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Former Member

The PPP are burning logs to hide evidence, they are tearing down websites and withdrawing information from the public domain. Unfortunately the cat is already out of the bag.


They have unleashed their thugs Bynoe and others to intimidate the people of Guyana. The irony in this is that while Baseman criticizes the people of Ferguson he praises the actions of Bynoe who is now his most favorite son in Guyana right Dr. Baseman?


Stats bureau website suspended

Posted By Staff Writer On August 20, 2014 @ 5:15 am In Local News | No Comments

The Bureau of Statistics’ website has been suspended for unknown reasons and officials are unable to say why.

The timing of the suspension raises questions as it follows recent reports by Stabroek News which states that logging figures offered by Finance Minister Ashni Singh in his mid-year report were contradicted by figures released by the International Tropical Timber Organisation (ITTO).

In its bi-weekly report, released last Friday, the ITTO, citing figures supplied by the Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC) said that log exports rose by 80% in the first half of this year compared to the same period last year. This revelation contradicts Singh, who in his mid-year report in the economy attributed the 31.3% increase in timber export earnings to β€œan expansion in plywood earnings.”

The state of the website was discovered yesterday morning and it remained this way until press time last evening. A reporter from this newspaper visited the Bureau around 3:35 pm yesterday and waited for more than an hour to query the development with Chief Statistician Lennox Benjamin who was said to be in a meeting at the time.

When the reporter left at around 4:45 pm Benjamin was said to still be in his meeting.

Efforts were also made to speak to the agency’s Information Technology (IT) staff about the suspended site but a message from the department referred the reporter back to Benjamin. Eventually, a representative of the Bureau explained that the suspension of the site was noticed by them on Monday.

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Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

The PPP are burning logs to hide evidence, they are tearing down websites and withdrawing information from the public domain. Unfortunately the cat is already out of the bag.


They have unleashed their thugs Bynoe and others to intimidate the people of Guyana. The irony in this is that while Baseman criticizes the people of Ferguson he praises the actions of Bynoe who is now his most favorite son in Guyana right Dr. Baseman?


Stats bureau website suspended

Posted By Staff Writer On August 20, 2014 @ 5:15 am In Local News | No Comments

The Bureau of Statistics’ website has been suspended for unknown reasons and officials are unable to say why.

The timing of the suspension raises questions as it follows recent reports by Stabroek News which states that logging figures offered by Finance Minister Ashni Singh in his mid-year report were contradicted by figures released by the International Tropical Timber Organisation (ITTO).

In its bi-weekly report, released last Friday, the ITTO, citing figures supplied by the Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC) said that log exports rose by 80% in the first half of this year compared to the same period last year. This revelation contradicts Singh, who in his mid-year report in the economy attributed the 31.3% increase in timber export earnings to β€œan expansion in plywood earnings.”

The state of the website was discovered yesterday morning and it remained this way until press time last evening. A reporter from this newspaper visited the Bureau around 3:35 pm yesterday and waited for more than an hour to query the development with Chief Statistician Lennox Benjamin who was said to be in a meeting at the time.

When the reporter left at around 4:45 pm Benjamin was said to still be in his meeting.

Efforts were also made to speak to the agency’s Information Technology (IT) staff about the suspended site but a message from the department referred the reporter back to Benjamin. Eventually, a representative of the Bureau explained that the suspension of the site was noticed by them on Monday.

HM-R, in addition to the above Stabroek News reports that the Norwegian government is warning the PPP cabal about the risk of Chinese funding of the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project.

Moreover, Norway says Guyana will lose US$20 million of its promised funding because of deforestation.

Norway had promised Jagdeo to pay Guyana around US$250 million if it preserves its rainforest. The scampish PPP regime has begun drawing from the Norway funds but allowing notorious bribe-giving Chinese to ravage the same rainforest.

Thanks to exposΓ© by Kaieteur News and Stabroek News, the Government of Norway is watching with the keenest interest the unscrupulous behaviour of the PPP regime and its agencies like the Guyana Forestry Commission and the Bureau of Statistics.

No wonder the regime is in panic mode, cuss down mode, terror-threatening-Bynoe mode.

We can expect the PPP monkeys on GNI to join in the howl.


The Chinese involvement in Guyana is dire, the population is largely ignorant about the amount of key investments the chinese have made in Guyana setting up the cabal and enabling them to basically rape the country blind.


The chinese government now has an inherent interest to keep the PPP in office for a very very long time.

Originally Posted by JB:

Wow what a real communist this PPP

JB, Donald Ramotar became President of Guyana as a result of general elections on November 28, 2011.

Less than 2 weeks after that, the PPP sent Navin Chandarpal to represent the Party at the 13th International Meeting of Communist and Workers Parties in Athens, Greece.

Navin adressed the meeting. Here is a part of his speech. Show your mamoo how Navin said the PPP will destroy capitalists.

Chandarpal: "THE PPP OF GUYANA expresses its sincere
appreciation to the Communist party of
Greece for the excellent preparations for our
meeting and more importantly for the great
example of struggle that it is currently leading.
In Guyana, our Party the PPP, in Government,
has been working tirelessly to rebuild
the shattered economy inherited from colonial
rule followed by an authoritarian dictatorship
during the first quarter of a century of our
existence as an Independent Nation.
to a Socialist Future, we have embarked
on the initial stage of National Democracy
which seeks to strengthen the role and influence
of the working class and reduce the influence
of local and foreign capitalist forces.

The newly elected President of our Country,
our Party’s General secretary, Comrade Donald
Ramotar, re-emphasised this commitment
in his declaration to the electorate that:
Β«Specific attention will equally be paid to
workers who are the bedrock of our economic
activities. We hope to work closely with the
labour movement so as to protect and advance
the interests of workers in an environment
that guarantees the personal safety of
every citizen. My objective is to work with
stakeholders to promote unity of the labour
had expressed the position for many decades
that the unbridled control of market forces
over the direction of globalization would not
only lead to major setbacks for the economies
of developing countries but would also result
in intense crises in the developed capitalist
the forces of imperialism and reaction are
seeking to divert the anger of the working
people from understanding the real nature of
the crisis. They are greatly helped by the severe
decline in ideological work which followed
the collapse of the socialist system two
decades ago.
However, the failure of the combined efforts
of the major capitalist powers to stop the
decline has re-opened peoples’ doubts about
the false pictures painted of capitalism. And
the attacks on the working class generated by
the crisis have provoked new levels of militant
actions by the working people to defend their
TODAY, HERE IN ATHENS, let us once
again draw inspiration from the ongoing
struggles of the working people of Greece to
confront the difficult tasks facing the Proletariat
with the legendary strength of Heracles
(referred to by the Romans as Hercules) and
like Theseus and Perseus destroy the Minotars
and Medusas of Capitalism and Imperialism."

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Navin did well to rally the crowd then went home and be a Capitalist.

But Nehru that is deceptive.


Well let us see how the communist will help him now, he is visiting a CAPITALIST HOSPITAL in the USA right now.


WHY did he not go to a NORTH KOREA HOSPITAL or one in CUBA?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Navin did well to rally the crowd then went home and be a Capitalist.

But Nehru that is deceptive.


Well let us see how the communist will help him now, he is visiting a CAPITALIST HOSPITAL in the USA right now.


WHY did he not go to a NORTH KOREA HOSPITAL or one in CUBA?

Brian, Navin alone didn't write that speech. It was written by the PPP leadership at Freedom House. The PPP sent Navin to read the speech in Greece so that, in the event of lashback, Navin will become the fall guy.


Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Navin did well to rally the crowd then went home and be a Capitalist.

But Nehru that is deceptive.


Well let us see how the communist will help him now, he is visiting a CAPITALIST HOSPITAL in the USA right now.


WHY did he not go to a NORTH KOREA HOSPITAL or one in CUBA?

Did you really read my above comment and if you did, did you understand what you read???


Chanderpaul has to sing for his supper like the rest of the crooks in the cabal.


All these folks who does come and pray about this particular individual is being good and that one is not its all nonsense. As long as they remain in that structure every bloody single one of them are corrupt. 


When they bail out and start speaking up then its a different story. Many have been speaking up about this government since 2006 some before that. The warnings since then have all been proven true, the PPP is a dangerous entity for Guyana and the people of Guyana.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

The PPP is stealing at an unprecedented rate right now. They know they will not win another election so they are stealing all they can get their hands on right now, its wild west.

Dah rite bai. Tief while the money plenty. Yu cyan't tief wen nuttin na deh.

Skelly, this is no laughing matter. This is a damning situation.

Last weekend someone in Guyana told me on the phone that PPP-appointed officials in the public service, in the local authorities, and even in the Ministry of Health, are in a thieving frenzy. Those crooks are barefaced enough to tell their friends and families that they have to "catch dey hand now" because the PPP might lose the coming elections.


Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Navin did well to rally the crowd then went home and be a Capitalist.

But Nehru that is deceptive.


Well let us see how the communist will help him now, he is visiting a CAPITALIST HOSPITAL in the USA right now.


WHY did he not go to a NORTH KOREA HOSPITAL or one in CUBA?

Did you really read my above comment and if you did, did you understand what you read???

NEHRU yu partners ROSE and SINGH writes again.



Why are they bent on destroying Guyana?


The recent revelations in Kaieteur News that Bai Shan Lin has and continues to destroy Guyana’s pristine forests have caused us to reflect on these questions: What are the nation’s shared values?  What is wrong with the PPP regime? Why are they bent on destroying Guyana?
Their actions are clear indications that they are putting their financial interests and those of their relatives and friends first, and not the country and people.
They are stripping Guyana of all its valuable assets and resources so that nothing but crumbs will be left for the people. They have become power drunk and want to remain in office at all cost with no plan to be humble, no plan to serve, no plan to toil, no plan to let the truth lead the way.  What we have in Guyana is a corrupt group of politicians in the regime who are arrogant and who want to get ahead politically by using race as a tool of division.
They abuse the words β€œunity and economic development.” They are of the opinion that if they cannot rule the country, then they will do everything in their power to destroy it, give away its forests, rape the treasury, bankrupt the country and turned the masses into paupers and beggars.
The sadness in the whole episode is that Guyana has sunk to the lowest level under this ruthless regime. The PNCR is not helpful either, in that it does not know how to capitalize on the weaknesses of the PPP.  The PNCR continues to frustrate its grass-roots supporters and should APNU lose the next elections they cannot blame anyone else but themselves.  Through their own doing, they have alienated the youths and the thousands of Guyanese who might not have wanted to support the PPP.  These youths are likely to stay away from the polls in the next election if the PNCR does not get its act together quickly. Except for Carl Greenidge, Joe Harmon, Basil Williams and Ronald Bulkan who have and continue to expose the wicked PPP regime, its other MPs are nowhere to be seen or heard. It seems as though they do not have a fighting spirit, and this is why the responsibility of the opposition has fallen on the AFC leadership who have to be credited with the β€œno confidence” motion which is needed to get rid of the ruling cabal.
The whole unfortunate truth in this matter is that APNU as the main opposition has not lived up to expectations. They have single handedly allowed the PPP to handcuff them by taking away their most potent weaponβ€”peaceful protests and demonstrations. It leaves one to wonder if the PNCR has become a destructive force within itself, because all they do is to β€œput their foot into their mouths” Is this party a government in waiting?  It’s up to the people to decide on who should lead the coalition to defeat the PPP!
Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish Singh


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