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President Ramotar bids farewell to PPP stalwart
President Ramotar bids farewell to PPP stalwart

President Ramotar bids farewell to PPP stalwart

PRESIDENT Donald Ramotar, General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic, Clement Rohee and other senior party members yesterday bid their final farewell to Ramdeo Sahadeo, also known as ‘Fenny’, former deputy head of the Berbice Anti-Smuggling Squad (BASS) and PPP stalwart.IMG-07473Also present at the funeral were radio announcer, Ossie Rogers, Executive Secretary of the PPP, Zulfikar Mustapha, and other party activists. ‘Fenny’ as he is popularly known passed away last week after a brief illness.
In his address in the presence of a large gathering at the home of the fallen party stalwart, President Ramotar reflected on the unwavering approach of Sahadeo in the execution of both his professional work as an anti-smuggling agent and a party worker.
The Head of State recalled that ‘Fenny’ was also a silent hero who fought for freedom and democracy years ago, which many Guyanese now have the privilege of enjoying. He also noted that ‘Fenny’ had always displayed a high level of commitment since they had their first encounter back in the 1970s while working for the Progressive Youth Organisation (PYO).
President Ramotar also reminded the mourners that ‘Fenny’ came from a family which was actively involved in the struggles to ensure the freedom which workers, especially in the sugar industry, enjoy today.
President Rasmotar expressed his deepest sadness at the passing of Sahadeo.
Meanwhile, PPP General Secretary, Clement Rohee in his remarks also praised the work of Sahadeo as he hailed him as one of the residents of Enmore who had never questioned tasks assigned to him.
Rohee said that the party needs more Ramdeo Sahadeos who will carry out the work of the party without questioning, while remaining on the side of justice and peace as the fallen comrade.
Written By Leroy Smith 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

A true stalwart, a man who never would have allowed a Cuffy to rule Guyana again.

If it wasn't for Cuffy, you'll still be cutting cane


Listen, my foreparents  did not need a Cuffy to fight for them. The went to Guyana as free men.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

A true stalwart, a man who never would have allowed a Cuffy to rule Guyana again.

Cuffy never rule Guyana or anybody...besides, he is dead over 3 centuries ago you dumb kakahole...

Originally Posted by yuji22:

A true stalwart, a man who never would have allowed a Cuffy to rule Guyana again.

* Damn right! Ramdeo Sahadeo was a man of honor and character.


* Now check out these 2 ugly scumbags:-->their minds are as black as their faces.



* Those two judases are working 24/7 to elect a CUFFY.


* And lots of CUFFY LOVERS are lending their support----they despise Guyana being led by a Ramotar.





Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

A true stalwart, a man who never would have allowed a Cuffy to rule Guyana again.

If it wasn't for Cuffy, you'll still be cutting cane


Listen, my foreparents  did not need a Cuffy to fight for them. The went to Guyana as free men.

ever wondered who paved the way for them to be free men? or who paved the way for yuh no good koolie crabdawg ass to come live a free man in North America?

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

A true stalwart, a man who never would have allowed a Cuffy to rule Guyana again.

* Damn right! Ramdeo Sahadeo was a man of honor and character.


* Now check out these 2 ugly scumbags:-->their minds are as black as their faces.



* Those two judases are working 24/7 to elect a CUFFY.


* And lots of CUFFY LOVERS are lending their support----they despise Guyana being led by a Ramotar.






The Cuffy lovers are the Judases who sold out their people.

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

A true stalwart, a man who never would have allowed a Cuffy to rule Guyana again.

If it wasn't for Cuffy, you'll still be cutting cane


Listen, my foreparents  did not need a Cuffy to fight for them. The went to Guyana as free men.

ever wondered who paved the way for them to be free men? or who paved the way for yuh no good koolie crabdawg ass to come live a free man in North America?




You need to take some History lessons. Indo Guyanese fled Guyana from two Cuffys, not one but two.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

A true stalwart, a man who never would have allowed a Cuffy to rule Guyana again.

If it wasn't for Cuffy, you'll still be cutting cane


Listen, my foreparents  did not need a Cuffy to fight for them. The went to Guyana as free men.

ever wondered who paved the way for them to be free men? or who paved the way for yuh no good koolie crabdawg ass to come live a free man in North America?




You need to take some History lessons. Indo Guyanese fled Guyana from two Cuffys, not one but two.

listen you coconut oil lice infested head koolie, yuh should be lucky that yuh not cleaning shit off the streets of India...yuh better go lick Cuffy balls and say thank you

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

A true stalwart, a man who never would have allowed a Cuffy to rule Guyana again.

If it wasn't for Cuffy, you'll still be cutting cane


Listen, my foreparents  did not need a Cuffy to fight for them. The went to Guyana as free men.

ever wondered who paved the way for them to be free men? or who paved the way for yuh no good koolie crabdawg ass to come live a free man in North America?




You need to take some History lessons. Indo Guyanese fled Guyana from two Cuffys, not one but two.

listen you coconut oil lice infested head koolie, yuh should be lucky that yuh not cleaning shit off the streets of India...yuh better go lick Cuffy balls and say thank you

yuji will refrain from engaging any further with the filthy and confused Ray and will recommend that Ray read some history books.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by raymond:

ever wondered who paved the way for them to be free men? or who paved the way for yuh no good koolie crabdawg ass to come live a free man in North America?



* Keep praying hard Raymond.


* Allah may answer your prayers 100 year from now.




* If a CUFFY can rule the great USA, then surely a CUFFY can one day rule Guyana.



anadda crabdawg wannabe white talkin shit as usual...just keep copy and paste, dats all you good at

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

A true stalwart, a man who never would have allowed a Cuffy to rule Guyana again.

If it wasn't for Cuffy, you'll still be cutting cane


Listen, my foreparents  did not need a Cuffy to fight for them. The went to Guyana as free men.

ever wondered who paved the way for them to be free men? or who paved the way for yuh no good koolie crabdawg ass to come live a free man in North America?




You need to take some History lessons. Indo Guyanese fled Guyana from two Cuffys, not one but two.

listen you coconut oil lice infested head koolie, yuh should be lucky that yuh not cleaning shit off the streets of India...yuh better go lick Cuffy balls and say thank you

yuji will refrain from engaging any further with the filthy and confused Ray and will recommend that Ray read some history books.

run like the typical cowardly koolie you like yuh run away form Guyana to NA...keep running




* Never engage with CUFFY LOVERS directly.


* They are nasty, vulgar people.


* It pains the CUFFY LOVERS to see a Ramotar as president.



* Only a CUFFY as president will make them happy.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:



* Never engage with CUFFY LOVERS directly.


* That are nasty, vulgar people.


* It pains the CUFFY LOVERS to see a Ramotar as president.



* Only a CUFFY as president will make them happy.



Damn just have to deal with it like yuh dealing with Cuffy in America

Originally Posted by Rev:



* Never engage with CUFFY LOVERS directly.


* That are nasty, vulgar people.


* It pains the CUFFY LOVERS to see a Ramotar as president.



* Only a CUFFY as president will make them happy.






You are right, their vulgar and indecent friends will soon show up on this thread to pollute it. They will soon display their Chammar traits.

Originally Posted by raymond:

Damn just have to deal with it like yuh dealing with Cuffy in America


* I see you are burning up with anger raymond.


* Careful! You might bust a blood vessel---calm down---think about your loving family.


* Pray to ALLAH---plead with him for a CUFFY to lead Guyana.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by raymond:

Damn just have to deal with it like yuh dealing with Cuffy in America


* I see you are burning up with anger raymond.


* Careful! You might bust a blood vessel---calm down---think about your loving family.


* Pray to ALLAH---plead with him for a CUFFY to lead Guyana.



Whenever you faced with adversity, you try to spin things...typical cowardly koolie crab

look how you cowardly koolie bring God into the conversation...typical low down cowardly trait

But you have always been like that when faced with adversity...when them boys from bust yuh ass...yuh run like yuh run way from Guyana

Originally Posted by raymond:

Whenever you faced with adversity, you try to spin things...typical cowardly koolie crab




* You are surely grouchy and irritable these days.



* Like Danyael, you must be going through male


* Thanks for the invitation to join you in the gutter---but the Rev respectfully declines.





Originally Posted by raymond:

so, why yuh run away from't handle all them Cuffy over there?

yu have always been a chicken shit

Ray, just ignore Rev and Yugi; they are maggots in anticipation for  a dump.


I remember Fenny as a comrade of yesteryear. And I recall drinking a few beers with him at Farm Fresh restaurant on Robb Street in 1985.

Sorry to hear about his passing.

My sincere condolences to his family and comrades.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by raymond:

Whenever you faced with adversity, you try to spin things...typical cowardly koolie crab




* You are surely grouchy and irritable these days.



* Like Danyael, you must be going through male


* Thanks for the invitation to join you in the gutter---but the Rev respectfully declines.





You definitely live in a mysteriously alien place from the rest of us. These wild imaginings of others could only come from the confuse and shut in.


And please do disabuse yourself of the notion that a racist and a silly person can set that standard for ethics. You are obscenely stupid and with racism in the mix you are disgustingly low rent.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

I remember Fenny as a comrade of yesteryear. And I recall drinking a few beers with him at Farm Fresh restaurant on Robb Street in 1985.

Sorry to hear about his passing.

My sincere condolences to his family and comrades.

Fenny opposed stationing GDF soldiers in Rosehall a few weeks ago to scare Indians.


Fenny opposed allowing Kwame to attend the PPP Congress in Berbice last year....and his was right .....because some how Jagdeo was able to get Kwame on the PPP Central Committee from the Backside....and now Berbice is forever smeared as the Place where De First Black Hindu Homo Funny Fella was elected to the Leadership of the PPP. A Record No Berbician is proud of (Except Skeldon...who help get him that position)


Fenny went so far as to say they should

Chain both Kwame & Jagdeo to Cuffy Statue

 for the  Duration of PPP Congress in Berbice...

Fenny supported the law of Guyana which clearly states that Kwame should face the death penalty for Practicing, Promoting and Supporting Buggery in Guyana like Rev and Yuji22.


Today Dutty Crab Louse like Kwame, Rev and Yuji taking like if Fenny was dem Friend.


Rest in Peace my Friend.  

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by raymond:

so, why yuh run away from't handle all them Cuffy over there?

yu have always been a chicken shit

Ray, just ignore Rev and Yugi; they are maggots in anticipation for  a dump.



With all respect, I prefer not to ignore people I disagree with...been in plenty wars on GNI...not a big deal, it's what get the blood flowing sometimes...

This is a place we blow off steam sometimes....once I log off, I don't carry this stuff with me...


Now, for those 2 maggots Rev and Yugi, I'll have to get back to later

Originally Posted by raymond:

Now, for those 2 maggots Rev and Yugi, I'll have to get back to later


* Good morning Raymond.


* Good to see you are in a pleasant mood this morning.




President Ramotar bids farewell to PPP stalwart

This photo was not taken at Fenny's funeral.

Look at the flag on the coffin. It's the police flag.

Look at the mourners. They are not Fenny's family.

This picture and the other one in the Chronicle report were taken at a policeman's or ex-policeman's funeral.

I'm not surprised yuji22 copied these photos along with the Chronicle report. Blind loyalty makes one do unthinking things.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

President Ramotar bids farewell to PPP stalwart

This photo was not taken at Fenny's funeral.

Look at the flag on the coffin. It's the police flag.

Look at the mourners. They are not Fenny's family.

This picture and the other one in the Chronicle report were taken at a policeman's or ex-policeman's funeral.

I'm not surprised yuji22 copied these photos along with the Chronicle report. Blind loyalty makes one do unthinking things.

Look in de picture good

Yuh gon see...De Black Hindu Yuji22

dress like a Blind woman with the stick....

Bhai dem Back poke fellas don't know de Difference....

and he leading Rev...look Rev Behind in De Sunshade....

Kwame got on a white Shirt....

and de two ah dem dress like Gal

Last edited by Former Member

This is a Picture from Fenny Funeral,

Not de one with them Black Hindus Yuji & Rev worshiping

President Ramotar bids farewell to PPP stalwart

I cant understand why Yuji & Rev cant get nothing right....


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by warrior:

the only time rev and yuji can be any good is when they are dead

* You seem to be consumed by anger.


* Anger causes stress.


* And stress is not good for the heart.


* Do a physical soon---may save your life.



Originally Posted by warrior:

the only time rev and yuji can be any good is when they are dead




I will make an exception to respond to a Chammar (Leather, bag and shoe maker).


Yuji will live for at least one hundred years, you will be probably long gone by then. Your blood pressure will burst at the rate you are going right now.


Take a chill pill, relax and thank your lucky stars that yuji took an exception to respond to a Chammar (Leather, bag and shoe maker) and give him some solid advice.


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by warrior:

the only time rev and yuji can be any good is when they are dead




I will make an exception to respond to a Chammar (Leather, bag and shoe maker).


Yuji will live for at least one hundred years, you will be probably long gone by then. Your blood pressure will burst at the rate you are going right now.


Take a chill pill, relax and thank your lucky stars that yuji took an exception to respond to a Chammar (Leather, bag and shoe maker) and give him some solid advice.


Warrior is a Kshatriya (Chatriya) like Lakshmanji.

Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

A true stalwart, a man who never would have allowed a Cuffy to rule Guyana again.

* Damn right! Ramdeo Sahadeo was a man of honor and character.


* Now check out these 2 ugly scumbags:-->their minds are as black as their faces.



* Those two judases are working 24/7 to elect a CUFFY.


* And lots of CUFFY LOVERS are lending their support----they despise Guyana being led by a Ramotar.





Exhibit A of coded racial references.


  • their minds are as black as their faces.


  • And lots of CUFFY LOVERS are lending their support

I don't expect the Administrators of this Board to see this the same way. By ignoring this, they themselves are encouraging racism against Blacks. I challenge the Admins here to even acknowledge that they have read this and considered it seriously.


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