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Former Member

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PPP Arrival Day 2020 Message

The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) extends greetings to all Guyanese on the occasion of Arrival Day.
This occasion is of great significance in commemorating the arrival of our ancestors who came to these shores from various parts of the world. They were brought here under harsh circumstances at various points in our history and laboured as they made this land their home.
In the face of many adversities, they were resolute in their endeavours to preserve their culture, traditions and values, which gave birth to a culturally-diverse Guyana.
Many of our fore-parents paid the ultimate price to ensure our freedoms as a people. Unfortunately, as we celebrate Arrival Day today, there are some who are attempting to deprive our people of their fundamental right to elect a government of their choice and erode our freedoms and democracy.
It is, therefore, incumbent upon us as Guyanese to stave off any attempt to steal our rights and return us to the abyss of dictatorship.
Despite these adversaries to democracy and freedom, our Party takes this opportunity to commend all those who have worked steadfastly over the years and who continue to do so in the promotion of activities designed to foster and preserve our history, values and cultural traditions which have become shared; demonstrative of the strength in our diversity.
As we observe Arrival Day, our Party urges reflection on the valiant efforts of all of our fore-parents so that we can continue to be inspired and to better contextualize the value of our gains. This will ensure that we remain determined to build upon our gains and that our country remains a place for all of its sons and daughters.
Happy Arrival Day to all!

People’s Progressive Party May 4th, 2020

Replies sorted oldest to newest

@cain posted:

Too bad some of yall foreparents didn't stay on that boat let it go back to whence it came, yall would been much happier then, ask Prashad if you think ah lie. 

Why you run yuh old Putageeze skunk to Canada. Dint Pappa D’Aguiar promise you the good life after you finish off few Indians. Wappan, Blackman kick yuh rass. 

@cain posted:

Too bad some of yall foreparents didn't stay on that boat let it go back to whence it came, yall would been much happier then, ask Prashad if you think ah lie. 

You should have respect for other peoples opinions and ideas. If the Putagees of GT had any opinions, Guyana would not have become a Shithole country. And it looks like you still promoting that agenda. I kno the PPP is wrong for the country but so also is the PNC. Prashad dreams of a future. All Guyanese dread the present, the PNC may never permit freedom of choice, anymore.

@seignet posted:

You should have respect for other peoples opinions and ideas. If the Putagees of GT had any opinions, Guyana would not have become a Shithole country. And it looks like you still promoting that agenda. I kno the PPP is wrong for the country but so also is the PNC. Prashad dreams of a future. All Guyanese dread the present, the PNC may never permit freedom of choice, anymore.

That was my opinion and my idea, how about you having some respect for it?

Last edited by cain

The PPP is a very confused outfit.  Its message on Indian Immigration Day is yet another example of this.  No where in its message does it mention the word "Indian".  But, everyone knows it is Indian Immigration Day.  This is the day commemorating  the arrival of "bound coolies" from India to British Guiana.  Can't the PPP simply give a shout out to those brave, exploited souls who crossed the kala pani , never to return to the land of their birth?  However, this is the same party that shamelessly appeals to "Indians" for support at election time.  In a sense, the exploitation of my people continues. 


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On May 5, 1838 our grandparents started arriving in British Guiana from mainly Eastern UP and Western Bihar. Today’s generation must know that these ancestors of ours were brought here by the English plantocracy to work on the sugar plantations. They toiled from early morning till late evening and laid the economic foundations of this country. They lived on meager wages and substandard β€˜houses’, without proper toilets and without source of potable water. Economically poor but culturally and linguistically rich, they cleared the way for us to be what we are today. Look at the logie-house in the pic below and do a little introspection. Namaste



Samsaywack Singh πŸ™πŸΌβ€οΈ. In these logies were born great sons & daughters from East Indian parents. Why? Because our fore fathers from India lived as one big family. They respected each other. They shared the same values, standard and maintained stick discipline which they inculcate in their children. They were illiterate in English but made great sacrifices to ensure their offsprings went to school to obtain a sound education to earn them prestigious status in life.


Happy Arrival Day.
On the 5th May, all Guyanese will celebrate Arrival Day. This day has been set aside to celebrate the arrivals of our indentured ancestors to British Guiana. On the 3rd May 1835, the first set of Portuguese arrived in British Guiana on the ship β€œLouisa Baillie”. It is estimated that about 32,216 Portuguese were brought into British Guiana between 1835 and 1890. The scheme was suspended because of high mortality among the Portuguese.

On the 5th May 1838, the first set of Indian Indentured Immigrants arrived in British Guiana. However, this trade-in Indian Indentured Immigrants was suspended on 11th July 1838 when the governments of Bengal, Madras and Bombay withhold permission for ships to depart with emigrants. A law Act XVI followed this on the 29th May 1839, which prohibited overseas emigration for manual labour. This ban was subsequently lifted and the ship β€œLord Hungerford” left Calcutta on the 29th January 1845 with the first batch of emigrants for British Guiana. It was then continued from 1845 to 1917 and over this period it is estimated that 238,909 East Indians came to British Guiana.

During the suspension of the β€œCoolie Trade” alternative sources of labour was sought. In 1840 to 1841 the Voluntary Subscription Society imported about 2,900 African indentured workers from Barbados and other Islands from the West Indies. During the period 1840 to 1847 about 6,718 Indenture Africans came from the West Coast of Africa and this eventually grew to about 14,060 persons in subsequent years. Attempts were also made to recruit Africans from the Southern United States it is estimated that through this scheme about 70 persons.

With labour shortage on the plantations, the planters started to import Chinese indentured immigrants. The first set of Chinese indenture immigrants arrived on the ship β€œGlentanner” on the 12th January 1853. During the period of Chinese immigration, it is estimated that about 13,533 Chinese came to British Guiana.

As slavery came to an official end, many felt that the British instituted a new form of slavery by introducing indentureship.

East Indians immigrants were targeted for this new system. In fact, the first batch of Indians immigrants was sent to Reunion as early as 18th January 1826. Eventually, for the next 100 years, about 1,194,957 Indians were relocated to 19 colonies around the world. It is estimated that 429,623 came to the Caribbean between 1838 and 1918. Of these 238,909 came to British Guiana and of these 66,140 were repatriated to India.

As we reflect on 5th May, we should think about our ancestors the struggles and sacrifices and their accomplishments. Let their sacrifices and contributions, inspire and fortify us with hope for the present and the future. The struggle goes on.

@Totaram posted:

The PPP is a very confused outfit.  Its message on Indian Immigration Day is yet another example of this.  No where in its message does it mention the word "Indian".  But, everyone knows it is Indian Immigration Day.  This is the day commemorating  the arrival of "bound coolies" from India to British Guiana.  Can't the PPP simply give a shout out to those brave, exploited souls who crossed the kala pani , never to return to the land of their birth?  However, this is the same party that shamelessly appeals to "Indians" for support at election time.  In a sense, the exploitation of my people continues. 

What kind of shithole race baiting is this compounded by crazy ass lies.  I’m sure there is a mental institution somewhere that’s missing its idiot. You should return and repent.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa

What kind of shithole race baiting is this compounded by crazy ass lies.  I’m sure there is a mental institution somewhere that’s missing its idiot. You should return and repent.

Would you like me to repeat where you belong?  I would but then you would run to the tin pot dictators , Demerara jackass and Ray prick, to cry.  What lies are there in my statement? When confronted with truth people like @Bibi Haniffa go bassidy. Does that make her BassidyBibi? 


What kind of shithole race baiting is this compounded by crazy ass lies.  I’m sure there is a mental institution somewhere that’s missing its idiot. You should return and repent.

I have reported this comment by BibiHaniffa to the moderators asking that she be suspended.  Previously, they suspended me for responding in kind to a similar statement.  If she is not suspended I reserve the right to respond in any way I wish to her unprovoked attack.  


Hey hey hey...coolie peopkle face TWO devil. De blackman PNC devil and de coolie PPP devil. Both a dem destoy abie mattie. Hey hey hey. Blackman doan face two devil. Dem only devil is dem mattie PNC devil. PNC does give dem good wite mout but yuh gat he boom outs, harmons, greens, granjas, lawrence dem living in high life...hey hey hey. Jagdoe does shower blackman wid goodies when dem cry marginalise and discriminate. But Jagdoe does f%$&k he mattie...hey hey hey. 

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Its unfortunate  Afros and Portugees on this forum choose this thread to insult Indians and did not recognize the significance of this day. Nevertheless, we  will continue to be respectful on Emancipation day and offer our greetings.    

Indians don't need anyone to insult them when they have an ignoramus like you doing it. What I posted is exactly what I read here from "some" of you backward illiterate ones who show more love for India than what is supposed to be your country. This is why "some" of you are constantly being victimised, you put yourselves in that position then cry foul.

@Totaram posted:

I have reported this comment by BibiHaniffa to the moderators asking that she be suspended.  Previously, they suspended me for responding in kind to a similar statement.  If she is not suspended I reserve the right to respond in any way I wish to her unprovoked attack.  

lil boy leh me tell you something.  The first thing I learned when I came to this pig pen was to put on my big girl drawsy and roll with the punches. So if you can’t take the heat get out of the kitchen.

Bibi Haniffa
@Totaram posted:

Would you like me to repeat where you belong?  I would but then you would run to the tin pot dictators , Demerara jackass and Ray prick, to cry.  What lies are there in my statement? When confronted with truth people like @Bibi Haniffa go bassidy. Does that make her BassidyBibi? 

Totaram ...

Hopefully, your interactions on GNI can improve.


What kind of shithole race baiting is this compounded by crazy ass lies.  I’m sure there is a mental institution somewhere that’s missing its idiot. You should return and repent.

@Totaram posted:

I have reported this comment by BibiHaniffa to the moderators asking that she be suspended.  Previously, they suspended me for responding in kind to a similar statement. 

If she is not suspended I reserve the right to respond in any way I wish to her unprovoked attack.  

Totaram ...

It is your decision to proceed as you stated.

It will be then my exclusive choice take necessary action(s).

Look, I'm not scared of anything that go on here and I speak out against the wrongs as I see it. Totes doesn't get into the gutter as many of us here and yet was made to pay for any slight blow up. He said the same thing to Bibi more or less as was told to him and he was suspended, now she's  here tellin us what size drawzie she does wear what happens when any of us ask how's de big drawzie doin ?  Imand doan have anything against big drawzie yeh, it good if while camping and the temp goes down, just yank dat drawz and use it as a blanket...or if you in a plane and doan have a parachute.
Last edited by cain

lil boy leh me tell you something.  The first thing I learned when I came to this pig pen was to put on my big girl drawsy and roll with the punches. So if you can’t take the heat get out of the kitchen.

Look who is talking.  When I turned up the heat you ran to DG and Ray.  And, people like you holding yourselves out as freedom fighters.  What a joke.  

You wan talk bout draws?  


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