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“As far as local government elections is concerned I cannot be oblivious to the political situation that exists in this country and further I say not,” the President said.


He was at the time responding to a call made for the running off of Local Government Elections by Head of Delegation of the European Union to Guyana, Robert Kopecky at a reception to mark Europe Day at the envoy’s Bel Air Springs residence.


Analysts say that Ramotar’s statement reflects the widely held view that the government is aiming for general elections and is unprepared to risk a possible mauling at local government polls.


Ramotar’s response garnered much snickering and expressions of shock from guests at the reception especially local politicians.


“This man can’t be serious” said Alliance for Change Leader Khemraj Ramjattan. Other guests covered their faces and some were left questioning if it was really all the president would say.


Local Government elections were last held in 1994 and ever since then has been postponed for various reasons …..

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Nalini • 2 hours ago These cabals, the PPP, claimed they were fighting the PNC to bring democracy to Guyana. Over 21 years in power and where is the democracy they promised? All we see is increased poverty, failing infrastructure, increased government corruption, increased human rights abuses, extra judicial killings of people who disagree with government, tortures of minors, increased suicides of citizens and deliberate racial escalation for political gain.
The Senior Analyst (KG) • 2 hours ago What A Bam Bam.... That's All That Could Be Said Here. And, With This Kind Of Leadership... May God Help Guyana And Guyanese. And, If This Is Not Time For Change After 22 Years Of Misery For The Majority Of Guyanese... Then One Does Not Know When That Should Be. And, How Low Can You Go Guyana... Wake Up.
Georgie • an hour ago The more local elections are delayed the more the PPP will lose at the general elections. Do the dry run at the local elections and , then, make the necessary adjustments for the general elections. How stupid are these puny dictators !!
Packra • an hour ago The point Mr. Kopecky noted as one things the Guyana must put in place , I know for one to decriminalize same sex relationship will not go down well with a lot of Guyanese. How can we as a healthy people be involved in this type of activity . For it is only through man/woman relationship can they be a continuation of man in this world.
TURBO(powerfull indo ppp govt) • an hour ago what more does the european union needs , this racist indo ppp govt. will not hold any local election anytime in the near future, the only thing is general elections on their minds, they are counting on a parliamentary majority to carry out their corrupt ways of governing, I HAVE TO GIVE THE RACIST INDO PPP GOVT. BIG PROPS FOR STANDING THEIR GROUNDS, NO LOCAL ELECTIONS, NO LEAD PROJECT, NO BUDGET CUTS STOPPING THEM, AIRPORT EXPANSION ON TRACK, THEY ARE STILL BUILDING THEIR MANSIONS AND POOLS, PASS BILLS WILL NOT BE SIGNED, GRAVY TRAIN STILL ON TRACK..............


Ramotar is not oblivious to the political situation in Guyana. He knows what time of day it is, but he and his dictatorial party and government refuse to honor the people's constitutional right to vote in overdue LG elections because the people will give the PPP a fine cut ass at the polls.

In 1992, the PPP was confident of beating the PNC, so it begged America and Europe and anyone who could help to help it force the PNC to hold free and fair elections. And the PPP won. Today, with Jagan dead and Ramotar and Jagdeo running the cup, the PPP is technically out of the fight, leaning against the ropes to avoid going down as it takes vicious head and body blows. The cup is leaking profusedly.

Did Edgehill say Jesus would vote PPP? That's the kind of miracle the PPP needs as the clueless President continues to say what his handlers tell him. How do you explain Ramotar days ago ending the LEAD project only to now say talks are back on? The guy needs a white cane and dark shades so he and Nandlall and Luncheon can take a seawall stroll...northward!!!

Emile_Mervin • 34 minutes ago Ramotar is not oblivious to the political situation in Guyana. He knows what rimw of day it is, but he and his dictatorial party and government refuse to honor the people's constitutional right to vote in overdue LG elections because the people will give the PPP a fine cut ass at the polls. In 1992, the PPP was confident of beating the PNC, so it begged America and Europe to help it force the PNC to hold free and fair elections. And the PPP won. Today, with Jagan dead and Ramotar and Jagdeo running the cup, the PPP is technically out of the fight, leaning against the ropes to avoid going down as it takes vicious head and body blows. Did someone say Jesus would vote PPP? That's the kind of miracle the PPP needs as the clueless President continues to say what his handlers tell him. How do you explain Ramotar days ago ending the LEAD project only to now say talks are back on? The guy needs a white cane and dark shades so he and Nandlall and Luncheon can take seawall strolls.
Saggaincayman • 32 minutes ago I do not see the logic of this man Ramotar, reading this article you would see the word he used mostly was democracy. Guyana is NOT a democracy,would never be one as long as you have these old communist trained people in power. Calling general elections does not necessary mean a win, since many people are fed up with the PPP corruption and racism. On a another note why is Jagdeo wiggling himself into these functions, NO wonder the view of many is this ole puppet is just that, an ole puppet, why not have the foreign affair Minister there? Jagdeo? Tarnished Jagdeo?

Analysts say that Ramotar’s statement reflects the widely held view that the government is aiming for general elections and is unprepared to risk a possible mauling at local government polls.


Ramotar’s response garnered much snickering and expressions of shock from guests at the reception especially local politicians.


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