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Sean posted:
Baseman posted:

The PPP wouldn't do any better with another candidate.  The crowds are there because of BJ and with Dr_Irfaan Ali_PhD, they know they getting Dr BJ.

Bad man Anil and quiet man Anthony could never gather that type of following without BJ being the front man.  So anyone who thinks Dr Irfaan hurt the ticket, thinking shallow, empty pun intended!

Ayuh get real, this is BJ vs Granger/Harmon!

I agree 100 percent.

Me father-in-law said the same thing today and he is on the ground in Berbice. He said that Anil turn to become President will eventually come but it's not his time this election. Anthony is too inexperienced and has a long way to go before his chance comes around.

Bai, you is very intelligent.

Anthony will never make it.  Anil time may come, but watch young Ramson.


These massive PPP crowds are demoralizing the already fed up PNC base. PPP is young, diverse and energetic. PNC is old fossil, too race based and lack energy.

Doctors Jagdeo and Ali are an amazing tag team. 

Many doubted Jagdeo when he accurately judged the NCV and toppled the PNC. He will now send them into exile. PNC will once again become a 28 percent party.


Sean posted:

These massive PPP crowds are demoralizing the already fed up PNC base. PPP is young, diverse and energetic. PNC is old fossil, too race based and lack energy.

Doctors Jagdeo and Ali are an amazing tag team. 

Many doubted Jagdeo when he accurately judged the NCV and toppled the PNC. He will now send them into exile. PNC will once again become a 28 percent party.


Banna, BJ ain't even pull out the trump card yet.  When he pull out that lil dugla Simba and hold him up of the masses in Agricola, Buxton and Linden, they will all  and the PNC will be sent packing!


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Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:
Baseman posted:

The PPP wouldn't do any better with another candidate.  The crowds are there because of BJ and with Dr_Irfaan Ali_PhD, they know they getting Dr BJ.

Bad man Anil and quiet man Anthony could never gather that type of following without BJ being the front man.  So anyone who thinks Dr Irfaan hurt the ticket, thinking shallow, empty pun intended!

Ayuh get real, this is BJ vs Granger/Harmon!

I agree 100 percent.

Me father-in-law said the same thing today and he is on the ground in Berbice. He said that Anil turn to become President will eventually come but it's not his time this election. Anthony is too inexperienced and has a long way to go before his chance comes around.

Bai, you is very intelligent.

Then you father-in-law must be a smart man.  Lucky you got his daughter.


Earlier in the evening I spoke with a cousin of mine, in our conversation he told me about this rally

 Apparently he spoke earlier with his bro in law who resides in Guyana and was told a few of his buddies along with a couple of neighbours went to it. The clincher was, they don't plan on voting PPP. I now wonder how many in the crowd feel the same way.  Why would anyone not caring for a party go out of their way to hang out in a crowd baffles if there was talk of free to shirt and fry rice I might understand why.

cain posted:

You up late banna. I'm overtired now after having to chop away at ice on the driveway and remove  nuff nuff snow. Last night we had a bad storm up here, see what you missing.

Actually, since I have never been in a actual snowing event, I long for one. I would like to be in an area that is being plastered by snow. But one will be enough. 

I just got back from the airport. My daughter and her boyfriend went to Houston for his brother's birthday party and their flight came in just before 12 AM. Now I am going to wind down and go to sleep. I have to be up by 5 so I can be at work for 7.

Plus I am glad that you finished dealing with the snow on your driveway.

cain posted:

Earlier in the evening I spoke with a cousin of mine, in our conversation he told me about this rally

 Apparently he spoke earlier with his bro in law who resides in Guyana and was told a few of his buddies along with a couple of neighbours went to it. The clincher was, they don't plan on voting PPP. I now wonder how many in the crowd feel the same way.  Why would anyone not caring for a party go out of their way to hang out in a crowd baffles if there was talk of free to shirt and fry rice I might understand why.

That crowd is definitely not PNC voters. Berbicians do not go after free food.

seignet posted:
cain posted:

Earlier in the evening I spoke with a cousin of mine, in our conversation he told me about this rally

 Apparently he spoke earlier with his bro in law who resides in Guyana and was told a few of his buddies along with a couple of neighbours went to it. The clincher was, they don't plan on voting PPP. I now wonder how many in the crowd feel the same way.  Why would anyone not caring for a party go out of their way to hang out in a crowd baffles if there was talk of free to shirt and fry rice I might understand why.

That crowd is definitely not PNC voters. Berbicians do not go after free food.

Only for free red shirts?

VishMahabir posted:

Is natural for the crowd to seem bigger. There are more voters and more people on the list and the population of voters (primarily young people) has increased.

Look at the coalition rally...their crowd have also increased from last election.

Go help your uncle make more toilets. More shittings to come.

Nehru posted:

WOW!! Shows clearly trhe Guyanese people are FEDUP of the Donkeys!!

Bai, its called a PPP tidal wave. Gadaha Granger used 500 government trucks and couldn't get such a crowd. Those Berbice people arranged their own transportation. 

PNC is now back to a 28 percent party. Thanks to the constitutional rapist Granger. He pissed off the Guyanese electorate by violating parliament, constitution and CCJ rulings. 

They would have been better off calling an election in accordance to the constitution right after the NCV. Moses also has to take responsibility for bringing down the AFC and PNC in one stroke. 

He never took the time to meet with coalition MP's before the NCV and reassured Granger that all was well and then had the nerve to challenge Bharat to "Bring it on".

Well, Bharat buss dem balls and put salt and pepper ! Ouch !

Last edited by Former Member

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