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PPP/C beats APNU/AFC coalition by 28,000 votes

2016 LGE results

…more and more Guyanese losing confidence in Govt – Opposition Leader


Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo said the overwhelming majority of Guyanese who threw their support behind the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) at the Local Government Elections (LGE) is a clear indication that the general populace has lost confidence in the incumbent A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) Government.
In fact, he said it is quite interesting to note that the PPP/C won 28,000 more votes than the APNU/AFC when the voter turnout was just below 50 per cent whereas in the National Elections 2015, the marginal difference was a mere 5000 votes.
“If you take 50 per cent of the votes that we got in 2015 and you put it in the PPP column, we would be talking about something like 33,000 votes more than APNU/AFC but as it stands now, leaving out those areas… we won 28,000 more votes than APNU in elections,
“This magnifies basically the showing of the PPP because with only a 47 per cent turnout, we won 28,000 more than APNU/AFC, 25,000 by GECOM’s number,” Jagdeo stated.

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo

The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) reported that the PPP/C won by reining in a total 123,564 votes, some 24,894 more than the coalition government which gained 98,670 votes.
But Jagdeo explained that the figures are incorrect because GECOM did not take into consideration the areas where the PPP/C had no contest like Crabwood Creek and Black Bush Polder.
He also disclosed that the PPP/C won a whopping 754 seats of the 1166 which were up for grabs whereas the APNU/AFC scraped to secure 375.
This, he said, translates into the PPP/C gaining control of over 48 of the 71 Local Authority areas, with APNU/AFC winning 16 and the remaining seven areas showing a tie between the two parties.
Furthermore, the Opposition Leader took pride in giving a further breakdown of the results and disclosed that the PPP/C succeeded in penetrating several APNU/AFC strongholds like Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo’s hometown of Whim.
“Nagamootoo got wiped out in Whim!” Jagdeo declared.
Jagdeo added that the Party managed to multiply its existing support in areas such as those along the Essequibo Coast.
He concluded that the low turnout in many of the APNU/AFC-dominated areas is a sign that people are beyond disgruntled with “this concept of the ‘good life’ that a few people seem to enjoy.”
“As I’ve said before, government seems to live in this cocoon that everyone is doing well,” Jagdeo posited, making references to the sufferance of the rice farmers and sugar workers.
That aside, he conceded that the Party’s campaign was lacklustre and that more focus should have been directed in the various municipalities around the county.
“I do not think we competed effectively in the City, in Linden, New Amsterdam and some other areas… we will change that, will hit the ground in Linden, in New Amsterdam and in Lethem,” he said, noting that Party members will embark on a mission to convince APNU/AFC supporters that the PPP/C has a better plan for the development of Guyana.
Meanwhile, the LGE results according to regions show: the PPP/C receiving 1422 votes and the APNU/AFC receiving 1470 in Region One (Barima-Waini).
In Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam), the PPP/C secured 11,146 votes while the APNU/AFC secured 3021.
In Region Three (Essequibo Islands-West Demerara), the PPP/C ran away with 28,983, while the APNU/AFC took 11,896 votes.
In Region Four (Demerara-Mahaica), the PPP/C secured 37,692 votes while Government followed with 23,047.
Region Five (Mahaica-Berbice), the PPP moved ahead with 9411, while the APNU/AFC secured 8783.
In Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne), the Opposition secured 27,427 votes, while the APNU/AFC got 10,021.
Regions Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni) and Nine (Upper Takatu-Upper Essequibo), saw Government leading with 2132 and 662 respectively, while the Opposition followed with 853 and 457 respectively.
In Region 10 (Upper Demerara-Berbice), Government took a sweeping victory by securing 7412 votes, while the Opposition secured a meagre 417.
Out of the 507,584 eligible voters in LGE, 239,070 persons or 47 per cent voted. Out of the total votes cast, 2744 were invalid.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

He also disclosed that the PPP/C won a whopping 754 seats of the 1166 which were up for grabs whereas the APNU/AFC scraped to secure 375.
This, he said, translates into the PPP/C gaining control of over 48 of the 71 Local Authority areas, with APNU/AFC winning 16 and the remaining seven areas showing a tie between the two parties.

Turn it and twist it anyhow you want.........this is called "licks like peas"



Cain, please point out where the numbers are incorrect or the conclusions drawn are not valid. We all can make the same arguments about the quality of all the news outlets in Guyana. There are debates about the "most important elections in Guyana" some still argue that the election that resulted in the PNC &UF coalition was while others argue that it was 1953. 

Yes, the coalition is in power because the PPP/Civic 'lost' the elections. (I am still awaiting the determination of the election petition) but many, including me will argue that many important journeys start with a small step. Maybe it is a small step, but it leads somewhere, either to the continued degrading of the PPP or its eventual return to power.


Like you remember when the pnc wake up all the dead people to vote for them or when they stuffed the ballot box and forgot that they should not put in more votes than the number of registered voters. Or, did you just wake up and lost many years, or onset of senility?



AFC/APNU did well to call these LGE

within their first year in office....



For more than 22 years

PPP was afraid to call Local Govt elections.....


Former President Bharrat Jagdeo

took the PPP from a Majority party ....

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo

and make them a Minority party...


Jagdeo is a failure and has no support

Mr.T posted:

I am wondering where all these so called PPP votes came from. Those areas don't have that many eligible voters. Did the PPP rig the count?

Nah, no rigging by the PPP/C since the PNC/AFC was in charge.

The people are fed up with this lieing Government, they are like a ton of bricks on Guyanese Backs. Taxes and more Taxes on the backs of the poor and needy.

asj posted:
Mr.T posted:

I am wondering where all these so called PPP votes came from. Those areas don't have that many eligible voters. Did the PPP rig the count?

Nah, no rigging by the PPP/C since the PNC/AFC was in charge.

The people are fed up with this lieing Government, they are like a ton of bricks on Guyanese Backs. Taxes and more Taxes on the backs of the poor and needy.

You are talking to a severe cerebral palsy case here...Mrs. T. Nothing she writes here makes any sense. Give her a break.

Jalil posted:

AFC/APNU did well to call these LGE

within their first year in office....

For more than 22 years

PPP was afraid to call Local Govt elections.....

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo

took the PPP from a Majority party ....

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo

and make the PPP a Minority party...

Jagdeo is a failure and has no support

 House of Israel thugs tek over Freedom House

and .....Crab Louse tek over De Cat.....

Suh aya got to keep Scratching....


Last edited by Former Member
asj posted:
Mr.T posted:

I am wondering where all these so called PPP votes came from. Those areas don't have that many eligible voters. Did the PPP rig the count?

Nah, no rigging by the PPP/C since the PNC/AFC was in charge.

So why are you having such a hard time in admitting that the last general election was rigged by the PPP? Was the PPP not in charge then?

asj posted:

He also disclosed that the PPP/C won a whopping 754 seats of the 1166 which were up for grabs whereas the APNU/AFC scraped to secure 375.
This, he said, translates into the PPP/C gaining control of over 48 of the 71 Local Authority areas, with APNU/AFC winning 16 and the remaining seven areas showing a tie between the two parties.

Turn it and twist it anyhow you want.........this is called "licks like peas"


I think that you must be from Sweden, or some where very distant from Guyana.


1. Seats are allocated per municipality, or NDC.

2. There are more seats allocated to NDCs as there are very few municipalities.

3.  The vast majority of NDCs are in PPP strongholds.

4. The PPP was wiped out in the PNC strongholds like G/town, Linden, New Amsterdam and Bartica. They lost ground in previously PPP strongholds like Lethem. They are struggling in Mabaruma.

5. I distinctly recall Jagdeo screaming that the PPP won Whim in 2015.  Since when is Whim an APNU stronghold.   Only the Moses fan club actually believe that Moses kept his Berbice base in 2015. Every one else knows that he lost it.

I challenge you to deconstruct my arguments.

In fact even at the national level the PPP wins most of the regions, even though they lost the election.   APNU's base is in the towns, while the PPPs base is in the villages, and, until recently, the interior.

asj posted:

The people are fed up with this lieing Government, .

Are they?  Please point out a PNC stronghold that the PPP won.

This election wasn't about Granger or Jagdeo. It was about selecting LOCAL representation, and in fact the people in Kwakwani did just that! Pity the rest of Guyana remains mired in tribal politics!

All this election proved is that blacks vote PNC, and Indians PPP. This was a straight PPP vs. PNC election, as seats are allocated ona winner take all basis, so a party with 49.9% of the votes gets NOTHING!

Now please explain why the PPP won only 2 seats in G/town. This a DECLINE from 8 in 1994..

ZERO seats in Linden, LOST Lethem, and share Mabaruma with APNU.  The PPP used to DOMINATE the communities in the Rupununi, and the NorthWest.

Mr.T posted:
asj posted:
Mr.T posted:

I am wondering where all these so called PPP votes came from. Those areas don't have that many eligible voters. Did the PPP rig the count?

Nah, no rigging by the PPP/C since the PNC/AFC was in charge.

So why are you having such a hard time in admitting that the last general election was rigged by the PPP? Was the PPP not in charge then?

Even you don't understand what this election is about. You keep on thinking that this was a national referendum, or that rigging had any significant impact in the outcome.


caribny posted:
asj posted:

He also disclosed that the PPP/C won a whopping 754 seats of the 1166 which were up for grabs whereas the APNU/AFC scraped to secure 375.
This, he said, translates into the PPP/C gaining control of over 48 of the 71 Local Authority areas, with APNU/AFC winning 16 and the remaining seven areas showing a tie between the two parties.

Turn it and twist it anyhow you want.........this is called "licks like peas"


I think that you must be from Sweden, or some where very distant from Guyana.


1. Seats are allocated per municipality, or NDC.

2. There are more seats allocated to NDCs as there are very few municipalities.

3.  The vast majority of NDCs are in PPP strongholds.

4. The PPP was wiped out in the PNC strongholds like G/town, Linden, New Amsterdam and Bartica. They lost ground in previously PPP strongholds like Lethem. They are struggling in Mabaruma.

5. I distinctly recall Jagdeo screaming that the PPP won Whim in 2015.  Since when is Whim an APNU stronghold.   Only the Moses fan club actually believe that Moses kept his Berbice base in 2015. Every one else knows that he lost it.

I challenge you to deconstruct my arguments.

In fact even at the national level the PPP wins most of the regions, even though they lost the election.   APNU's base is in the towns, while the PPPs base is in the villages, and, until recently, the interior.

Just like how you are thinking that I am from Sweden, I do think that the same way is your train of thought about the Guyana and its  LGE, that there is something seems to be affecting your brains.

How long have you been posting on GNI? if you cannot figure out that I am from Guyana then I feel sorry for you, as you seems dumber than than I gave you credit for.

Now to the facts, I do not care what your twists are, the mere fact that the Government of the day in Guyana called an election, not a General Election but an elections in which  1166 seats were up for grabs:

Out of this 1166 seats, the PPP/C won 754 Seats: The PNC/AFC won 375 Seats: Look at the two figures and think carefully and arrive at your own answer: 

If you are still having problems then look at it this way...of the total number of votes casts the PPP/C obtained 123,564 Votes, whilst the PNC/AFC obtained 98,670 Votes: Now look carefully at this second example and think carefully and arrive at your own decision:

Now if you still have a doubt the look at it another way: Overall there were 71 representatives needed for  the Combined Local Authority areas, with PNC/AFC winning 16 and the PPP/C winning 48:

Get any school kids and let them advise you because it seems like you are confused:

Maybe you should after all your excuses of who is the winner arrive  at a better understanding.


asj posted:


Out of this 1166 seats, the PPP/C won 754 Seats: The PNC/AFC won 375 Seats: Look at the two figures and think carefully and arrive at your own answer: 



Yes you just proved that you are from Sweden.

Most of the seats are in the NDC's because they are more NDC's than municipalities. The vast majority of the NDCs are in PPP strongholds. Obviously then most of the seats will be won by the PPP.

Do you know that it is NOT a national election, there fore total votes cast do not matter? 

Do you know that no one cast a vote for either Granger, or Jagdeo, but voted (or were supposed to vote) for their LOCAL representatives.

So of what is ranting about the total vote?

Worry about the fact that the PPP had 8 seats in the G/town city council, and will just have 2. Worry about the fact that this happened in the location where 30% of the voters live. 

Worry about the fact that we are still to hear about an NDC which was APNU controlled that is now PPP. Worry about the fact that Lethem, a former PPP stronghold, voted for APNU AFC.

Now resume your ignorance of Guyana.

asj posted:

Maybe you should after all your excuses of who is the winner arrive  at a better understanding.


You will look at region 4 seat allocation, and scream that the PPP won that region.

You aren't even intelligent enough to see how many seats in region 4 are allocated to G/town. 30 out of a total 285.

Do you know why G/town has 2/3 of the population of region 4, and just over 10% of the seats?

Do you know what that doesn't matter?

Like I said you must be from Sweden because you clearly aren't Guyanese!

Last edited by Former Member

Jagdeo should stop this nonsense.  These number were inflated.  Yes the Coalition got beaten but not by 28,000.  But where is the voice of the Ministry of Information?

This is what I talking about, they getting pay all this money and they on holiday all the time.

KishanB posted:

Jagdeo continues to win the propaganda war.

What propaganda war?  Was Jagdeo the one in charge of GECOM?  Stop your evil ways.  You don't have one ounce of integrity in your soul!

Bibi Haniffa

You guys think you know about Guyanese politics but you really do not. You are wrong if you think that was just about selecting local representatives to represent hem in the communities. Why, then did Granger and his ministers make so many trips to outlying areas, why did they have candidates listed as APNU/Coalition each national political party is examining the numbers and trying to figure out what happened and how to proceed in the future. You miss the nuisances of politics here.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
KishanB posted:

Jagdeo continues to win the propaganda war.

What propaganda war?  Was Jagdeo the one in charge of GECOM?  Stop your evil ways.  You don't have one ounce of integrity in your soul!

Look who talking about integrity, the DUCK family.  Alexei, you better understand that you were a baby when BK was supplying cement to build your father house, the same BK who is now Presidential Advisor.  LOL.

But I ask you Mr. Integrity, where is the Billion dollars that your family stole from the Govment on the ICT project?

Zed posted:

You guys think you know about Guyanese politics but you really do not. You are wrong if you think that was just about selecting local representatives to represent hem in the communities. Why, then did Granger and his ministers make so many trips to outlying areas, why did they have candidates listed as APNU/Coalition each national political party is examining the numbers and trying to figure out what happened and how to proceed in the future. You miss the nuisances of politics here.

Granger went to campaign for APNU AFC reps in the locations. He urged Guyanese to vote in the LGE, as local governance is important. 

So why is Jagdeo using this as a national referendum, when the focus should be on improving the really putrid level of local governance in Guyana?

And what did Jagdeo achieve? Winning the SAME rural districts that he did in 1994, but losing ground in G/town, which has 30% of the population, and also in the interior!


I suggest that you read Ramkarran's analysis of the LGE. It isn't that kind to the PPP!

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:
KishanB posted:

Jagdeo continues to win the propaganda war.

What propaganda war?  Was Jagdeo the one in charge of GECOM?  Stop your evil ways.  You don't have one ounce of integrity in your soul!

Why don't you go scream at Ramkaran, who says that the PPP islosing ground. Yes call him a "coolie hater".  After all in your world Indian=PPP=Indian!


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