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Guyanese must stand with Nagamootoo on the No Confidence vote

July 28, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, In Guyana, when the history of true patriotism is written, Moses Nagamootoo’s name will be listed among those who served his country with honour, dignity, firmness and passion. He is judicious in his deliberations, original in his thinking and has a thirst for helping the poor and the powerless. The same cannot be said about the current crop of leaders in the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal. The Freedom House dinosaurs are stuck in the politics of the 1950s and 1960s with no vision for the economic development of the country or to create employment for the youths. This is very unlike Moses Nagamootoo, who in the latter days of his political career has called for political cooperation among the parties, an end to racial politics, corruption, cronyism and nepotism and fairness in the distribution of the country’s resources. Instead, the visionless PPP cabal’s sole goal is to use the state resources to enrich themselves, relatives and friends. Clearly, they envisage a Guyana based on the division of the two major races and that power belongs to them only. This unrighteous and uncaring cabal believes that they should rule Guyana indefinitely. How else does one explain the minority PPP regime’s flagrant abuse of power as practiced by the sleazy Minister of Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh, who spent $4.8 billion that was not approved by Parliament or without consulting with the opposition? They have shown contempt for the people and Parliament, selective in their use of the Constitution and have refused to acknowledge the judgment handed down by the Court as to how the taxpayers’ money should be spent. This is why the people must applaud and stand resolutely with Mr. Nagamootoo on his promise to bring a “No Confidence Motion” in Parliament against this regime. No doubt, given his past association with the leaders in the PPP, Moses Nagamootoo understands how they function and operate and the wicked things they do and why they do it. But as someone who has the country’s interest at heart and has fought tirelessly and relentlessly for the poor and the powerless, Nagamootoo believes that for a democracy such as ours to function properly, there must be respect for the people and the constitution, an end to corruption, the need for peace, order and good governance, promotion of the people’s interests and the profound desire to put the country first. Moses Nagamootoo strongly believes that no individual or group, acting selfishly, should hold all citizens to ransom. For example, if garbage collectors decide to shut down the country because of a perceived grievance, everyone will all suffer. The same would occur if doctors, teachers, police officers and nurses take the same decision. That is a recipe for chaos but the PPP cabal continues to hold the nation at ransom. However, they should put in their thick skulls that they were elected by the people to act on the people’s behalf and not on behalf of their greedy relatives and selfish rich friends. This iconic Guyanese statesman and nationalist has stated publicly that the visionless ruling oligarchy has not only brought Guyana to its knees but has also turned the country into a failed and highly corrupt state. He called on all Guyanese to put country first and decide whether they want a Guyana with a thriving economy where people can enjoy the comforts of life, obtain gainful employment and bring up their children in a wholesome and intellectually enriching environment. He has constantly encouraged the people to never surrender to the visionless ruling cabal who have no idea of what it takes to run a country successfully, and who do not have a plan to advance the economy and create employment, or could not care less if the country collapses. Asquith Rose and Harish Singh


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