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PPP blasts Government for perceived crime fighting lapse

July 9, 2015 | By | Filed Under News, Source


Former President Donald Ramotar has blasted A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance for Chance (APNU+AFC) for only now holding the crime fighting strategy meeting, stating that the Party should have already formulated a strategy, in light of its campaign promises.

This came out during People’s Progressive Party (PPP) press conference at Freedom house, yesterday, during which the former Head of State, Donald Ramotar, criticised the government’s approach to the upsurge in crime.
“When the APNU+AFC were in opposition, they claimed to have a superior plan than ours to fight crime and they lambasted us,” he said.

According to Ramotar, the then opposition had also “boasted” about its “army credentials” using former Military personnel who, he claimed, now dominated Government.

“They claimed to have all the answers for the crime situation, but now we see a real upsurge and spike in crime.”

He expressed “shock” upon hearing that the President was having a meeting to address the crime surge and work out a strategy.

“What does that mean? Were they lying to the Guyanese people in their manifesto? Were they lying about all their plans?” Ramotar queried.

“Every single day we see violent crime escalating in our society and the government is only now drafting a plan to deal with the situation.”

Statistics compiled by Kaieteur News for the first six months and six days of this year, show that there have been at least 80 murders during this period. Twenty-eight of the victims were shot dead, and of this number, 14 appeared to be clear-cut execution-style killings. Many of these cases remain unsolved.

The police and the new Administration have come in for criticism for the recent rise in violent crime, even though statistics released by the Force and compiled by Kaieteur News indicate that crime was on the rise from the beginning of this year.

Aside from murders committed by robbers and execution-style killings, disputes and ‘crimes of passion’ accounted for most of the homicides.

Fifteen women have been slain for the year, including four young females aged 19, 18, 17 and 14, and three elderly women aged 73, 67 and 68. Of this number, six were killed during confrontations with male associates; three (including two of the senior citizens), were slain during home invasions, two were found battered in remote areas; one was the victim of an execution-style murder, one died from burns after her home was set alight, one was allegedly stabbed to death by a female friend.

One of the elderly women is believed to have been slain by persons who tried to make it appear as if she was a rape/robbery victim.

More recently, East Canje businesswoman, Angela Hussain, 41, was shot in the head during a home invasion on Monday evening. So far, the police have detained several persons as investigations continue.

On Saturday evening popular businessman and owner of the Regent Multiplex Mall, Ganesh Ramlall, was shot multiple times in an apparent robbery attempt. So far, investigators have made no breakthroughs into the case.

Government has since announced a comprehensive plan to combat crime, including the use of CCTV cameras, as well as canine units and mounted patrols.

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Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
“When the APNU+AFC were in opposition, they claimed to have a superior plan than ours to fight crime and they lambasted us,” he said.

According to Ramotar, the then opposition had also “boasted” about its “army credentials” using former Military personnel who, he claimed, now dominated Government.

“They claimed to have all the answers for the crime situation, but now we see a real upsurge and spike in crime.”



PPP blasts Government for perceived crime fighting lapse, July 9, 2015 | By | Filed Under News, Source

Lots of plans by the former opposition now the government, but details to actively pursue the issues now are lacking in all areas.


I agree with Ramo, planning strategy now is a duck more dead than Ramo, they should now implement instead of plan, I see this Government losing the next election, horses and dogs will not stop crime in the Corentyne.

Originally Posted by seignet:

23 years of bad governance. The PPP were the criminals-they associated with criminals. And they might be very well be killing people today.


Criminals, Criminals, Criminals. 

Which commissioner of police was talking about putting drugs in the lady' suitcaxe and telling Now attorney general Williams that they did the pnc a great favour as it related to the Agricola Killings?

Originally Posted by seignet:

23 years of bad governance. The PPP were the criminals-they associated with criminals. And they might be very well be killing people today.


Criminals, Criminals, Criminals. 

In other words, you are supporting the Alliance's lame duck crime fighting machine.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
“When the APNU+AFC were in opposition, they claimed to have a superior plan than ours to fight crime and they lambasted us,” he said.

According to Ramotar, the then opposition had also “boasted” about its “army credentials” using former Military personnel who, he claimed, now dominated Government.

“They claimed to have all the answers for the crime situation, but now we see a real upsurge and spike in crime.”



PPP blasts Government for perceived crime fighting lapse, July 9, 2015 | By | Filed Under News, Source

Lots of plans by the former opposition now the government, but details to actively pursue the issues now are lacking in all areas.


It is not even 100 days and APNU is in crisis. Rice market collapses, the economy slows down, crime escalates and Ramjattan appears clueless.


18 Million allocated for Moses house while the rice industry might collapse. Sugar is already dead.


Oil might not be flowing for another three to four years.


APNU must act quickly, Guyanese voted for change, not crisis after crisis. 




ROGER KHAN PLANNED TO BLOW UP DEA LOCATION, KILL AMBASSADOR………….Convicted cocaine trafficker, Shaheed ‘ Roger’ Khan, who had allegedly helped build mosques and fund scholarships,  had allegedly promised to blow up a Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) location and kill the United States Ambassador.


Labeled “Secret,’ the latest Wikileaked diplomatic cable from then American envoy, Roland Bullen likened Khan unto Colombia’s one-time drug baron, Pablo Escobar.

Khan was arrested in Suriname in June 2006 and put on a plane to Trinidad where he was snatched by US agents and taken to New York. He was convicted for cocaine trafficking in October 2009 and sentenced to 15 years jail after a plea bargain. .

In the February 1, 2006 missive, he detailed Khan’s operations that included arms and trafficking connections with the Colombian rebel group, FARC, with links to Panama and France.

Bullen recalled that Khan had allegedly threatened to kill the Ambassador and the Regional Security Officer when an informant leaked an American plan to set up a DEA counter narcotics operation in Guyana.

“After the leak, Khan threatened to blow up the site of the operation and threatened the lives of Ambassador and the then RSO (Ref D).  These threats forced the operation’s abandonment,” said Bullen.

Recounting that Khan enjoyed business ties with now late Farouk Razac of Swiss House Cambio, “a big money laundering operation, to launder his narco-trafficking proceeds,” the cable noted that “Khan’s drug proceeds have also funded mosques and sent Muslims to study abroad.”

The then US Ambassador noted that Khan was operating in Guyana with apparent impunity and tacit approval of the Guyana government (GoG)

“It is believed that GoG is compromised to such an extent that it will not pursue Khan, despite paying lip service to the fight against narco-trafficking.

“Ambassador has spoken with GoG to little avail about Khan’s drug activities and unaccounted wealth.  The GoG has adopted a head-in-the-sand approach to Khan and narco-trafficking in general.  The GoG asks for hard evidence  and pretends not to know how Khan acquires his means,” states the cable.

Bullen alleged that former Home Affairs Minister, Ronald Gajraj had employed a death squad whose principle was Khan to crack down on crime from 2002 to 2004. The cable quoted Gajraj as telling American embassy officials that Khan regularly traveled to Suriname to meet with Desi Bouterse. The two had met at a hotel in Suriname as recently as 2005.

Bullen alluded to what he termed “strong indications that Khan was deeply involved in a December 2005 shipment of weapons to FARC in Columbia.”

The cable disclosed concerns that Khan had been negotiating with former Chairman of the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuco), Vic Oditt to purchase a 200 square mile ranch at Pirara in the Southern Rupununi region.  “The ranch has a large airstrip, and Khan is believed to be acting at the behest of Colombian or Panamanian narco-interests.”

He had already bought out Kaow Island, Essequibo River from local entrepreneur and Harry Rambarran in February 2005.  Once owned by the now bankrupt Willems

Timber, Kaow Island has a wharf for ocean going vessels, an airstrip, access to Guyana’s bush roads that radiate out from Bartica, and a 136,000-acre timber concession.  In September 2005, Rambarran sued Khan for defaulting on a USD 1.1 million

promissory note made in partial payment for the island.

The embassy cable quoted a senior functionary of Office of the President as saying that  sophisticated cell phone intercept equipment and high-powered weapons that had been seized by a Guyana Defence Force (GDF) roadblock  in December 2002 had been handed back to Khan.

“Our interlocutor said the arrest had been “a mistake” because Khan was “working with the because Khan was “working with the police” when the arrest was made,” states the cable.

Originally Posted by yuji22:



Stop behaving like a child and try to derail a very serious discussion. 

Very serious to understand the genesis of the Crime wave - Roger Khan and his partna Gajruj.


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