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PPP attacking Chief Elections Officer- Felix

  • Saturday, 13 September 2014 08:42
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A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) Friday night accused the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) of attacking the Chief Elections Officer (CEO), Keith Lowenfield by raising repeated concerns about the voters list and the management of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM).
“There is a new CEO and the PPP attacks, in my view, they are aimed- they are not calling his name- are aimed at him because they want to beat him into shape because they know that he might not be as malleable as Boodoo and that he would try to do a straight job,” said APNU Campaign Manager, Winston Felix.
Addressing a public meeting at Turning Point, TucVille, Georgetown, Felix recalled that the PPP never criticized GECOM under the management of then CEO, Gocool Booodoo.
Felix recalled that the PPP had never frowned on the elections management authority when it lost a seat in Linden and Justice For All Party (JFAP) did not pick up an expected seat in Region Three.
Lowenfield is a retired Major of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF). APNU’s top bracket, including its Chairman Retired Brigadier David Granger, is made up mainly of former members of the security forces.

Boodoo was booted out of office almost two years ago after four of the seven commissioners- excluding the three nominated by the PPP- voted against the renewal of his contract. Boodoo was cited for using an inaccurate formula to calculate the 2011 election results that would have given the PPP a one-seat majority. The correct formula was used after the issue was recognised by Commissioner, Vincent Alexander.
The APNU Shadow Minister of Home Affairs reiterated his party’s call for supporters to register, ensure that their names are on the voters list and turn out early to vote whenever elections are called. “Come out and vote and vote early when the time comes and vote for the change which would improve your lives, your children’s lives, your grandchildren’s lives,” he said.
Felix said charged that there was nothing good about the PPP-Civic government. “You cannpt allow incompetence to rule you,” he said.

Originally Posted by asj:

PPP attacking Chief Elections Officer- Felix

  • Saturday, 13 September 2014 08:42
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) Friday night accused the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) of attacking the Chief Elections Officer (CEO), Keith Lowenfield by raising repeated concerns about the voters list and the management of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM).
“There is a new CEO and the PPP attacks, in my view, they are aimed- they are not calling his name- are aimed at him because they want to beat him into shape because they know that he might not be as malleable as Boodoo and that he would try to do a straight job,” said APNU Campaign Manager, Winston Felix.
Addressing a public meeting at Turning Point, TucVille, Georgetown, Felix recalled that the PPP never criticized GECOM under the management of then CEO, Gocool Booodoo.
Felix recalled that the PPP had never frowned on the elections management authority when it lost a seat in Linden and Justice For All Party (JFAP) did not pick up an expected seat in Region Three.
Lowenfield is a retired Major of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF). APNU’s top bracket, including its Chairman Retired Brigadier David Granger, is made up mainly of former members of the security forces.

Boodoo was booted out of office almost two years ago after four of the seven commissioners- excluding the three nominated by the PPP- voted against the renewal of his contract. Boodoo was cited for using an inaccurate formula to calculate the 2011 election results that would have given the PPP a one-seat majority. The correct formula was used after the issue was recognised by Commissioner, Vincent Alexander.
The APNU Shadow Minister of Home Affairs reiterated his party’s call for supporters to register, ensure that their names are on the voters list and turn out early to vote whenever elections are called. “Come out and vote and vote early when the time comes and vote for the change which would improve your lives, your children’s lives, your grandchildren’s lives,” he said.
Felix said charged that there was nothing good about the PPP-Civic government. “You cannpt allow incompetence to rule you,” he said.



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