco trafficking destroys creative entrepreneurship. As long as that is the business model you will not see any rise in small manufacturing of essential goods from utensils to small engines.
WE could even come up with ways of making condoms with balata.

I'm taking a break from work for a few days, have some vacation time building up and I could lose 'em. So Iman is a happy happy hippy. Maybe work tomorrow, maybe just don't. Yesssss!!!!

I won't have any more inspirational posts for you guys while I'm away. I've heard there's usually no electricty where I'm heading....nooooo it's not Guyana. Big Grin
Originally Posted by Tola:
The PPP, the mother of Guyana’s poverty
October 14, 2011 | By KNews Letters

Dear Editor,

I refer to a well written feature written by one Parvati Persaud Edwards in the Chronicle. The style and form of writing caught my eyes and I want to congratulate the writer for her talent, that Guyana needs to nurture and cultivate. What I however do not subscribe to is the content and half truths in the article.
One Emmanuel Cummings describes the PPP as the Father and Mother of all political parties in Guyana?
What utter rubbish? If the PNC was never alive the PPP would have been history ages ago. If one is to read Balram Singh Rai’s book, ideologically, very few Indo-Guyanese subscribe to Marxism/Communism but as a result of ethnic insecurities they were stuck to the PPP. That is why the PPP mantra “a vote against the PPP is a vote for the PNC” was so potent.
The PNC could never have and never win a free and fair elections in Guyana as a result of these ethnic insecurities, there were numerically short of the 50 per cent.
Indo-Guyanese stood with the PPP for the last 19 years even though their bellies were burning, their children worst off, their dignity were vanquished, all because they did not want the “Burnham party back in power”
This year 2011, is the first time that the PNC is so irrelevant to these elections and the Indo-Guyanese have a real alternative to the PPP in the form of the AFC, this is creating the conditions for more Indo-Guyanese vote on issues rather than race.

If one is to look at the poverty statistics, under the PPP, we are moving away from the MDG goal of halving the 1990 poverty level by 2015. If the PPP is elected to office and based on the current performance of the economy, Guyana poverty rate will hit approx 41% by 2015, moving away from the goal of cutting the poverty level to 21.6% by 2015. Guyana under the PPP has already moved away from its intended goal agreed with the United Nation in 1990.
What is the use of economic growth when the people who should really be benefiting from this economic growth are excluded from the wealth created by the PPP? All Team Ramotar has been doing is to share this new found wealth to their “carrion crow” business partners and their political handlers, leaving the scraps for the poor thus contributing to and increase in the poverty levels since 1999 and this situation will only get worst.
So wake up Mr. Cummings, the PPP is the Father and Mother of Guyana’s misery and poverty, thank you!
Suraj Chowtie

  This is what good letter.


If the PNC was never alive the PPP would have been history ages ago. If one is to read Balram Singh Rai’s book, ideologically, very few Indo-Guyanese subscribe to Marxism/Communism but as a result of ethnic insecurities they were stuck to the PPP. That is why the PPP mantra “a vote against the PPP is a vote for the PNC” was so potent.

Rass Chowtie dead on target.

But the PNC is slowly being replaced by the AFC and thus the PPP race card which is their trump card id dying.

Dem ah watch me, dem a watch me, dem ah waaaatch me, dem a watch me!


You AFC boys are now rivaling the New Nation with news that can blow your fuse!! - Nothing but a pack of "you what know?" Jeering the PPP and concocting stuffs to make the gov't look bad will result in further isolation of a small party that is on its way down the little hill it climbed.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

You AFC boys are now rivaling the New Nation with news that can blow your fuse!! - Nothing but a pack of "you what know?" Jeering the PPP and concocting stuffs to make the gov't look bad will result in further isolation of a small party that is on its way down the little hill it climbed.

No one needs to make the PPP look bad. They are what bad is. The problem is that Guyanese think that is the new normal. It is therefore a difficult thing to impress on them that there is hope and that eventually change will come. They do not see the long winter of their discontent coming to an end so they are in deep chronic despair. The writer of the letter is an example of sign that change  coming. That is another PPP defector.

Last edited by Former Member

one good thing for the ppp government is the indians that is living in guyana do not know the shit they are living in until some of them leave the shores of guyana and travell the caribbean or the rest of the world.ask any indian that leave guyana in search of a better life if they will go back and live in guyana,anytime soon.they will watch you like if you is a mad best example is nehru and skeltonman ask these two fools when they will be going back to guyana and live.oh maybe they will want to go but they going without they wife and children


Pure hogwash.  Not surprise the AFC finds this letter "appetizing".  Well, no one except a very few and those looking for freeness would agree.


However, the PPP needs to do better in the area of poverty reduction.  They (PPP) have built a much more successful economy.  They have rebuilt from the PNC catastrophe and subsequent Slo Fiah Mo fiah onslaught and should now look at improving the lot of the poor.


The opposition should not be tempted to spread mayhem, destruction, looting and killing as a means to extracting a share for their followers.  There are more civilized ways of getting things done.

Originally Posted by warrior:

one good thing for the ppp government is the indians that is living in guyana do not know the shit they are living in until some of them leave the shores of guyana and travell the caribbean or the rest of the world.ask any indian that leave guyana in search of a better life if they will go back and live in guyana,anytime soon.they will watch you like if you is a mad best example is nehru and skeltonman ask these two fools when they will be going back to guyana and live.oh maybe they will want to go but they going without they wife and children



Great point, even my old Daddy said he prefer to live in an old people home than to brace the service at the GT Hospital.


Long Island Jewish is paradise compared to any hospital in Guyana.




Because another bamsie bwoy deliver $700 million worth of drugs for a price tag of $1.1 billion.  $400 million fat to share with all the bamsie boys.


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