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The People's Progressive Party yesterday assured sugar workers of its continued support for the sugar industry in the face of a threat to move GUYSUCO from sugar production issued by the PNC's APNU. This move could put thousands out of jobs, affecting the wellbeing and livelihood them and  their families in the process. It comes also against the backdrop of an earlier promise by PNC/APNU leader David Granger who during the 2011 elections campaign pledged to privatize GUYSUCO. The PPP also reminded that PNC/APNU had voted against the infusion of some four billion dollars into the industry and when questioned why, Carl Greenidge boasted that β€œit was a PPP problem”.


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Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition should not gamble with the livelihood thousands of sugar workers, shutting down the sugar industry will directly passed thousands on the breadline...

it not the opposition that is gambling with the sugar workers life is the ppp government,they build a factory that is a waste of the tax payers money,now they have a board of directors that cannot direct traffic 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The People's Progressive Party yesterday assured sugar workers of its continued support for the sugar industry in the face of a threat to move GUYSUCO from sugar production issued by the PNC's APNU. This move could put thousands out of jobs, affecting the wellbeing and livelihood them and  their families in the process. It comes also against the backdrop of an earlier promise by PNC/APNU leader David Granger who during the 2011 elections campaign pledged to privatize GUYSUCO. The PPP also reminded that PNC/APNU had voted against the infusion of some four billion dollars into the industry and when questioned why, Carl Greenidge boasted that β€œit was a PPP problem”.


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I don't know why the PNC bashing.  All they plan to do is what the PPP did to Linden when they privatized bauxite.  If privatization was good for bauxite it will also be good for sugar.  If most sugar workers lose their jobs, as happened to bauxite workers, they will just have to find something else to do, which is what racist who hate Linden because it is black, tell Lindeners to do.


Apparently we have double standards working here.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition should not gamble with the livelihood thousands of sugar workers, shutting down the sugar industry will directly passed thousands on the breadline...

Why?  the PPP didn't care one fig about the lives of the bauxite workers, and now a scant 500 people in Linden work in bauxite when that industry used to hire thousands.


Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.  Let Skeldon and Rosehall suck the same salt that Linden did.


Guysuco is a monstrous farce which needs to be put out of its misery.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Guysuco is the single largest employer, shutting down the industry as proposed by the APNU and the AFC would directly put thousands of workers on the breadline...

Guymine was the ONLY employer in Linden and yet you all happily let the Chinese fire most of the workers in that town.


Skeldon and Rosehall should suck salt just like Linden.  If bauxite was sold because it wasn't profitable so should Guysuco.


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