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PPP/C awaits Granger’s “action” on Monday


PPP/C General Secretary Clement Rohee

PPP/C General Secretary Clement Rohee

The People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) says it is awaiting with anticipation the “action” promised by Opposition Leader David Granger, if President Donald Ramotar does not announce the date for Local Government Elections (LGE) by Monday.

The party’s General Secretary Clement Rohee, speaking with Guyana Times during an exclusive interview on Friday, described the deadline issued by Granger as “political”, while expressing support for the President’s decision to request that Granger’s letter be further clarified given the contradictions and ambiguities therein.

“We are waiting to see what will unfold with the passing of the political deadline… we would also like to see what kind of international and national mobilisation would take place”, the General Secretary reiterated.

Rohee maintained that the party is still studying the letter and has noted the threats issued to the President. He said that soon, the media would be furnished with a stern response from the party which has always stood up against any form of intimidation and thuggery.

The General Secretary nonetheless recommitted the PPP/C to local democracy and the staging of Local Government Elections.

Rohee’s comments come on the heels of threats issued by Granger to President Ramotar that should he fail to issue the commencement order for LGEs and announce a date, that the APNU would resort to local and international action.

Another senior party member has strongly condemned the tone of Granger’s letter, which he said was aimed at scoring cheap political points, as the Opposition Leader is fully aware of the reasons why Government has not called the elections.

He said that the PPP/C is always ready and able to mobilise mass support if the political environment requires such. “You can’t threaten the President of Guyana and expect him to cooperate with you. You can’t issue him an ultimatum and expect him to move swiftly to avoid political sanction. This is ridiculous. Granger is playing tricks and is seeking to undermine the AFC by creating opportunities to get away from the no-confidence motion,” the party’s General Secretary said.

United States Charge d’Affairs Bryan Hunt, when asked by Guyana Times on Thursday as to whether Granger had discussed his resort of national and international action against the current Administration if a date for Local Government polls is not announced by Monday, he responded in the negative.

“The Honourable Leader of the Opposition did not send me copies of the letter that he sent to the President. I honestly don’t know anything more than you about the contents,” he said.

He denied having any meetings with Granger before or after the letter was sent to President Ramotar.

“I have not had any discussions with the leader of the Opposition about this letter on the purported demands he made to the Government”, Hunt said.

No other member of the diplomatic community confirmed support for Granger’s letter or knowledge about his threat to take “action” if the President does not yield to his demand.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Action or no action on Monday, come October 10 when the National Assembly resumes there will be Action Galore --- no-confidence action, reaction, subtraction, traction, vibration --- all the way to election and liberation from PPP domination.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Action or no action on Monday, come October 10 when the National Assembly resumes there will be Action Galore --- no-confidence action, reaction, subtraction, traction, vibration --- all the way to election and liberation from PPP domination.

Rev gonna luv dem hilite parts.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

no cons

While the approval of a no-confidence motion is possible, the PPP/C will obtain the most votes in the election and again form the government.

So? in two years to the polls again...meanwhile the opposition tie a string to their pelotas!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

no cons

While the approval of a no-confidence motion is possible, the PPP/C will obtain the most votes in the election and again form the government.

So? in two years to the polls again...meanwhile the opposition tie a string to their pelotas!

Perhaps, only if there is a repeat of the 2011 elections.  However, indications are that the PPP/C will win with a majority, whether in a few months should there be an approved no-confidence motion, or in 2016.


Granger should link the PPP government and its dealings with the Chinese for the destruction of Africa. The Chinese been selling guns to the African countries to destroy their fellow Africans. The PPP cabal have been selling out Guyana to their Chiny buddies. Who sing the praises of the Chinese - Jagdeo, Luncheon, Ramotar, Sam Hinds, Brassington, Marci Nadir-Sharma, Clinton Williams. These people are not Guyanese.


Mr. Granger, doan wait.


Do what you have to.


There is only one way to deal BULLIES.


Get them running.


Al dem razz scared.


Kulie government bareface and dey seying leh the Blackman pissoff. Can you imagine they refuse to have the LGE and think they can get away with it. 


The current Presidency of Guyana is a joke.


Granger is at a serious cross road many in his party are tight with the PPP and do the bidding of Jagdeo  and company. How is he going to break with that modus operandi?


Seems like the pressure is building in APNU since the congress debacle though. Tyrone is now lashing out at Minette Bacchus and several other strong PPP supporters like Ms. Riehl - De woman call him a grasshopper hehehheheheehe.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Granger is at a serious cross road many in his party are tight with the PPP and do the bidding of Jagdeo  and company. How is he going to break with that modus operandi?


Seems like the pressure is building in APNU since the congress debacle though. Tyrone is now lashing out at Minette Bacchus and several other strong PPP supporters like Ms. Riehl - De woman call him a grasshopper hehehheheheehe.

when did Clarissa Riehl become a "strong PPP supporter" . . . huh?


mussbe some Freudian, ignar wish fulfillment thing



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

There is still not a party with better track record than the PPP when it comes to helping the poor and underprivilege.


Give us details of that track record, Billy.

I know the PPP has a track record of helping the rich like Bobby Ramroop, Indian and Chinese businessmen, Fip Motilall, etc.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

There is still not a party with better track record than the PPP when it comes to helping the poor and underprivilege.


Give us details of that track record, Billy.

I know the PPP has a track record of helping the rich like Bobby Ramroop, Indian and Chinese businessmen, Fip Motilall, etc.

Lemme help out billy on this gilly and answer de queshan at hand.


PPP has helped out many many poor persons and moved them from bicycle rider and pedestrian to luxury vehicle owners and owners of mansions in Guyana since 1992.


Lets start with a few


  • Jagdeo -didnt have a pot to piss in.
  • Navin and Indra Chandarpal - Barrel build dem house 
  • Benn - never been wealthier
  • Hinds is a multi Millionaire - Now yvonne want her millions. He didnt have shit when he remigrated back from Canada.
  • Rohee was a bicycle klepto at Metropole.
  • Killaman - Loser gardener - turn minister.
  • Manickchand - Mahaicony backwater family now multi millionaires.
  • Maniram Prashad couldnt rub 2 nickels together now multi millionaire.
  • Irfaat ali - Pool boy.
  • Robert Persaud - Cow Herder-  now Media mogul and gold baron
  • Odinga lumumba - thug, PPP Land baron.
  • Bynoe - PNC Thug - Forestry Stakeholder and forestry baron
  • Leslie Ramsammy - Pauper turn millionaire
  • Bobby, Boyer, Brazzy - All were clearly not as wealthy as they are today. Brazzy could have barely afforded to buy brazziers for himself.

Shall we continue? The PPP clearly has an amazing record of creating millionaires.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

There is still not a party with better track record than the PPP when it comes to helping the poor and underprivilege.


Give us details of that track record, Billy.

I know the PPP has a track record of helping the rich like Bobby Ramroop, Indian and Chinese businessmen, Fip Motilall, etc.

Lemme help out billy on this gilly and answer de queshan at hand.


PPP has helped out many many poor persons and moved them from bicycle rider and pedestrian to luxury vehicle owners and owners of mansions in Guyana since 1992.


Lets start with a few


  • Jagdeo -didnt have a pot to piss in.
  • Navin and Indra Chandarpal - Barrel build dem house 
  • Benn - never been wealthier
  • Hinds is a multi Millionaire - Now yvonne want her millions. He didnt have shit when he remigrated back from Canada.
  • Rohee was a bicycle klepto at Metropole.
  • Killaman - Loser gardener - turn minister.
  • Manickchand - Mahaicony backwater family now multi millionaires.
  • Maniram Prashad couldnt rub 2 nickels together now multi millionaire.
  • Irfaat ali - Pool boy.
  • Robert Persaud - Cow Herder-  now Media mogul and gold baron
  • Odinga lumumba - thug, PPP Land baron.
  • Bynoe - PNC Thug - Forestry Stakeholder and forestry baron
  • Leslie Ramsammy - Pauper turn millionaire
  • Bobby, Boyer, Brazzy - All were clearly not as wealthy as they are today. Brazzy could have barely afforded to buy brazziers for himself.

Shall we continue? The PPP clearly has an amazing record of creating millionaires.

kwame street corner whore,now OP stud 


Thanks for that addition Warrior, don't fughet Joe Hamilton of Rabbi Washington Plaintain chip and fudge fame.


Hamilton has blood on his hands he was involved in a lot of violent criminal activity the PPP get Reep to ounchey this bastard and all of a sudden he is dem new pandit.


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