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What I saw Saturday afternoon in Dundee made me sick
October 25, 2011 | By KNews | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon
What goes through the mind of human beings like Ricky Singh, Sir Shridath Ramphal and others who are either nearing their eighties or are in their eighties when they offer their support to the ruling party’s governance of this tragic territory? Mr. Singh was in Guyana when Walter Rodney was refused an appointment at UG despite the endorsement of academics there. Mr. Singh was in Guyana and saw at election time how the Burnham Government used state resources in the campaign.
Mr. Singh saw enough of the tentacles of dictatorship in the seventies to be able to recognize it in 2011. Sir Shridath Ramphal knew that Burnham’s excesses were embarrassing and he chose to leave for an international post.
These men and others who utter statements of admiration for the Jagdeo Government cannot be that myopic or naïve not to see the identical dictatorial imprints of the cabal that dominates Guyana at the present time.
There has to be another reason. Is it patronage? Is it race? What is it? For untold numbers in and out of Guyana, Mr. Jagdeo and the PPP have exceeded the venalities of previous autocratic systems in this land. I saw this political pathology as recent as Saturday afternoon.
At Dundee in Mahaicony, the PPP had a rally. Clear for any passerby to see were the Guysuco trucks and Ministry of Agriculture vehicles transporting supporters to Dundee. While in Berbice that night, I saw some of the trucks returning. It meant that people were bussed in from as far as Region Six.
I have no quarrel with the PPP carting off large numbers of their supporters from all over Guyana to their campaign outings. In fact, as a person who does not support the PPP and would prefer to see another party in government, I welcome such a mis-strategy because it prevents the PPP from truly assessing its strength.
It means the PPP will not be able to ascertain the levels of falling off of support and will not do anything to stem the tide. I confess I find that an advantage for the opposing parties.
What must be objected to, and be demanded in strident tones to be stopped is the use of the country’s resources by the PPP to augment their campaign process. It is illegal and immoral. Rickey Singh must know that this is an expression of political nastiness of the worst type.
The Dundee affair was no cloak and dagger action. The game was clear as a sunny day in Mahaicony for all to see. All who were passing could see the Guysuco trucks and Ministry of Agriculture vehicles dropping off PPP supporters who donned T-shirts with “Vote PPP” emblazoned on the front.
I know of several instances where APNU and AFC officials requested a ride to get to their public meetings. Twice this writer drove APNU speakers to campaign meetings. And four times, he carried in his car AFC speakers to election outings. In the case of TUF under Mrs. Lowe, that party is still saddled with tiny resources. Why then should a rich party like the PPP have access to state resources to pursue its campaign?
As the GECOM Chairman puts it, “This confounded nonsense has to stop”
Another form of “confounded nonsense” that must stop is the daily use of NCN and Chronicle to highlight the PPP campaign. The PPP has Guyana Times, Mirror and channels 65 and 69. This depravity is far more morbid that the ventures we saw under the Burnham regime. The Chronicle features daily as its leads, the PPP’s campaign.
The Albion rally, the Kitty fiesta, the manifesto launching, Mr. Jagdeo on a political platform in Enterprise, the PPP youth initiatives are all assigned to the leads in Chronicle and NCN.
This is downright abuse of power that is so characteristic of fascist regimes.
Two columnists in this newspaper have definitely pronounced on the elections results. Peeping Tom (Oct and Ralph Seeram (Oct 23) have opined that the PPP will win. Here is a third columnist that will offer his perception. For me, from where I stand, the PPP is in so much trouble that it will place third. I opine that the AFC will win with APNU coming in at second.
But the AFC may fall short of the fifty-one percent to control Parliament. This would catapult Guyana on the threshold of power-sharing. I don’t know if the PPP will accept an invitation to join a national government but for me the horizon is taking the shape of a power-sharing government.

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People are EXCITED and want to attend these IMPORTANT Rallies. No one is holding a Gun to their Heads or threatening there Jobs. DEMOCRACY, People have a RIGHT to attend these Rallies. If they arrange with their Employers for Transportation, that is between them and their Employers.
Originally posted by Nehru:
People are EXCITED and want to attend these IMPORTANT Rallies. No one is holding a Gun to their Heads or threatening there Jobs. DEMOCRACY, People have a RIGHT to attend these Rallies. If they arrange with their Employers for Transportation, that is between them and their Employers.

All will attend the AFC victory rallye on November 29th.
Two columnists in this newspaper have definitely pronounced on the elections results. Peeping Tom (Oct and Ralph Seeram (Oct 23) have opined that the PPP will win. Here is a third columnist that will offer his perception. For me, from where I stand, the PPP is in so much trouble that it will place third. I opine that the AFC will win with APNU coming in at second.

This is what I call dumb and blind Big Grin
Originally posted by Nehru:
People are EXCITED and want to attend these IMPORTANT Rallies. No one is holding a Gun to their Heads or threatening there Jobs. DEMOCRACY, People have a RIGHT to attend these Rallies. If they arrange with their Employers for Transportation, that is between them and their Employers.

DEMOCRACY !! Ask the people who refused to attend, what happens, after they are told by an employer that arrangement is made for them to attend a PPP rally.
Originally posted by TI:
This is what I call dumb and blind Big Grin

The issue here is the misuse of state resource now just stop and take a look at what's going on.
As Freddie says two journalist from KN predicted that the PPP will win, will the Chronicle allow any of their writers to publish that an opposition party will win?
Chief, There are not DUMB to predict the IMPOSSIBLE. Think before you write Shit Nah.
Originally posted by Chief:
Originally posted by TI:
This is what I call dumb and blind Big Grin

The issue here is the misuse of state resource now just stop and take a look at what's going on.
As Freddie says two journalist from KN predicted that the PPP will win, will the Chronicle allow any of their writers to publish that an opposition party will win?
Those GUYSUCO trucks Freddie referred to are not the property of GUYSUCO but private people who are contracted to ferry GUYSUCO workers to work. 98% of the owners of those trucks are in fact PPP supporters and with them being the owners of transportation why should they not use it to ferry their comrades .......
Originally posted by The Judge:
Those GUYSUCO trucks Freddie referred to are not the property of GUYSUCO but private people who are contracted to ferry GUYSUCO workers to work. 98% of the owners of those trucks are in fact PPP supporters and with them being the owners of transportation why should they not use it to ferry their comrades .......

If they are private trucks and owners are doing it from the kindness of their heart, why are they all filling up at Guysuco pumps ?
It will be hell to pay when a neutral audit is done in Berbice for regional fuel and lubrication products.
I hope the new governmnet send these buggers to jail.
Originally posted by Nehru:
People are EXCITED and want to attend these IMPORTANT Rallies. No one is holding a Gun to their Heads or threatening there Jobs. DEMOCRACY, People have a RIGHT to attend these Rallies. If they arrange with their Employers for Transportation, that is between them and their Employers.

Is Guysuco a private organization separate from the Govt?
Originally posted by Nehru:
People are EXCITED and want to attend these IMPORTANT Rallies. No one is holding a Gun to their Heads or threatening there Jobs. DEMOCRACY, People have a RIGHT to attend these Rallies. If they arrange with their Employers for Transportation, that is between them and their Employers.

The opposition does not believe in democracy, that is why Joey abandoned them.
Originally posted by The Judge:

Those GUYSUCO trucks Freddie referred to are not the property of GUYSUCO but private people who are contracted to ferry GUYSUCO workers to work.

98% of the owners of those trucks are in fact PPP supporters and with them being the owners of transportation why should they not use it to ferry their comrades .......

Details for one to know.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by The Judge:

Those GUYSUCO trucks Freddie referred to are not the property of GUYSUCO but private people who are contracted to ferry GUYSUCO workers to work.

98% of the owners of those trucks are in fact PPP supporters and with them being the owners of transportation why should they not use it to ferry their comrades .......

Details for one to know.

trust you to belive anything related to the PPP...

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