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PPP/C ends campaign with a bang at biggest rally ever


May 10, 2015, Source



A HARD-fought campaign marked by enthusiastic shows of support across the country for the ruling party must be tangibly translated into the presence of every eligible voter at the polls on Monday, May 11, according to President Donald Ramotar. Lusignan’s market tarmac. Pictured are scenes from Saturday’s massive rally.


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Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Well Nehru, compliments to both the PPP/C and PNC for their campaigning.


We need now to wait for the results as the people casts their votes on Monday, May 11, 2015.

I so AGREE.  I am proud that the PNC did not cause Violence and Rioys despite behaving bad on a few occasions. I will be waiting, whether Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.  I will not sleep until Mr Surujbally make the announcement.


I believe, Nehru, that numerous individuals will indeed be waiting for the official results of the election.


It appears that the officials may be publishing periodic updates and then the official final results.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

I believe, Nehru, that numerous individuals will indeed be waiting for the official results of the election.


It appears that the officials may be publishing periodic updates and then the official final results.

Hydro Seed Engineer

more... From Nerhu






Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

PPP/C ends campaign with a bang at biggest rally ever


May 10, 2015, Source



A HARD-fought campaign marked by enthusiastic shows of support across the country for the ruling party must be tangibly translated into the presence of every eligible voter at the polls on Monday, May 11, according to President Donald Ramotar. Lusignan’s market tarmac. Pictured are scenes from Saturday’s massive rally.


That is evidence that Moses cannot bring enough Indos to the AFC to tilt the outcome of the election.


He damaged their chances by declaring that he is not Indian and the constant attacks on Indos by the AFC as being racists.


AFC/PNC gone to choka.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The P.P.P/C awaits the majority at sunrise....long live the P.P.P


Yes, Long Live the PPP !!!!!


Long live the people who stood up to Dirty Indian Moses !!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Well Nehru, compliments to both the PPP/C and PNC for their campaigning.


We need now to wait for the results as the people casts their votes on Monday, May 11, 2015.

I so AGREE.  I am proud that the PNC did not cause Violence and Rioys despite behaving bad on a few occasions. I will be waiting, whether Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.  I will not sleep until Mr Surujbally make the announcement.

trow the rope over the rafter and leave it you drunken fool

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The P.P.P/C awaits the majority at sunrise....long live the P.P.P

Councie Show up



Dem AFC-APNU Lady get Flowers

For Mothers Day

Dem PPP give Kwame any Flower?


New Govt after Tomorrow...

Councie Wha yuh gon Do after Tomorrow




PPP makes last impression on thousands at Lusignan

May 11, 2015 | By | Filed Under News, Source


Lusignan, a small East Coast Demerara community, became a sea of red, black and yellow on Saturday as supporters for the People’s Progressive Party/Civic’s (PPP/C) gathered for the last leg of their campaign trail.

The party supporters converged on the village’s market tarmac as the incumbent party made its final appeal for voters to come out with the same zeal on Election Day.

In the lead up to the rally, sections of the East Coast public road were sectioned off to accommodate the party’s supporters. The flags, posters, banner and message was clear: the PPP/C was in town and ready to woo as many as possible.

Pedestrians could be seen trekking on foot from Good Hope and Annandale, when their vehicles failed to get them to the rally site fast enough. Along the way some supporters even handed out the iconic red, yellow and black PPP/C flag to unassuming drivers.


President Donald Ramotar and other officials at Saturday’s rally

President Donald Ramotar and other officials at Saturday’s rally


Those coming from the villages on the west marched in with banners declaring their support; the music and festive mood also in tow.

The Saturday afternoon heat did little to deter them as they listened to the passionate calls to action from key party figures. Among those: former Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall, the party’s General Secretary, Clement Rohee and Former President Bharrat Jagdeo.

But while the flames of the party passion resonated throughout the village square, it was not enough to purge the lone protestor, Sherlina Nageer. Despite the hisses from party loyalists, the social activist persevered in her message of justice against officials guilty of corruption.

Her message was as clear as her placard: “All miscreants in power must go.”

As the twilight set upon the fiery gathering, more supporters showed up in the extravagant get ups, cheering at the top of their lungs.

Cups of all shapes and sizes littered the crowd tops, as the party’s leaders called to voter action reverberated throughout the square. Cups decorated in X’s signalling the people’s choice, with some  illuminated cups displaying the craftsmanship of those present.


A section of the Lusignan crowd

A section of the Lusignan crowd


The mood was a festive one: almost like a major street jam. Supporters did little to hide their drinking and every sound of “It is time to rally for the party and country…” provided another reason to shout, scream, cheer or dance.

The support was pouring in from all corners on the Lusignan tarmac. Even after five hours of speeches, supporters lined the streets: together they danced and showed support for their party; for as long as they could.


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