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There should be no vindictive actions/measures against anyone.

Should all proceed along the path outlined by the Chairman of GECOM, a transition of government will proceed with the eventual installation of the President and cabinet.

Indeed, issues should be resolved in a sequential manner.

Specifically, major changes within GECOM are needed to address noted issues plus new ones to make it efficient and be prepared to always be in a position to conduct a snap election within the three month period.


The should only grant amnesty to ordinary people who may have said and committed non-violent acts incited by the senior leadership.

People like Mingo and others who led the abortive coup, should be put on trial.  Those senior police officials passing orders also included.

This culture of lawlessness embedded in the fabric of the PNC needs to be addressed one and for all.  Do it before they reconstitute the Buxton FF's.  Just look at their supporters openly calling for rigging and violence as it's the norm.

@Former Member posted:

I heard that PPP will announcing an amnesty and Mingo will be forgiven.

Looks like Ali will be a great president. He will perhaps become greater than Gandhi. God bless.

Volda will be posted at Botanical gardens. Lowenfield will become an umpire at Providence stadium, Guyana vs Trinidad match one.

All a we is one family.

why should they?   In that case they should pardon everyone else responsible for this mess. 


@Django posted:

Only that you observed from the unrest ?

I am not the only one make that observation, except for you and PNC supporters the entire civilize world of observers saw Mingo’s fraudulent declaration as the cause for the unrest. TheNew York Times called it “The catalyst for the crisis was the electoral commission’s decision on Thursday to release unverified results from the capital region” 

Let me guess ...the PPP use Russians the influence The NY Times....

Last edited by sachin_05
@sachin_05 posted:

I am not the only one make that observation, except for you and PNC supporters the entire civilize world of observers saw Mingo’s fraudulent declaration as the cause for the unrest. The New York Times called it “The catalyst for the crisis was the electoral commission’s decision on Thursday to release unverified results from the capital region” 

Let me guess ...the PPP use Russians the influence The NY Times....

Quite evasive ,nothing else happened only one East Indian lad who attacked the police ,one policeman was chopped ,lost his life  in a protest instigated by political players.In a haste of nonsense , the last sentence was typed.

Be reminded from since 1992 elections have protest in Guyana ,the politicians knows that ,what have they done to date to avoid these incidence , nothing they continue to use the people as pawns for power. It have to fixed ,it's now or never.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Quite evasive ,nothing else happened only one East Indian lad who attacked the police ,lost his life  in a protest instigated by political players.

The protest was never instigated by political players.. Lies! Lies! Lies! PPP supporters had enough of Ayo BS. PPP Executive was out in numbers calming the protesters, I posted those videos. Show you evidence of instigating. 


PPP calls on supporters to remain calm and act peaceful

See below the full statement issued by the PPP on Friday:

The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) calls on all of our supporters to remain calm and act in a peaceful manner during this period.

While we understand the hurt, frustration and fear about electoral fraud being perpetuated against the Guyanese people, we have the solidarity of the international community.

Today alone, March 6, 2020, statements have emanated from: the diplomatic community in Guyana; the international election observer missions; the US State Department; the representatives of the United States of America (USA) Congress; British Parliamentarian, Barry Gardiner; The Elder, an international NGO founded by Nelson Mandela, and other international organizations, as well as local stakeholders.

They have all made it clear that as it stands results of the Elections cannot be “credibly declared” and there can be no swearing-in of a president since such an action would be illegal.

The PPP agrees with the international community; there can be no swearing in of a new president under the current circumstances. The Party wishes to also warn that public officers, especially constitutional office holders, facilitating such an illegal action would be complicit in the perpetuation of electoral fraud in Guyana.

The Party also agrees with the international community that there must a return to the process of verifying the results of the March 2, 2020, General and Regional Elections for Region 4, using the Statements of Polls, as required by law.

This is the only process that will deliver free and fair elections and ensure that the will of the Guyanese people is not subverted. The People’s Progressive Party continues to work towards this objective.

The PPP urges our supporters to ensure that none of their actions are in contradiction with the laws of Guyana; stay home and await further guidance from the Party. People’s Progressive Party March 6, 2020

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

The protest was never instigated by political players.. Lies! Lies! Lies! PPP supporters had enough of Ayo BS. PPP Executive was out in numbers calming the protesters, I posted those videos. Show you evidence of instigating. 

Watch the video posted on this thread.

I have seen the protest videos ,also have them downloaded. No need for spamming with articles to bolster your argument.

Last edited by Django

APNU/AFC is very isolated at home and abroad because of their blatant attempt to steal an election by fraud.  Granger is standing on one leg and he will definitely go down as one of our most crooked president who tried to revive Burnhamism in Guyana.  International observers monitored the recount of every ballot and certified that the recount was fairly done and the ruling coalition lost.  Now is the time to declare the winner and swear in the new president.  We have had enough of the running arounds.  Let's get it over and allow this country to have a legitimate government.  

Billy Ram Balgobin
@Former Member posted:

Posting of the article is to debunk your lies. They are facts.. isn’t it. 

Videos are true live FACTS , than what someone writes ,the propaganda machine knows who to fool ,truth only comes from them . In the Lusignan disturbance ,one man on the podium was smiling ,while the other was calming the protesters.

Last edited by Django

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