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PPP/C Election Night victims attacked, robbed again

Narine Khublall

Narine Khublall

The nightmare continued for the Khublall family who were brutally attacked when the community of C Field, Sophia, Greater Georgetown, was transformed into a warzone on Election Night.

Just when the family thought they were on the road to recovery from that horrific incident, bandits broke into their residence at 588 Section C Field, Sophia, on Tuesday, May 19 at around 01:00h, ransacked the home, brutally attacked the occupants, and escaped with millions of dollars worth in items.

According to Narine Khublall, the breadwinner of the family of four, following the traumatic experience on Election Night, the family – his wife Poonadai and his two children – went to stay by relatives in Parika, East Bank Essequibo.

During that time, Khublall’s nephew Shaan Ramrattan and his friend Leon Rampersaud were staying at the home in Sophia.

Guyana Times understands that when Rampersaud heard the bandits attempting to break the doors with crowbars, he immediately called Khublall to inform him of what was transpiring.

Khublall then contacted the Police who promptly responded, causing the six bandits to flee, leaving the valuables behind.

However, according to reports, the Police instructed the two occupants of the home to go to the police station and give their statements and it was during that period, when they were away from the house, that the bandits assumingly returned and carted off the items.

Poonadai Khublall

Poonadai Khublall

The family, who were too traumatised to say much, explained that Ramrattan was badly beaten and could have died if the Police had not intervened in a timely manner.

“They had him tied up like an iguana; you know how they does tie them up right. They had a cloth around he neck, choking he. He couldn’t breathe and plus they had a knife by he neck and they de going and slit he throat when the Police show up,” Poonadai explained, telling this publication what her nephew related to her.

The family is now in a state of despair as they desperately try to cope and recover from the series of unfortunate events that are casting a black shadow on their lives.

“I feel, when I come and see my place this morning, it was not my place. That night I feel like the world was falling down on me. Now this happened. I thank God I wasn’t here. But me nephew. They beat he up bad…they could have killed him,” a weeping Poonadai related.

On Election Night, angry Sophia residents stormed the Khublall’s home, attempting to light it ablaze. At the time, although almost two dozen Police Officers were on the scene, they could have hardly contained the raucous crowd.

On the night of the ordeal, the house was in utter confusion and millions of dollars in valuables were being taken away. In addition, the family stood by and watched their neighbours burn their minibus into ruins.

Narine Khublall, a Pastor in the area, explained that his family would normally do charity work for the community, host Sunday school sessions for the children, distribute free items and help the residents in any way they can and yet the very same residents who turned against them to cause terror upon their lives.

“It’s not a political thing like they try to make out. They just malicious and they want rob we. After all we do, we does help them, anybody want lil help, we does always help them. Now look what they do to we,” he vented off.

Replies sorted oldest to newest


The PNC Police in Action :


However, according to reports, the Police instructed the two occupants of the home to go to the police station and give their statements and it was during that period, when they were away from the house, that the bandits assumingly returned and carted off the items.

Originally Posted by alena06:


The PNC Police in Action :


However, according to reports, the Police instructed the two occupants of the home to go to the police station and give their statements and it was during that period, when they were away from the house, that the bandits assumingly returned and carted off the items.

Funny thing that the family seems to be crediting the police for saving their lives, but some one like you who is still angry that "ahbe not pan tap no more" will never admit that.

Originally Posted by alena06:


The PNC Police in Action :


However, according to reports, the Police instructed the two occupants of the home to go to the police station and give their statements and it was during that period, when they were away from the house, that the bandits assumingly returned and carted off the items.

“It’s not a political thing like they try to make out. They just malicious and they want rob we. After all we do, we does help them, anybody want lil help, we does always help them. Now look what they do to we,” he vented off.

Originally Posted by alena06:


The PNC Police in Action :


However, according to reports, the Police instructed the two occupants of the home to go to the police station and give their statements and it was during that period, when they were away from the house, that the bandits assumingly returned and carted off the items.


Looks like the days of PNC racism and attacks on Indos will become the norm again as Granger has no interest in protecting Indos. He just needs 10K Indos and all is well with him.


Indos are in for a tough time again.


This might just be the beginning. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by alena06:


The PNC Police in Action :


However, according to reports, the Police instructed the two occupants of the home to go to the police station and give their statements and it was during that period, when they were away from the house, that the bandits assumingly returned and carted off the items.


Looks like the days of PNC racism and attacks on Indos will become the norm again as Granger has no interest in protecting Indos. He just needs 10K Indos and all is well with him.


Indos are in for a tough time again.


This might just be the beginning. 

you can help the indos talk to your black boy friend kwame to protect them  

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by alena06:


The PNC Police in Action :


However, according to reports, the Police instructed the two occupants of the home to go to the police station and give their statements and it was during that period, when they were away from the house, that the bandits assumingly returned and carted off the items.


Looks like the days of PNC racism and attacks on Indos will become the norm again as Granger has no interest in protecting Indos. He just needs 10K Indos and all is well with him.


Indos are in for a tough time again.


This might just be the beginning. 

Then,I suggest EI fire the entire gang of the PPP. They are not moving forward. Dey stuck in the 50's.

Originally Posted by Rev:



* You're sounding kind of bitter my friend.


* Be patient--there will be a time to constructively criticize the new administration---now is not the time.





I am not bitter.


These are the same folks who used to pin every crime on the PPP.


Now that the tables are turned, they better be able to handle the heat.


Indos are now becoming targets by Afro criminals. Looks like the Burnham days are back in full swing again.


Not a single word from Ramjattan. 


Paging Ramjattan !!!!!!


Indos are being robbed attacked. We need action now !!!!!!!!!!


I spoke with relatives in Berbice and they are scared to death that no one is there to protect them.


My father-in-law is selling out his property and moving to the USA. He no longer feels safe under APNU. They do not care for the lives of Indos.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Indos are now becoming targets.

Yes I agree.  There was no crime in Guyana before May 18th 2015.  It is a total lie that many overseas Guyanese returning home hired body guards, and several were robbed, some even murdered.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



I am not bitter.



* Good to hear that!






I will be critical of APNU.


Moses and Ramjattan are already treated as second class by the PNC. Moses wings have already been clipped by Granger. Granger gave one of his won a whole new Ministry and in effect made that person one of his own his right hand man.


It is time that the AFC wakes up before history repeats itself.


Racial criminal attacks against Indos go unanswered.


I am no longer optimistic. Guyana is slowly headed into the dark days of the PNC.


I tried my best to be impartial recently but I sincerely hope that the AFC wakes up before it is too late. PNC is poking AFC in the eyes.


Why did the PNC take so long swear in Moses ? Is Moses blind ?


I wil have a field day in the next little while.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

 I am no longer optimistic. Guyana is slowly headed into the dark days of the PNC.





* You may be in for the shock of your life.




* Guyana is set for BOOM TIMES.


* There will be no dark days of the PNC.


* Granger is already talking about setting up a SOVEREIGN WEALTH FUND.


* Listen yuji! Come 2020 I may support the PPP in the election ---but right now I am rooting for progress to continue in Guyana---even with the PNC/AFC in office.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

 I am no longer optimistic. Guyana is slowly headed into the dark days of the PNC.





* You may be in for the shock of your life.




* Guyana is set for BOOM TIMES.


* There will be no dark days of the PNC.


* Granger is already talking about setting up a SOVEREIGN WEALTH FUND.


* Listen yuji! Come 2020 I may support the PPP in the election ---but right now I am rooting for progress to continue in Guyana---even with the PNC/AFC in office.





Give the PNC oil and Guyana will still go broke. Guess what powers Granger took, yes Natural Resources.


These chaps cannot even run a cake shop and they will never run a country. Guyana can have oil and diamond but it will not progress under the PNC.


The PNC will ruin the treasury.


PNC is like having a cat watching over milk and salt fish.


The fools in the PPP are now hopping mad, they got what they deserved.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Where is Ramjattan ? Is he hiding under Granger's Kilt ?


Is Ramjattan afraid to speak out against violence on Indos ?


Who will defend and Protect Indos now ?

Ramjattan says "haul yuh racist ass"

Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by yuji22:



Give the PNC oil and Guyana will still go broke under the PNC.





* During an election season or campaign,  I am as vehemently  prejudiced as they come in favor of the party I support, whether it's the Republican party in the United States or the PPP in Guyana.  


* But once the election campaigns are over, I pride myself in being a balanced and fair-minded individual.


* The PNC/AFC has won the Guyana election. They will rule Guyana for the next 5 years. Like I said---The kind of person I am---fair and open-minded---I will not wish the PNC/AFC any ill-will. And I will definitely not hope that they bankrupt Guyana.


* You are free to condemn the PNC and hope that they fail. That's not how the Rev operates.





Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



I am not bitter.



* Good to hear that!






I will be critical of APNU.


Moses and Ramjattan are already treated as second class by the PNC. Moses wings have already been clipped by Granger.

OK so Cheddi used Luncheon to clip Sam Hinds wings, because Harmon's role was the same.


Continue with your "scare collie" Part II. Part I led to the PPP losing because 5500 more people voted APNU AFC in Bartica and Linden than in 2011.

Last edited by Former Member

"Khublall then contacted the Police who promptly responded, causing the six bandits to flee, leaving the valuables behind."





I have never seen this in quite sometime, how bout you guys?



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

 I am no longer optimistic. Guyana is slowly headed into the dark days of the PNC.





* You may be in for the shock of your life.




* Guyana is set for BOOM TIMES.


* There will be no dark days of the PNC.


* Granger is already talking about setting up a SOVEREIGN WEALTH FUND.


* Listen yuji! Come 2020 I may support the PPP in the election ---but right now I am rooting for progress to continue in Guyana---even with the PNC/AFC in office.



Guyana gon be the next Denark.


“They had him tied up like an iguana; you know how they does tie them up right. They had a cloth around he neck, choking he. He couldn’t breathe and plus they had a knife by he neck and they de going and slit he throat.  

Originally Posted by Cobra:

“They had him tied up like an iguana; you know how they does tie them up right. They had a cloth around he neck, choking he. He couldn’t breathe and plus they had a knife by he neck and they de going and slit he throat.  

The remnants from the past PPP/C government still haunts the Guyanese people. In time I hope to see these actions squashed.


They just malicious and they want rob we. After all we do, we does help them, anybody want lil help, we does always help them. Now look what they do to we,” he vented off.

Aunty, you were helping your enemies. They will eat your food and still look to rob, kill you, and burn your house down.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

“They had him tied up like an iguana; you know how they does tie them up right. They had a cloth around he neck, choking he. He couldn’t breathe and plus they had a knife by he neck and they de going and slit he throat.  


This is what 23 years of PPP misrule has brought us to today.


Stop being a child who blames everyone else for their problems. Yes the PNC is a violent almost criminal organization. But what did the PPP do about all of this?


NOTHING! They spent their 23 years tiefing. Their legacy is an empty Treasury.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

They just malicious and they want rob we. After all we do, we does help them, anybody want lil help, we does always help them. Now look what they do to we,” he vented off.

Aunty, you were helping your enemies. They will eat your food and still look to rob, kill you, and burn your house down.

Your Aunty ( dunno how "he" became your Aunty") obviously knows who the criminals are. How about he (your Aunty) help the police with their investigation or would that make one of their family look bad.

I do recall when people were being beaten/killed and robbed this is exactly what we heard from you is their own who has been robbing them.

Last edited by cain

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