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Ramotar invites Chand to join GuySuCo board

Posted By Staff Writer On June 17, 2014 @ 5:25 am In Local News | No Comments

President Donald Ramotar yesterday invited sugar workers’ union president Komal Chand to sit on the next GuySuCo Board of Directors, in an effort to dispel his perception that the corporation’s failings are at least partially the result of bad management.

The offer was made publicly before an audience of government and other officials last evening during a rally held at the Enmore Martyrs Monument Site, at Enmore, East Coast Demerara.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Granja and Rumtar destory the workers union . . .

really . . . how so?


the sound of this ignar conversation with yourself must please u no end bai


. . . racism @ your core finding an outlet in de PPP "smartness"


OK brite bulb, I am just wondering.  How is it a racist statement made my Kishan B that both His Excellency President Ramotar and Mr. Granger destroyed the workers' movement.


If you have nothing to post for the sake of this blog SHAD UP.


We have enough HOT air and verbal garbage from you for one day.



Originally Posted by KishanB:

The PNC locked up bauxite workers and tear gas them while they were protesting in LINDEN. The PNC attacked rice farmers by let loose dogs on them. The PNC employed scabs to break sugar workers strike in 1977. 


Granja has to apologise to the workers especially the LINDENERS and the peasant rice farmers.

ass the ppp have some of those pnc dogs in freedum house

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Granja and Rumtar destory the workers union . . .

really . . . how so?


the sound of this ignar conversation with yourself must please u no end bai


. . . racism @ your core finding an outlet in de PPP "smartness"


OK brite bulb, I am just wondering.  How is it a racist statement made my Kishan B that both His Excellency President Ramotar and Mr. Granger destroyed the workers' movement.


If you have nothing to post for the sake of this blog SHAD UP.


We have enough HOT air and verbal garbage from you for one day.



ow bai, meh nevah seh dat kishan statement is "racist" yuh know . . . conscience-like, ignorant, idle, un-clever, retarded and ting mite apply; but "racist" . . . naaah


more to the point tho, I suggest u switch heads and allow 'KishanB' to address my question of the 1st sentence; just so that 'Brian Teekah' not be accused of picking up 'unnecessary' fire rage . . . lol!


now, my 3rd sentence which caused u so much tsuris represents complex analysis of the 'KishanB' antiman oeuvre; this kind of thing is a bit above your pay grade (obviously), suh nah tek worries . . . it's all good!


btw, i always tremble with fear when Robb Street antiman wave dey wrist in meh face and tell me to "SHAD UP"


har har harrr

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Granja and Rumtar destory the workers union . . .

really . . . how so?


the sound of this ignar conversation with yourself must please u no end bai


. . . racism @ your core finding an outlet in de PPP "smartness"


OK brite bulb, I am just wondering.  How is it a racist statement made my Kishan B that both His Excellency President Ramotar and Mr. Granger destroyed the workers' movement.


If you have nothing to post for the sake of this blog SHAD UP.


We have enough HOT air and verbal garbage from you for one day.



ow bai, meh nevah seh dat kishan statement is "racist" yuh know . . . conscience-like, ignorant, idle, un-clever, retarded and ting mite apply; but "racist" . . . naaah


more to the point tho, I suggest u switch heads and allow 'KishanB' to address my question of the 1st sentence; just so that 'Brian Teekah' not be accused of picking up 'unnecessary' fire rage . . . lol!


now, my 3rd sentence which caused u so much tsuris represents complex analysis of the 'KishanB' antiman oeuvre; this kind of thing is a bit above your pay grade (obviously), suh nah tek worries . . . it's all good!


btw, i always tremble with fear when Robb Street antiman wave dey wrist in meh face and tell me to "SHAD UP"


har har harrr

Let me make it absolute clear to you dullard redux, i never visited fredoom House, maybe Kishan B did, but not I.  I will never visit a house of communist.  I am a capitalist and made my wealth in good old America.


I am a capitalist.


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