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Vindhya Persaud, and Jenifer Webster hit the campaign trail around 18:00h telling Guyanese that they must never forget their past because it helped them to make cogent decisions about their future.

The PPP have a lot of intelligent women in all positions. They respect women as per their record. They empower women in every capacity. They acknowledge many women on International women day and throughout the year. The PPP now have an excellent woman as prime ministerial candidate. That said it for them. The PNC record on women is a disgrace on the whole. How would you feel if your mother or daughter treated like dalits by the PNC?


Originally Posted by Cobra:

Vindhya Persaud, and Jenifer Webster hit the campaign trail around 18:00h telling Guyanese that they must never forget their past because it helped them to make cogent decisions about their future.

The PPP have a lot of intelligent women in all positions. They respect women as per their record. They empower women in every capacity. They acknowledge many women on International women day and throughout the year. The PPP now have an excellent woman as prime ministerial candidate. That said it for them. The PNC record on women is a disgrace on the whole. How would you feel if your mother or daughter treated like dalits by the PNC?


True dat.. THe PPP IS GOOD FOR GUyana.  Do not let others come and DESTROY our Guyana!!


From Alena: This is not lip service.

Ramotar recommits Govt’s support for Private Sector investment

President Donald Ramotar on Saturday recommitted his Administration to creating an environment for Private Sector investment and noted that over the 22 years his Party has been in Government,

President Donald Ramotar with members of the West Berbice Chamber of Commerce

President Donald Ramotar with members of the West Berbice Chamber of Commerce

several initiatives have been put in place to promote this.

Among these initiatives are several laws to facilitate business development. Ramotar’s comments came as he addressed persons from the business sector in Region Five (Mahaica-Berbice) on Saturday evening at the re-launch of the West Berbice Chamber of Commerce. The event was held on the lawns of the Berbice Bridge Company office s at Rosignol.

Ramotar said while the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) has been encouraging private investment in Guyana and has been promoting Public Private Partnership, the Opposition has not been supporting Government’s efforts. “Development for the Opposition’s incidental, what is important for them is power,” he added.

However, the President noted that Government has not been able to facilitate Private Sector investment as it wished. This, he said, was because of several factors including the high cost being paid in Guyana for energy. “The biggest impediment to rapid development of the business community is the lack of cheap electricity, and that is why the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project is so important.” He said in an effort to encourage Private Sector investment, there was need to pay attention to crime. “And that is why we have invested millions of dollars in a modern forensic lab. We have a policy of giving weapons to business persons. More cameras have been placed on our roads and there are now more lights on our streets, “the President noted.

He said his Administration will continue to place heavy emphasis on developing infrastructure. Apart from the physical infrastructure, mush emphasis is being placed on developing the human infrastructure. The President, however, noted that there was still need to invest in the human infrastructure which would result in benefits for the Private Sector.

According to Ramotar, a deepwater harbour which is soon to be built in Region Five will make Guyana a maritime hub and also increase business in the North Rupununi.


Education Minister Priya Manickchand also addressed the gathering and applauded the efforts of the Chamber, which was resuscitated last year. She said it was good that many young people had decided to remain in Guyana, get into business and also try to develop those businesses. Which she said had not been the case three decades ago. “People need to take note of what is happening in the political arena so that they can make informed choices and ensure that there continues to be economic growth,” she said, while noting that Guyana has experienced nine successive years of economic growth. Minister Manickchand said the State’s responsibility was to create an environment that made it easier to do business. “You have a choice as to what you want your business to look like after May 11,” she declared.

Meanwhile, also addressing the Chamber members, Attorney General and Legal Affairs Minister Anil Nandlall said Government would continue to facilitate the development of the business community.

He said Government will continue to encourage Public Private Partnerships and noted that the Berbice River Bridge Company was one example of one, which has promoted economic activity in Rosignol.

Nandlall noted that in order for the continued growth of the Private Sector, there was need for the passing of the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering of Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Amendment Bill, which was rejected on two occasions by the Opposition.

West Berbice Chamber President Shabbir Baksh explained that the Head of State was asked to address the business community so that they can have an understanding of Government’s plans and put forward several proposals to Government. Among those proposals was developing Rosignol into a town.

Past President of the Chamber, Imran Sacoor said Government needed to make the legislative arrangements and to give the blessing for the community to be declared a town. He noted that Government had promised to make the area a township several years ago. “If Rosignol becomes a town, it will attract more businesses. Development cannot be advanced if we do not get the blessing of the Government. The Private Sector is considered the engine of development.” Sacoor noted that since the establishment of the Berbice River Bridge, Region Five has transformed. “Rosignol, D’Edward, Cotton Tree and even Bath Settlement all have striving small businesses now. People don’t travel across the river as much and many jobs have been created in these communities.” He said this was revealed in the fact that seldom do persons travel to the town of New Amsterdam, Berbice, Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne) to conduct business as most of the services were now being offered in Rosignol. He called on Government to put mechanisms in place to allow for the lowering of interest rates for rice farmers. Region Five is the country’s largest rice-producing region. Sacoor urged Government to provide the Chamber with information on how it could best assist cash crop farmers in the region. According to Sacoor, the Chamber’s aim is to make Region Five a model region. He said the Chamber was eagerly looking forward to the establishment of the deepwater harbour and the creation of the industrial park in the region, which have been promised.

Also the University of Guyana needs to have a programme to train entrepreneurs, he said. This would result in more businesses being developed in Guyana. According to Sacoor, in neighbouring Brazil a university there produces out 100 entrepreneurs annually. He also asked Government to assist with the development of small businesses that support the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS). Under the Small Business Bureau (SBB), there is funding available for the development of small businesses that support the LCDS. Sacoor noted that the Chamber recently began working with the fishing industry and called on Government to also assist that industry.


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