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PPP benefitted from padded voters list’

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Prime Minister, Moses Nagammootoo

-PM says party lost some 54,292 votes between 2001-2011

PRIME minister Moses Nagamootoo said there are legitimate beliefs that the existing voters’ list is contaminated with names of deceased persons, Guyanese who have long migrated and, possibly, it is padded with the names of aliens or phantoms.

He said too that there are suspicions that the Opposition PPP has benefitted from the padded list. Writing in his Sunday Chronicle column, Prime Minister Nagamootoo said Minister of Communities, Ronald Bulkan, had shared with him some interesting statistics on the voting patterns during elections between 1997 and 2015. He said at the 1997 elections (the last during the Jagan era), the PPP received 220,632 votes. However, in the post-Jagan period, it started to lose votes between 2001 and 2011, as follows:-In 2001, its votes fell to 210,013 or by 10,619; in 2006 its votes again fell to 183,988 or by 26,025; in 2011 its votes fell to an all-time low of 166,340 or by 17,648.

Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo

“The cumulative loss between 2001 and 2011 was 54,292 votes. But, inexplicably, the PPP polled 202,694 votes at the 2015 elections, or an increase by 36,354 votes over its showing in 2011, during which period the government had wallowed in corruption and had sunken to an all-time low in popularity. Key leaders, including former Speaker, Ralph Ramkarran and myself, left the party; other “Jaganites” were alienated,” Nagamootoo wrote.

He said it must raise much more than curiosity that when the list stood at 475,496 voters in 2011, the PPP lost 17,548 votes to the then opposition parties. Combined, the APNU and AFC polled 175,011 votes as against the PPP’s 166,340. The latter won on a plurality of votes, but with a minority of parliamentary seats – 32, against 33 for the APNU+AFC.

However, in 2015, when the voters’ list jumped upwards by a whopping 107,948 voters, the PPP romped home with 202,694 votes or 36,354 more than it had received in 2011. “It is evident that the padding of the list benefitted the PPP and, without more, the “phantoms” came out to vote for this party,” Nagamootoo said.

He said now allegations are surfacing about some possible reasons for the padding, with several persons in at least one location found to be in possession of faked birth certificates and national identification cards. The Prime Minister quoted a Guyana Chronicle headline: “Probe launched into fake birth certificates”; “Region 9 residents tie PPP to alleged racket”, were met with the PPP’s rebuttal that these claims are a “political ploy”.

The coalition had made the case that the voters’ list was contaminated and that the only way to clean it up was through house-to-house registration. This national exercise was conducted by the Guyana Elections Commission but was shortened after close to 400,000 persons were registered to facilitate an extensive claims and objections period. GECOM also said it will be merging the data gathered during the house-to-house registration with that of the National Register of Registrants.

Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo at his weekly press conference, last Thursday, said that a merger of the house-to-house registration and the NRR was a delaying tactic to push elections until next year and that the merger would “further” contaminate the NRR list.
But General Secretary of the Peoples National Congress Reform, Amna Ally responded: “How it is if you merge the information from house-to-house registration to what exists as the NRR you are going to have contamination? Is it that he is admitting that the NRR is corrupt? Is it that he is admitting that the NRR is no good? I am sure silently he is.”

Ally noted that even as GECOM prepares for the hosting of Regional and General Elections, a credible Official List of Electors (OLE) is of critical importance. Ally questioned why the PPP is prepared to go to elections without a credible OLE, establishing that the PNC/R “will continue to advocate for a credible list of electors”. “The PPP is prepared to go to the polls with any list, they don’t care if the list is corrupted.

Minister of Social Protection, Amna Ally

Why? It is essential that we hold fair, free and credible elections and we cannot do so if the people of Guyana believe that the list is outdated and corrupted. The process GECOM takes to sanitise the list must therefore take into consideration the concerns expressed,” Ally who is also Minister of Social Protection said.

Ally reminded that it is also up to GECOM to come up with a method of ensuring that it provides a credible OLE. “Elections can only be held when GECOM notifies us that they are ready, the underpinning thing is that there is need for a credible list so that we can have credible elections,” Ally said.

“GECOM has a right to implement whatever process they have to implement in order to produce a credible list. The house-to-house is not illegal, and there is an NRR. GECOM has to know what they are going to do to put the two together to come up with a credible list, and I have full confidence in GECOM that they have the capability to produce such a list.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Why is PM Nagamootoo is being labeled as neemakaram? The PPP is not the only party should make these outrageous claims about padded list and rigged elections. The PM has his rights to express his beliefs too.


This fool wanted to be the leader and presidential candidate of the PPP and he didn't know what went on in the party that he spent almost all his political life in? He has to rely now on Bulkan's statistics?

Nagamootoo left the PPP party for selfish reasons. The only disagreement he had with the PPP is that Ramotar was selected instead of him in 2011.

PRIME minister Moses Nagamootoo said there are legitimate beliefs that the existing voters’ list is contaminated with names of deceased persons, Guyanese who have long migrated and, possibly, it is padded with the names of aliens or phantoms.

He said too that there are suspicions that the Opposition PPP has benefitted from the padded list. Writing in his Sunday Chronicle column, Prime Minister Nagamootoo said Minister of Communities, Ronald Bulkan, had shared with him some interesting statistics on the voting patterns during elections between 1997 and 2015. He said at the 1997 elections (the last during the Jagan era), the PPP received 220,632 votes. However, in the post-Jagan period, it started to lose votes between 2001 and 2011, as follows:-In 2001, its votes fell to 210,013 or by 10,619; in 2006 its votes again fell to 183,988 or by 26,025; in 2011 its votes fell to an all-time low of 166,340 or by 17,648.

“The cumulative loss between 2001 and 2011 was 54,292 votes. But, inexplicably, the PPP polled 202,694 votes at the 2015 elections, or an increase by 36,354 votes over its showing in 2011, during which period the government had wallowed in corruption and had sunken to an all-time low in popularity. Key leaders, including former Speaker, Ralph Ramkarran and myself, left the party; other “Jaganites” were alienated,” Nagamootoo wrote.

Prince posted:

Why is PM Nagamootoo is being labeled as neemakaram? The PPP is not the only party should make these outrageous claims about padded list and rigged elections. The PM has his rights to express his beliefs too.

Because he was with the PPP during the time they padded the list and he did nothing to stop them. Only a neemak haraam will do that.

Prince posted:

Why is PM Nagamootoo is being labeled as neemakaram? The PPP is not the only party should make these outrageous claims about padded list and rigged elections. The PM has his rights to express his beliefs too.

That's according to his own words.

kp posted:
Prince posted:

Why is PM Nagamootoo is being labeled as neemakaram? The PPP is not the only party should make these outrageous claims about padded list and rigged elections. The PM has his rights to express his beliefs too.

That's according to his own words.

Lest the Prince forget. 



Dat friggi9n shameless dog will take his panty out for power and wealth. where on earth can you fine another disgraceful piece of shit like dat neemakaram crabdaag!! Just imagine what a Parasite and scoundrel like dat can do with POWER!!!!!!!!!

Baseman posted:

They getting desperate.  I warned them in 2011!

Bai, the AFC would have been so much more powerful today if they didn't join the PNC. And imagine the cherry on the cake with Ali as PPP presidential candidate. But Nagamootoo was shortsighted.

ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

They getting desperate.  I warned them in 2011!

Bai, the AFC would have been so much more powerful today if they didn't join the PNC. And imagine the cherry on the cake with Ali as PPP presidential candidate. But Nagamootoo was shortsighted.

He was selfish. He wanted his tombstone to read PM of Guyana.  So he made the AFC a one trick pony so he can do his one trick!

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

They getting desperate.  I warned them in 2011!

Bai, the AFC would have been so much more powerful today if they didn't join the PNC. And imagine the cherry on the cake with Ali as PPP presidential candidate. But Nagamootoo was shortsighted.

He was selfish. He wanted his tombstone to read PM of Guyana.  So he made the AFC a one trick pony so he can do his one trick!

Ramjattan mentioned recently that he was not on board with coalescing. He said that Nagamootoo insisted on it. Well, it placed them in government briefly but permanently destroyed the reputation of the AFC nd possibly its future existence.


Right now, I just want the elections to be done and let the chips fall where they may. The PPP is barely better than the PNC so is not like anyone needs to go to war for any one of them. But it will either condemn the PNC led Coalition or vindicate them especially the 2015 elections was never allowed to be fully finalized given that there is still a pending lawsuit over the SOPs.

ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

They getting desperate.  I warned them in 2011!

Bai, the AFC would have been so much more powerful today if they didn't join the PNC. And imagine the cherry on the cake with Ali as PPP presidential candidate. But Nagamootoo was shortsighted.

He was selfish. He wanted his tombstone to read PM of Guyana.  So he made the AFC a one trick pony so he can do his one trick!

Ramjattan mentioned recently that he was not on board with coalescing. He said that Nagamootoo insisted on it. Well, it placed them in government briefly but permanently destroyed the reputation of the AFC nd possibly its future existence.

I mentioned this several times. Ramjattan wanted to remain independent but Nagamootoo insisted, and with his voting block and support from certain pro-PNC faction within the AFC, he was overruled!

ksazma posted:

Right now, I just want the elections to be done and let the chips fall where they may. The PPP is barely better than the PNC so is not like anyone needs to go to war for any one of them. But it will either condemn the PNC led Coalition or vindicate them especially the 2015 elections was never allowed to be fully finalized given that there is still a pending lawsuit over the SOPs.

Coming out of the NCV the PPP had momentum, but the PNC has righted their ship a bit and the appointment of Ali has blunted the PPP momentum.  But we have to see, I don’t see a clear advantage on either!

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

Right now, I just want the elections to be done and let the chips fall where they may. The PPP is barely better than the PNC so is not like anyone needs to go to war for any one of them. But it will either condemn the PNC led Coalition or vindicate them especially the 2015 elections was never allowed to be fully finalized given that there is still a pending lawsuit over the SOPs.

Coming out of the NCV the PPP had momentum, but the PNC has righted their ship a bit and the appointment of Ali has blunted the PPP momentum.  But we have to see, I don’t see a clear advantage on either!

The appointment of Ali has indeed blunted the PPP momentum. It is difficult to reconcile the genius of the NCV motion with the subsequent appointment of Ali as the presidential candidate.

Yet, it seems that the PNC still don't trust their wicked history to take advantage of the Ali blunder. Either that or they don't appreciate democracy or freedom/free will.

ksazma posted:

The PNC is now resorting to keeping those dual citizens in their same ministerial role by only changing their titles. That is the kind of evil that would make Satan envious.

And the DUMB GNI FILYH HEADS will continue to scream God blesss PNc Nunch of DUMB AHOLES.


Marnin DJ and Cain!!!!!!!!

kp posted:

PPP benefitted from padded voters list’

By Staff Reporter - , 0, 1654, Share on Facebook, Tweet on Twitter
Minister of Social Protection, Amna Ally

Ally reminded that it is also up to GECOM to come up with a method of ensuring that it provides a credible OLE. “Elections can only be held when GECOM notifies us that they are ready, the underpinning thing is that there is need for a credible list so that we can have credible elections,” Ally said.

Perhaps Amna Ally is unaware that the CCJ upheld the no confidence vote of December 2018 -- hence elections must be held within three months from the date of the CCJ decision.

Also Amna Ally is unaware of section 106, subsections (6) and (7) of the Guyana Constitution.

Guyana Constitution - Section 106, subsections (6) and (7) --

(6) The Cabinet including the President shall resign if the Government is defeated by the vote of a majority of all the elected members of the National Assembly on a vote of confidence.

(7) Notwithstanding its defeat, the Government shall remain in office and shall hold an election within three months, or such longer period as the National Assembly shall by resolution supported by not less than two-thirds of the votes of all the elected members of the National Assembly determine, and shall resign after the President takes the oath of office following the election.”


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