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Former Member
Amidst call from the United Nation (UN) for greater political participation, the PPP was absent, citing the firing of employees belived to be associated with the PPP government without justice from the four months old coalition government.

Granger also make Jagdeo an example in his speech when he mention what Jagdeo said at Babu John. He said if Jagdeo is found guilty, he will be disqualified from holding constitutional office.


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Originally Posted by Cobra:
Amidst call from the United Nation (UN) for greater political participation, the PPP was absent, citing the firing of employees belived to be associated with the PPP government without justice from the four months old coalition government.

Granger also make Jagdeo an example in his speech when he mention what Jagdeo said at Babu John. He said if Jagdeo is found guilty, he will be disqualified from holding constitutional office.


Granger got enough trouble to go making trouble with one of the most popular opposition politicians in the country.  BJ will be re-elected come 2020.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Amidst call from the United Nation (UN) for greater political participation, the PPP was absent, citing the firing of employees belived to be associated with the PPP government without justice from the four months old coalition government.

Granger also make Jagdeo an example in his speech when he mention what Jagdeo said at Babu John. He said if Jagdeo is found guilty, he will be disqualified from holding constitutional office.


BJ will be re-elected come 2020.


Originally Posted by Cobra:
Dr. Jagdeo made it clear that he will be the opposition leader, but NOT the presidential candidate of 2020.

I'll bet you anything Cobra, come 2020 Jagdeo   WILL   declare himself to be the presidential candidate, as he did as opposition leader.

He lied too much in the past, to be believed,  about not getting involved again in politics and also not becoming an MP.

Jagdeo track record proved that he believe his lies to be true.

Unfortunately, many supporters of the PPP has become sheep and don't see the nastiness and vindictiveness of Jagdeo and his gang in the CC who railroaded the PPP.


Most times past presidents are part of the ongoing struggle of their party.

What became of Ramotar ?       

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Amidst call from the United Nation (UN) for greater political participation, the PPP was absent, citing the firing of employees belived to be associated with the PPP government without justice from the four months old coalition government.

Granger also make Jagdeo an example in his speech when he mention what Jagdeo said at Babu John. He said if Jagdeo is found guilty, he will be disqualified from holding constitutional office.


BJ will be re-elected come 2020.


It's not up to you!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Amidst call from the United Nation (UN) for greater political participation, the PPP was absent, citing the firing of employees belived to be associated with the PPP government without justice from the four months old coalition government.

Granger also make Jagdeo an example in his speech when he mention what Jagdeo said at Babu John. He said if Jagdeo is found guilty, he will be disqualified from holding constitutional office.


BJ will be re-elected come 2020.


It's not up to you!

ArrÃĐ baap, I didn't say it's up to me.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Almost everyone believe the coalition will create a strong foundation to lead beyond the first and second term in office. Even beyond 28 years to break LFS Burnham record.

This would make me happy to know there are more intelligent people out there, and things are made out to be worse than it really is by a buncha Chicken Little(s)

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Almost everyone believe the coalition will create a strong foundation to lead beyond the first and second term in office. Even beyond 28 years to break LFS Burnham record.

This would make me happy to know there are more intelligent people out there, and things are made out to be worse than it really is by a buncha Chicken Little(s)

Cobra....Jagdeo cannot reverse the PPP problems.

He is refusing to admit he is de biggest thiefman and

allow the PPP to move on....

AFC & APNU will control things for a Very-Very-Very Long time.


Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Jalil, Jagdeo cannot admit to be a thiefman. Your government spent $50 million on forensic audit experts to uncover Jagdeo's wealth. They must prove him guilty.

Cobra.....them find 800 Million which Jennifer tek (Thief).

Cobra yuh think

Jennifer thief more than Jagdeo?

Jennifer Westford try to tief couple old cars just prior to leaving office.  How does this represent chronic corruption?  It's not what anyone thinks, it's what you can prove.  Everyone thought OJ and Zimmerman was guilty of murder.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Is it a good or bad move that the PPP didn't participate?

Why should the PPP give credibility to  AFC/APNU alliance for stealing the election.  For many years the PNC hold demonstrations to disrupt the peace and stability of the country, and now they are calling for unity.  They think the coolies are stupid. Stealing an election is treason.  What Jagdeo said at Babu John is coming true.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Amidst call from the United Nation (UN) for greater political participation, the PPP was absent, citing the firing of employees belived to be associated with the PPP government without justice from the four months old coalition government.

Granger also make Jagdeo an example in his speech when he mention what Jagdeo said at Babu John. He said if Jagdeo is found guilty, he will be disqualified from holding constitutional office.


BJ will be re-elected come 2020.


It's not up to you!

The PPP waged a racist campaign and couldn't get enough votes to win.


By 2020 there will be fewer Indian votes, so if they continue to wage racist campaigns, instead of spear heading campaigns to address the ethnic insecurity issues of the Indian and the African/mixed populations, they will lose, unless APNU/AFC really mess up big time.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Is it a good or bad move that the PPP didn't participate?

Why should the PPP give credibility to  AFC/APNU alliance for stealing the election.  For many years the PNC hold demonstrations to disrupt the peace and stability of the country, and now they are calling for unity.  They think the coolies are stupid. Stealing an election is treason.  What Jagdeo said at Babu John is coming true.

So tell us how come all the elections between 1992 and 2011 were free and fair, and 2015 was rigged BY THE OPPOSITION.


Tell us how a sitting government allowed the opposition to rig the election, when they control the apparatus of government?  The PPP sounds as ridiculous as did Hammie Green in 1992 when he made similar claims.


The PPP ought to be embarrassed to be making such claims.


One day the PPP will accept the fact that the African/mixed votes really hated them, and came out in far larger number than usual, to get rid of them. 


The mixed population is the fastest growing, and the Indian is the fastest shrinking.  So the demographics are working AGAINST the PPP, unless they change from being a "coolie party".

Last edited by Former Member

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