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PPP angered by Merundoi's "attempt" to embarrass Ramotar

Written by Demerara Waves
Saturday, 08 October 2011 15:24

The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has leveled a salvo at the creators of the radio-serial drama Merundoi for what it says was an apparent attempt to embarrass its presidential candidate Donald Ramotar.

Merundoi Incorporated on Friday confirmed the participation of the Alliance For Change (AFC), A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and The United Force (TUF) in a presidential candidates’ debate it is organising.

The 90-minute debate is scheduled for early November at The Theatre Guild and plans are afoot to have it streamed live on television, radio and the internet, Merundoi said in a press release.

PPP election PR coordinator Robert Persaud on Saturday expressed his displeasure to Demerara Waves Online News ( in the manner in which Merundoi went about making the debate public without giving the PPP an opportunity to deliberate on the matter.

Persaud had told earlier that he had received the invitation for Ramotar’s participation but had not gotten a chance to discuss it with him or other party strategists.

"It seems as if it was an attempt to embarrass and put the PPP's presidential candidate on the spot," he stated, pointing out the seemingly slanted approach by Merundoi and its Head, Margaret Lawrence.

Asked whether Ramotar would be participating in the debate, Persaud said "in our deliberations, this development will be taken on board."

He recalled that Lawrence had been Programme Manager at the then Guyana Broadcasting Corporation during the post 1992 general elections "chaos" to which he said GBC contributed.

Lawrence was among a number of then GBC staffers who had testified before the B.O. Adams Commission of Inquiry into the 1992 disturbances.

"The release by Merundoi was preposterous disrespectful to the PPPC even before we had an opportunity to deliberate on the matter," he said.

Ramotar has so far appeared to have shied away from similar fora organised by the University of Guyana Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Guyana Workers Union (UGWU) and Face the Future, a coalition of civil society organisations.

Merundoi said it is collaborating with the Private Sector Commission, The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Guyana Press Association, Guyana Media Proprietors Association and The Council of Organisations for Persons with Disabilities.

Technical Assistance is being given by The Centre for Communication Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Guyana and the Jamaica Debates Commission.

Merundoi explained that the goals of the project are to provide a forum where the candidates can present their platforms to the public, enable citizens to have a greater understanding of the positions of the candidates on matters of national interest, facilitate greater public discussion on national and regional issues, create a forum for the public to be directly involved in the process , provide a forum where the candidates have equal access to the media while debating issues of national interest, contribute to a peaceful election process and encourage increased voter participation on Election Day.

The only presidential debate in Guyana was held for the 1992 Elections between President Desmond Hoyte and Dr. Cheddi Jagan, then Opposition Leader.
Merundoi announces presidential debate

By Stabroek editor
Local | Friday, October 7, 2011
Source - Stabroek News

Merundoi Incorporated yesterday announced the staging of the 2011 Presidential Debate.

In a statement, it said that collaborating with it so far are the Private Sector Commission, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Guyana Press Association, the Guyana Media Proprietors Association and the Council of Organisations for Persons with Disabilities.

There had been many calls for a presidential debate. The 90-min debate is set for early November at The Theatre Guild and plans are in the works to have it streamed live on television, radio and the internet.

Technical Assistance is being given by The Centre for Communication Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Guyana and the Jamaica Debates Commission, the release said.

It said invitations have been sent out to the Political Parties represented in Parliament and so far confirmations have been received from A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), the Alliance For Change (AFC) & The United Force (TUF).

Merundoi said that the goals of the project include providing a forum where the candidates can present their platforms to the public. It will also enable citizens to have a greater understanding of the positions of the candidates on matters of national interest and facilitate greater public discussion on national and regional issues.

Further, it will create a forum for the public to be directly involved in the process and provide a forum where the candidates have equal access to the media while debating issues of national interest.

Merundoi also sees it as contributing to a peaceful election process and encouraging increased participation on election day.

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