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Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

AFC is now a subsidiary of APNU. No independence! 

Piece of propaganda by Congress House. Shitwah falls for it.


Mek up your mind dumpling one minute all yuh praising granger and hollering talks between the PNC and AFC fall through.


which one is it? you are sounding like a desperate housewife.


The People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) administration must stop the charade of evasive pronouncements and devious postures about local government elections. It took the Stabroek News’ editorial of April 21, 2014 – titled “It’s now time for local government elections” – to remind the PPP/C administration of its broken promises to the electorate to conduct local government elections. Indeed the PPP/C has shown itself to be impervious to the need to abide by the rules in relation to local democracy.


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