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PPP activists confess to throwing faeces on Freddie Kissoon


Six years after a container of faeces was hurled at newspaper columnist and political activist, Freddie Kissoon, three activists of the now opposition People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) have confessed to doing so, police said.

A usually reliable source said Shawn Hinds, Jason Abdulla and Okene Fraser have all confessed to committing the act on May 24, 2010 in the vicinity of Nigel’s Supermarket, Robb Street. “They have all admitted,” the source told Demerara Waves Online News.

Investigators said former Press and Publicity Officer, Kwame Mc Coy has been identified as the alleged “intellectual author” behind the attack on Kissoon who had been a harsh critic of the PPP in his newspaper columns.

Hinds had provided security services to a number of PPP personalities.

Abdulla also worked at the Office of the President and is now a functionary at the PPP’s Freedom Radio housed at the party’s headquarters on Robb Street, Georgetown.

Kissoon is also closely associated with the Alliance For Change (AFC) which teamed up with A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) to eventually oust the PPPC from office at the May 11, 2015 general and regional elections.

High-level police sources said the Guyana Police Force was about to apply for  a High Court Order to extend the detention of the trio.

Kissoon  confirmed to Demerara Waves Online News that police contacted him on Tuesday, February 16, 2016 by telephone, asking whether he had given a statement to the police and to whom.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

dead silence from the usual PPP suspects

rat gat dem bais huddlin with Anil de legal 'genius' to design and field test a response that doan damage kwamee's delicate constitution any more than absolutely necessary


It is a step towards integration. Guyanese society moving away from Afro upon Indo. Now, it is association with a political organization.

I say dat is progress. Leaving racism behind and dealing wid issues. Freddie was getting beyond himself. And the PNC equating past injustices. 


seignet posted:

It is a step towards integration. Guyanese society moving away from Afro upon Indo. Now, it is association with a political organization.

I say dat is progress. Leaving racism behind and dealing wid issues. Freddie was getting beyond himself. And the PNC equating past injustices.


apparently u haven't been reading yuhself lately!

some crazy weird shit being posted by crazy weird people on this BB

Last edited by Former Member
seignet posted:

It is a step towards integration. Guyanese society moving away from Afro upon Indo. Now, it is association with a political organization.

I say dat is progress. Leaving racism behind and dealing wid issues. Freddie was getting beyond himself. And the PNC equating past injustices. 


Freddie has the right to say whatever he wants to say as long as he is not open to legal sanction. No one has the right to attack him.


Oh Schittt!!  So all of a sudden, after six years, three Black PPP supporters are confessing to something done to a conniving coolie hate monger who in my humble opinion is a schittt head to begin win.  Listen people, I have read comic book stories that are more believable than this.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Oh Schittt!!  So all of a sudden, after six years, three Black PPP supporters are confessing to something done to a conniving coolie hate monger who in my humble opinion is a schittt head to begin win.  Listen people, I have read comic book stories that are more believable than this.

The point in question is their assault on his person or not. He can be as nasty as they come but these known scumbags had no reason to assault his person.

Shawn Hinds said they did it and they, being loyal foot soldiers and PPP cleaning crew is not beyond belief that they could have done it.


Now is a good time for someone to write one of those schittty, instigating articles on racism that Freddie likes to write,

"Coolie activist accuses Three Black Citizens of Throwing Schittt"

by Bibi Haniffa

Bibi Haniffa
Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Oh Schittt!!  So all of a sudden, after six years, three Black PPP supporters are confessing to something done to a conniving coolie hate monger who in my humble opinion is a schittt head to begin win.  Listen people, I have read comic book stories that are more believable than this.

The point in question is their assault on his person or not. He can be as nasty as they come but these known scumbags had no reason to assault his person.

Shawn Hinds said they did it and they, being loyal foot soldiers and PPP cleaning crew is not beyond belief that they could have done it.

They were bragging about it and laughing right here on GNI when they did it. Jason was posting here then.

baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Oh Schittt!!  So all of a sudden, after six years, three Black PPP supporters are confessing to something done to a conniving coolie hate monger who in my humble opinion is a schittt head to begin win.  Listen people, I have read comic book stories that are more believable than this.

The point in question is their assault on his person or not. He can be as nasty as they come but these known scumbags had no reason to assault his person.

Shawn Hinds said they did it and they, being loyal foot soldiers and PPP cleaning crew is not beyond belief that they could have done it.

But that "conniving coolie hate-monger" is a real schitt head!!  That I agree.  But ok, fine, even a schitt head dozz not deserve schitt pelt pon he.  That I agree!!  But sometimes schitt dozz happen, don't you agree??

Jason posted here and do did Kwame. I remember one of them threatening to do to me what the PPP did to traitors. Both are capable of doing what is claimed to be done. I hope they did not kill Crum because if they did or the police think they did they are in for a minimum of five years in jail until the case is heard.

Mars posted:
Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Oh Schittt!!  So all of a sudden, after six years, three Black PPP supporters are confessing to something done to a conniving coolie hate monger who in my humble opinion is a schittt head to begin win.  Listen people, I have read comic book stories that are more believable than this.

The point in question is their assault on his person or not. He can be as nasty as they come but these known scumbags had no reason to assault his person.

Shawn Hinds said they did it and they, being loyal foot soldiers and PPP cleaning crew is not beyond belief that they could have done it.

They were bragging about it and laughing right here on GNI when they did it. Jason was posting here then.

Those were nasty punks and the fact they were paid to do it galls me. I was threatened and so were others and not until their computer got hacked and we knew exactly who they are did they ease up. The terrible things that were revealed in those records was how little concern for women there were among that lot that included Benn jr, Amar, Shadood and of course Jason and Kwame. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:

So they should have picked up Jason since then and use his own writings against him.  If he did it then he should face the consequences.

You funny girl.

Did you expect the PPP would prosecute one of their own? The man is a thug who was protected by the PPP.

redux posted:

dead silence from the usual PPP suspects

rat gat dem bais huddlin with Anil de legal 'genius' to design and field test a response that doan damage kwamee's delicate constitution any more than absolutely necessary

If they guilty they should be prosecuted.

redux posted:

dead silence from the usual PPP suspects

rat gat dem bais huddlin with Anil de legal 'genius' to design and field test a response that doan damage kwamee's delicate constitution any more than absolutely necessary

They should be prosecuted if found guilty. I am sure they were instructed by someone. 

Stormborn posted:
baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Oh Schittt!!  So all of a sudden, after six years, three Black PPP supporters are confessing to something done to a conniving coolie hate monger who in my humble opinion is a schittt head to begin win.  Listen people, I have read comic book stories that are more believable than this.

The point in question is their assault on his person or not. He can be as nasty as they come but these known scumbags had no reason to assault his person.

Shawn Hinds said they did it and they, being loyal foot soldiers and PPP cleaning crew is not beyond belief that they could have done it.

But that "conniving coolie hate-monger" is a real schitt head!!  That I agree.  But ok, fine, even a schitt head dozz not deserve schitt pelt pon he.  That I agree!!  But sometimes schitt dozz happen, don't you agree??

Jason posted here and do did Kwame. I remember one of them threatening to do to me what the PPP did to traitors. Both are capable of doing what is claimed to be done. I hope they did not kill Crum because if they did or the police think they did they are in for a minimum of five years in jail until the case is heard.

Yeshwah had threatened to place you against the wall and blast your brain out. He is still a poster on this forum under a different alias. You are now under the same umbrella with him.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Stormborn posted:
baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Oh Schittt!!  So all of a sudden, after six years, three Black PPP supporters are confessing to something done to a conniving coolie hate monger who in my humble opinion is a schittt head to begin win.  Listen people, I have read comic book stories that are more believable than this.

The point in question is their assault on his person or not. He can be as nasty as they come but these known scumbags had no reason to assault his person.

Shawn Hinds said they did it and they, being loyal foot soldiers and PPP cleaning crew is not beyond belief that they could have done it.

But that "conniving coolie hate-monger" is a real schitt head!!  That I agree.  But ok, fine, even a schitt head dozz not deserve schitt pelt pon he.  That I agree!!  But sometimes schitt dozz happen, don't you agree??

Jason posted here and do did Kwame. I remember one of them threatening to do to me what the PPP did to traitors. Both are capable of doing what is claimed to be done. I hope they did not kill Crum because if they did or the police think they did they are in for a minimum of five years in jail until the case is heard.

Yeshwah had threatened to place you against the wall and blast your brain out. He is still a poster on this forum under a different alias. You are now under the same umbrella with him.

I assure you that if anyone had threatened to shoot me I would have tracked them down. ... Those fellows above issued indirect threats.

I post alone and am responsible for what I post. I interact with only one person here.

Last edited by Former Member

Throwing filth at your opponent is unacceptable no matter what they write against you.

Those found responsible should be charged.

I do not like what Freddie writes bit come on man, why would someone want to do this to another person ?

I support free speech and do not support attacking your opponents with filth. 


Look story hey,  they pulled them in for Crum Ewing murder and instead got a shitt throwing confession out of them. Seems like a plea bargain, imagine Freddie said it was one person, but now they 3 confessors. 


Looks like the confession was beaten out of these folks. Why would someone confess to a crime after so long when there was no evidence and even Kisson could not identify the perpetrator. Those who brush aside insinuations that we are approaching a police state should think again. 

PPP/C activist allegedly beaten in police custody, taken to hospital

Freedom House employee Jason Abdulla, who was recently arrested in connection to the Courtney Crum-Ewing murder investigation, was reportedly beaten by the police officers whilst in custody and was subsequently taken to two city hospitals.

Reports indicate that Abdulla claimed he was beaten by investigators as a mean of releasing information however Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum has denied those allegations.

Blanhum explained that when the doctors examined the suspect, there were no immediate signs to verify the story told by the detainee.

He told media operatives, that after Abdulla insisted that he was injured, doctors decided to place bandage on his feet.




By now I hope Stormy, Mit, and others realized that 90% of the Indians who supported the AFC have already become alienated from this party. This gov't. has 50 months more to complete their term in office and they are not doing anything to make this country better.  People want the progress under the PPP to continue under this gov't and no restrictions to their freedom. Progress has seized and government is on a witchhunt against their adversaries and supporters. It's not going down well with AFC supporters. The PPP had 23 years after three decades of dictatorship. This gov't thinks they can repeat Forbes Burnham hold on power through fraud and force.  It ain't gonna happen. The PNC will be defeated and the AFC will disappear.

Billy Ram Balgobin

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