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Hello my fellow Guyanese neighbors,


I am sitting here in awe at the fact that Donald Ramotar and what he claims as "his" PPP/C refuse to concede and accept the fact that they lost the election. It's Friday, election was declared on Wednesday and still no sign of PPP/C accepting their fate. 


It's one thing to be angry at the results but quite another to be a coward in not doing the appropriate thing.


My question to those in the know is this: can President-elect David Granger and Prime Minister-elect Moses Nagamootoo assume office and swear in to their new posts WITHOUT PPP/C conceding the elections? Is there any legal ramifications if PPP/C does not concede? 


Who  can force Ramotar's hand here? I hope all Guyanese are watching how these people are acting.  

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) says it is quite aware of the anxiety that prevails at this time in relation to the final declaration of the 2015 elections results but legal processes have to be followed before such is done.

According to the Commission, “relative to the process of declaring the results, those results have now been declared by the respective Returning Officers for the ten Electoral Districts. However, parties may raise objections by midday of the day after the last of the ten declaration.”

 â€œFor that reason, since the last declaration was made this morning, Friday May 15, 2015, the Commission has to wait until noon on Saturday May 16, 2015 before it can pronounce on a final declaration. This is the law,” a GECOM statement noted.

The Commission is said it is  â€œtherefore asking the public to bear with it until midday of Saturday May 16, 2015, before it advises on the next stage of the declaration of results.”

Vish M

Apparently the world and legal fraternity of Guyana are waiting....


"The Guyana Bar Association, the Guyana Association of Women Lawyers, the Justice Institute of Guyana and Transparency Institute (Guyana) Inc this afternoon called on President Donald Ramotar and the ruling PPP/C to accept the results of Monday’s general elections and to concede electoral victory to APNU+AFC.

In a statement, the groups said “It is fundamental to democracy that the people are able to vote and replace elected representatives in periodic, free and fair elections. Our four organisations accept the conclusion of the various official observers that these elections were free and fair and reflect the will of the people.

“It is contrary to democracy to continue to delay the swearing in of Brigadier David Granger as President and the handover of executive government to the APNU+AFC coalition.""

It is one possible outcome, most probable but there is a legal process to make the final decision.
When there is any close election, everyone and everything is rechecked for "more voters"
Next time visit the NYC BOE  when there is a challenge!
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Vish M:

Then they must know the Laws of Guyana.



PPP Loose


Vish M
Originally Posted by Vish M:
It is one possible outcome, most probable but there is a legal process to make the final decision.
When there is any close election, everyone and everything is rechecked for "more voters"
Next time visit the NYC BOE  when there is a challenge!
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Vish M:

Then they must know the Laws of Guyana.



PPP Loose


Thank you Sir Vishnu BUt remember we are dealing mostly with DUMMIES and RACISTS!!!!

Originally Posted by TriniCallaloo:

Apparently the world and legal fraternity of Guyana are waiting....


"The Guyana Bar Association, the Guyana Association of Women Lawyers, the Justice Institute of Guyana and Transparency Institute (Guyana) Inc this afternoon called on President Donald Ramotar and the ruling PPP/C to accept the results of Monday’s general elections and to concede electoral victory to APNU+AFC.

In a statement, the groups said “It is fundamental to democracy that the people are able to vote and replace elected representatives in periodic, free and fair elections. Our four organisations accept the conclusion of the various official observers that these elections were free and fair and reflect the will of the people.

“It is contrary to democracy to continue to delay the swearing in of Brigadier David Granger as President and the handover of executive government to the APNU+AFC coalition.""

The PPP never deserved to manage Guyana. That was a known fact by decent minded Guyanese a long time ago. Only Indian people doan realise it.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by TriniCallaloo:

Apparently the world and legal fraternity of Guyana are waiting....


"The Guyana Bar Association, the Guyana Association of Women Lawyers, the Justice Institute of Guyana and Transparency Institute (Guyana) Inc this afternoon called on President Donald Ramotar and the ruling PPP/C to accept the results of Monday’s general elections and to concede electoral victory to APNU+AFC.

In a statement, the groups said “It is fundamental to democracy that the people are able to vote and replace elected representatives in periodic, free and fair elections. Our four organisations accept the conclusion of the various official observers that these elections were free and fair and reflect the will of the people.

“It is contrary to democracy to continue to delay the swearing in of Brigadier David Granger as President and the handover of executive government to the APNU+AFC coalition.""

The PPP never deserved to manage Guyana. That was a known fact by decent minded Guyanese a long time ago. Only Indian people doan realise it.

What an ASS!!!  Take yuh head out of yuh stinking KAKAHOLE!!!!!!!!!!!

Is this a fair statement?
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by TriniCallaloo:

Apparently the world and legal fraternity of Guyana are waiting....


"The Guyana Bar Association, the Guyana Association of Women Lawyers, the Justice Institute of Guyana and Transparency Institute (Guyana) Inc this afternoon called on President Donald Ramotar and the ruling PPP/C to accept the results of Monday’s general elections and to concede electoral victory to APNU+AFC.

In a statement, the groups said “It is fundamental to democracy that the people are able to vote and replace elected representatives in periodic, free and fair elections. Our four organisations accept the conclusion of the various official observers that these elections were free and fair and reflect the will of the people.

“It is contrary to democracy to continue to delay the swearing in of Brigadier David Granger as President and the handover of executive government to the APNU+AFC coalition.""

The PPP never deserved to manage Guyana. That was a known fact by decent minded Guyanese a long time ago. Only Indian people doan realise it.


Vish M
Originally Posted by Vish M:
It is one possible outcome, most probable but there is a legal process to make the final decision.
When there is any close election, everyone and everything is rechecked for "more voters"
Next time visit the NYC BOE  when there is a challenge!
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Vish M:

Then they must know the Laws of Guyana.



PPP Loose


today is friday.  The votes have been counted and scrutinized several times.  If the PPP has SPECIFIC objections they need to raise it.


As of now they look stupid and I suspect even their supporters are getting tired.


Most of the PPP ministers have resigned.  What is wrong with Jagdeo?  OK he just found out that he doesnt own Guyana, but that is really tough.  At this point nothing is going to change.


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