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PPP/C beats rival APNU+AFC to the punch – Makes public excerpts of ‘Guyana 2.0’ manifesto

April 6, 2015, Source


The PPP/C leadership ticket, presidential candidate, incumbent President Donald Ramotar, and prime ministerial candidate, Elisabeth Harper
The PPP/C leadership ticket, presidential candidate, incumbent President Donald Ramotar, and prime ministerial candidate, Elisabeth Harper

FIRST to unveil its vision for Guyana, the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) yesterday made public excerpts of its manifesto, Guyana 2.0, a play on the ‘tech’ term that translates to mean an upgrade; in this case a better country for all. “Together as a people we have created a free, proud and dignified country of achievement. We have restored hope, we have changed the way our people dream, and we have made these dreams realisable. On May 11th, we have a chance of staying on a path of peace, progress and prosperity… Let us continue to march forward together to guarantee an ever better Guyana tomorrow, a new Guyana – Guyana Version 2.0,” the ruling party urged in a public statement.


The developmental roadmap for the policies, strategies, plans and projects, according to the Party, is premised on “a united people reaching even greater heights of prosperity whilst taking care of the needs of everyone, particularly the poor and vulnerable. It is realistic, achievable and builds on existing accomplishments.”

As such, the central themes of ‘Guyana 2.0’ include: Economic Growth: Jobs, Income & Wealth Creation; Transformative Infrastructure; Enhancing the Well-Being of Our People; Fighting Crimes & Protecting Our People; Fair Governance; and Guyana in a Modern World.

The preview of the PPP/C manifesto details a vast number of policies and measures that are centred on these themes, which will be pursued.
Under ‘Economic Growth’, reduced bureaucracy and a review of taxes are among a long list of supportive initiatives.

Other measures include:
* The implementation of measures to improve financial intermediation and expand opportunities for ‘development type’ finance;

* Enacting legislation to liberalise the telecommunication sector and reduce the cost of voice and data services;

Establishing a National Rice Price Support System for farmers to ensure that payments are made within the legally required time frame and to assure the viability of the industry and wellbeing of our rice farmers;

* Supporting the sugar sector with a minimum investment of G$20B for the continued viability of the industry;

* Creating a special development fund for Regions 2, 6 and 10 patterned, after the Amerindian Community Development Plan to encourage jobs and wealth creation activities;

* Establishing ICT parks and infrastructure across the country; and

* Enacting the Anti-Money Laundering/Counter Terrorism Legislation, among others.

Under its ‘Transformative Infrastructure’, the flagship projects, including the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project, remain on the cards, with other additions that include the Linden/Lethem/Brazil Road Corridor and a Deep Water Harbour.

On the question of ‘Enhancing the Well-Being of Our People’, the welfare of each citizen is recognised and respected and some of the measures outlined in this area include an investment of $1B to complete the implementation of Community Development Plans in 187 Amerindian Villages, and work with villages to provide Land Titles for all Amerindian villages who requested this to be done. This is in addition to several other programmes in education, housing, health, youth development and support for vulnerable groups, including single parents and the elderly.

Relative to ‘Fighting Crimes & Protecting Our People’, the PPP/C has committed to a targeted policing programme, enhancing the human resource base of the justice system by the appointment of more judges, magistrates and other personnel and additional covert patrols, more aggressive traffic law enforcement, among other measures.

Corruption, transparency and accountability and the establishment of the Public Procurement Commission (PPC), among other moves, reflected the PPP/C vision for its approach to ‘Fair Governance’.

Looking at ‘Guyana in a Modern World’, the ruling party committed to, among other things, providing leadership on the international stage and continued engagement with traditional partners, as well as building new alliances to protect and improve the welfare and interest of all the people.


The PPP/C underscored the fact that it is the only political party that has a record of moving Guyana on a path of development and noted that Guyana has prospered under successive PPP/C Administrations.

Touting its record, the Party said, “We have experience in building a country and improving people’s lives. The PPP/C has delivered on its commitments, not making promises it will not or cannot deliver, and not making unrealistic or irresponsible commitments.

“We have policies and programmes to continue building our country not only to make Guyana better today, but to prepare our country for prosperity in a changing world. Our programmes are not just meeting the needs of today, but the imperatives of tomorrow.”

Commitment to the cause was another point highlighted by the PPP/C.

“The PPP/C is committed to a country where people live long productive lives, where no one is left behind, where our people live in their own homes, and where all of our people have an equal chance to live in peace, progress and prosperity. We want to ensure that our people, particularly our young people, are educated and trained to be part of a human resource power-house, and part of an entrepreneurial class owning their own small, medium and large businesses.

“The PPP/C’s vision and programmes have been and will be achieved through transformative, infrastructure. technological and social prosperity programmes which not only further build better lives for our people, but transform Guyana’s physical landscape, meeting our needs and modernising our country.”

According to the ruling party, its vision for the next five years represents another exciting programme for the accelerated development of our country.

“On May 11th 2015, the people of Guyana will exercise their democratic right to determine the future of Guyana by deciding who governs the country for the next five years,” the PPP/C stressed.

The complete manifesto is expected to be made public soon.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

PPP Guyana 2.0 is simply to make t he PPP so much owners of our national assets they become our literal kings....don't care for it. !.0 was corrupt enough.

You dont have to. Keep looking from the outside.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

PPP Guyana 2.0 is simply to make t he PPP so much owners of our national assets they become our literal kings....don't care for it. !.0 was corrupt enough.

You dont have to. Keep looking from the outside.

It's all lies. Dey have so many farmers in Guyana and yet they gone to India to encourage Hindus to migrate and farm. Set up food processing plants. And these same PPP cannot do anything for the farmers in the country.  

Last edited by seignet
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

PPP Guyana 2.0 is simply to make t he PPP so much owners of our national assets they become our literal kings....don't care for it. !.0 was corrupt enough.

You dont have to. Keep looking from the outside.

It's all lies. Dey have so many farmers in Guyana and yet they gone to India to encourage Hindus to migrate and farm. Set up food processing plants. And these same PPP cannot do anything for the farmers in the country.  

What makes the PPP look silly is that theuy had over 22 years and yet did very little which they chat about in Guyana 2.0.  They also lie about their record.  Guyana's recent economic performance was due to high commodity prices, and the significant increase in gold production which resulted.


Where the PPP did have a stamp there has been no real progress.  Sugar...disaster.  Rice....disaster as they didnt anticipate that higher yields will lead to higher production, which nessitated new markets, and there is the ongoing rice farmer problems with the millers and the money lenders. Tourism.......only Guyanese return on visits and this is nothing to do with the tourism remains virtually non existent. Even small islands like Dominica and St Kitts get more of these tourists than Guyana, even though their eco offerings are much less.


So where can the PPP point to success?  The strong real estate/retail represents gold, money laundering, and remittances.  They have distributed houselots and these owners have to figure out how to finance construction of homes.  Ample corruption in that as well.


The PPP has to answer to the Berbice Bridge, Skeldon factory, New Providence stadium, and the scandals and corruption surrounding the Buddies Hotel and Marriott, as well as the Amaila Falls and the IT.  What contribution is Princess making to tourism? We were toid that plane loads of foreigners were going to fly to Guyana to use the casino.


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