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PPP/C Gov’t continues to plug for national unity

- while APNU holding on to its perceived racist line, and AFC primarily motivated by vengeance and hate
THE events of the last two years have shown clearly that a Joint Government arrangement between the PPP/C, APNU and AFC is almost impossible.The most glaring is the situation with the Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Bill in the National Assembly.

The Bill, as President Donald Ramotar explained, came out of an international process. It had the assurance from the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF) officials that it was compliant.
This bill should have never been sent to a select committee. In any other country it would have been passed immediately and be more like a formality.

Look at the behaviour of the Government and the Opposition in Belize. The Opposition in Belize supported the Government unhesitantly to avoid damaging the welfare of its people.

The Opposition in Guyana demanded that the Bill be sent to a special select committee for them to put forward amendments. For almost a year they did no such thing.

At the very end when it was close to the deadline they introduced amendments to the principal act, which was not the subject of any issue.

The CFATF assessor pointed out that the amendments run the danger of making what is now compliant to becoming non-compliant.

Despite all of this, the Opposition keeps insisting on their amendments knowing fully well that they are exposing the country to danger and at the same time putting the well-being of Guyanese in danger.

Added to that, worse than Shylock of Shakespeare’s fame, they continued to demand their ‘pound of flesh’. They want the government to give them the unconstitutional bills and other measures.
This is a major change by APNU, a party that is on record as saying that it will not be tying the passage of the bill to anything. They were not supporting the AFC which was calling to establish the Public Procurement Commission as a condition for supporting the bill.

Now the AFC have changed, they are now supporting the APNU’S demands together with their own. The APNU has also changed its position and is supporting the AFC’s call also.
What is motivating those parties.

It appears that AFC whose leaderships consist of two defectors from the PPP is motivated by hate and vendetta. These are bitter people. They have aligned themselves with Nigel Hughes whose unethical behaviour allowed the killers of 11 people of Lusignan, 12 at Bartica and 10 at Lindo Creek to walk free. Nigel Hughes appears to be driven by strong black nationalist sentiments.

The APNU, on the other hand, has a history of practicing racial discrimination while in Government. That has always been their main line. That is why they always work to inflame black sentiments by talking about ethnic cleansing and fabrication of other issues.
Clearly the ideologies of these parties are very far apart. The PPP and PPP/C Government continue to plug for national unity, while the APNU has held on to its racist line and the AFC is primarily motivated by vengeance and hate.

A government comprising of these parties would be a real disaster for Guyana. It will be incapable of getting anything done.



extracted from the Guyanachronicle

Replies sorted oldest to newest

THE events of the last two years have shown clearly that a Joint Government arrangement between the PPP/C, APNU and AFC is almost impossible.The most glaring is the situation with the Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Bill in the National Assembly.

The Bill, as President Donald Ramotar explained, came out of an international process. It had the assurance from the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF) officials that it was compliant.
This bill should have never been sent to a select committee. In any other country it would have been passed immediately and be more like a formality.



The joint opposition appears to be on a quest to derail the economic process of Guyana.


The PPP from its creation on the 1st of January 1950, has always being trying to forge National Unity, its the largest multi-ethnic political organization not only in Guyana but also in the region.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The PPP from its creation on the 1st of January 1950, has always being trying to forge National Unity, its the largest multi-ethnic political organization not only in Guyana but also in the region.

The PPP is now home for the PNC thugs and election riggers.


desist from making wild accusations about rigging elections, you know to your gut, free and fair elections were returned to Guyana in 1992, since then every elections were free and fair, resulting in the joint opposition having a razor thin "majority."

Originally Posted by Conscience:

desist from making wild accusations about rigging elections, you know to your gut, free and fair elections were returned to Guyana in 1992, since then every elections were free and fair, resulting in the joint opposition having a razor thin "majority."

The "razor" maybe thin but e sharp laka rass....

Originally Posted by Conscience:

PPP/C Gov’t continues to plug for national unity

- while APNU holding on to its perceived racist line, and AFC primarily motivated by vengeance and hate
THE events of the last two years have shown clearly that a Joint Government arrangement between the PPP/C, APNU and AFC is almost impossible.The most glaring is tdiscrimination while in Government. That has always been their main line. That is why they always work to inflame black sentiments by talking about ethnic cleansing and fabrication of other issues.

Clearly the ideologies of these parties are very far apart. The PPP and PPP/C Government continue to plug for national unity, while the APNU has held on to its racist line and the AFC is primarily motivated by vengeance and hate.

A government comprising of these parties would be a real disaster for Guyana. It will be incapable of getting anything done.



extracted from the Guyanachronicle



More toilet material from the CRONICLE OF LIES.


PPP/C Gov’t continues to plug for

national unity

- while APNU holding on to its perceived racist line, and AFC primarily motivated by vengeance and hate



It all boils down to trust, can anyone trust the Corrupt PPP/C? There are widespread mistrust within their own supporters, and that comes by lies being peddled from Ramotar the President to the lowest Minister.


I would simply say that since they cannot be trusted, National Unity is just a mirage.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by asj:

PPP/C Gov’t continues to plug for

national unity

- while APNU holding on to its perceived racist line, and AFC primarily motivated by vengeance and hate



It all boils down to trust, can anyone trust the Corrupt PPP/C? There are widespread mistrust within their own supporters, and that comes by lies being peddled from Ramotar the President to the lowest Minister.


I would simply say that since they cannot be trusted, National Unity is just a mirage.

Trust ??? Ramu is not his own man, he got to run to JUgni-deo every 5 minutes.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The PPP from its creation on the 1st of January 1950, has always being trying to forge National Unity, its the largest multi-ethnic political organization not only in Guyana but also in the region.

Yes.  Its a known fact that the PPP has never considered black people as Guyanese, so they can happily exclude them from almost all facets of life in Guyana and yet happily claim to be inclusive.


The PPP has been asked to furnish proof that they aren't hostile to blacks, and even Roger Luncheon was unable to disprove this belief.


Since Ramotar the PPP has become MORE RACIST!  Shooting down black people in cold blood on at least two occasions, merely because they exercised their right to protest.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Yes.  Its a known fact that the PPP has never considered black people as Guyanese, so they can happily exclude them from almost all facets of life in Guyana and yet happily claim to be inclusive.


The PPP has been asked to furnish proof that they aren't hostile to blacks, and even Roger Luncheon was unable to disprove this belief.


Since Ramotar the PPP has become MORE RACIST!  Shooting down black people in cold blood on at least two occasions, merely because they exercised their right to protest.

I would declare that the PPP showed tremendous restraint dealing with marauding PNC/AFC operatives who were intent on burning down the bridge at Linden and egged on by Nigel and company in the quest for free electricity. Why has free electricity become an entitlement when people all over the world pay full price? In addition it is important to note that the commission of inquiry found no evidence that the police killed protesters. In fact there are suspicions that the afc/pnc killed their own supporters as sacrifice to kick start a wider protest nationwide. Of course their evil plans failed.  

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Conscience:




extracted from the Guyanachronicle

I see Indian men are once again pretending to be African women.

Not only Indian men, carib, but some Afro men too.

Like Kwame, experienced journalist and publicity specialist.


Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Yes.  Its a known fact that the PPP has never considered black people as Guyanese, so they can happily exclude them from almost all facets of life in Guyana and yet happily claim to be inclusive.


The PPP has been asked to furnish proof that they aren't hostile to blacks, and even Roger Luncheon was unable to disprove this belief.


Since Ramotar the PPP has become MORE RACIST!  Shooting down black people in cold blood on at least two occasions, merely because they exercised their right to protest.

I would declare that the PPP showed tremendous restraint dealing with marauding PNC/AFC operatives who were intent on burning down the bridge at Linden and egged on by Nigel and company in the quest for free electricity. Why has free electricity become an entitlement when people all over the world pay full price? In addition it is important to note that the commission of inquiry found no evidence that the police killed protesters. In fact there are suspicions that the afc/pnc killed their own supporters as sacrifice to kick start a wider protest nationwide. Of course their evil plans failed.  

You don't seem to understand.  BOSAI generates electricity in Linden at lower costs than the electricity company, and so Linden benefits.


If Linden can benefit from cheap electricity from BOSAI, why must they pay the same rates that the rest of Guyana pays?


Why not ask yourself why the electricity company is so inefficient that they lose 40% of what they generate and so must stick the nation with the bill.


Until you can tell me why no major AFC/PNC official has been arrested by the PPP your claims that the AFC/PNC engage in criminal behavior lack credibility.  Clearly if the AFC/PNC engaged in criminal behavior the PPP would gladly arrest them to prove that these parties are mere criminal enterprises, but they don't.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:

You don't seem to understand.  BOSAI generates electricity in Linden at lower costs than the electricity company, and so Linden benefits.


If Linden can benefit from cheap electricity from BOSAI, why must they pay the same rates that the rest of Guyana pays?


Why not ask yourself why the electricity company is so inefficient that they lose 40% of what they generate and so must stick the nation with the bill.


Until you can tell me why no major AFC/PNC official has been arrested by the PPP your claims that the AFC/PNC engage in criminal behavior lack credibility.  Clearly if the AFC/PNC engaged in criminal behavior the PPP would gladly arrest them to prove that these parties are mere criminal enterprises, but they don't.

Bosai uses the same method of generating electricity as GPL, generators powered by diesel. Any cheaper cost would only be accounted for by the lack of electrical loss due to transmission over long distances that gPL faces. Why then is Linden electricity being subsidized to the tune of GYD $2.6B if as you claim they are paying the correct amount?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Why don't you reveal the specifics of the agreement between BOSAI and the Guyana govt?  BOSAI generates its own electricity and makes the surplus available to Linden.  Linden is not on the GPL grid and therefore the rates which GPL charges is irrelevant.


The vast majority of electricity consumption in Linden is clearly used by BOSAI.


And by the way BOSAI is a more efficient producer of electricity than is GPL< which also doesn't maintain its transmission lines so loses more than 40% of the electricity which it generates. 


Why should Lindeners pay for this issue when they have nothing to do with GPL?  What's wrong with Lindeners getting electricity at the same cost than what is available to BOSAI?


You will have to prove that the gov't subsidizes the electricity which BOSAI uses for its own purposes.


Also remember that when the PPP sold the bauxite industry to BOSAI, that Chinese company immediately got rid of  over 80% of the workers.  Many of whom must now leave Linden to economically sustain themselves, with all the hardships that this creates in families.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Why don't you reveal the specifics of the agreement between BOSAI and the Guyana govt?  BOSAI generates its own electricity and makes the surplus available to Linden.  Linden is not on the GPL grid and therefore the rates which GPL charges is irrelevant.


The vast majority of electricity consumption in Linden is clearly used by BOSAI.


And by the way BOSAI is a more efficient producer of electricity than is GPL< which also doesn't maintain its transmission lines so loses more than 40% of the electricity which it generates. 


Why should Lindeners pay for this issue when they have nothing to do with GPL?  What's wrong with Lindeners getting electricity at the same cost than what is available to BOSAI?


You will have to prove that the gov't subsidizes the electricity which BOSAI uses for its own purposes.


Also remember that when the PPP sold the bauxite industry to BOSAI, that Chinese company immediately got rid of  over 80% of the workers.  Many of whom must now leave Linden to economically sustain themselves, with all the hardships that this creates in families.

No company in the world would produce electricity to incur an excess to supply a population of 70 thousand people. There is a cost and Bosai is using the same types of generators as GPL, because they are close in proximity to Linden, the electricity loss due to transmission is much less.  Clearly the Lindeners are abusing this subsidized electricity as they consume 4 times as much as the rest of the nation and pay 1/5 of the cost that the rest of Guyana does. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Why don't you reveal the specifics of the agreement between BOSAI and the Guyana govt?  BOSAI generates its own electricity and makes the surplus available to Linden.  Linden is not on the GPL grid and therefore the rates which GPL charges is irrelevant.


The vast majority of electricity consumption in Linden is clearly used by BOSAI.


And by the way BOSAI is a more efficient producer of electricity than is GPL< which also doesn't maintain its transmission lines so loses more than 40% of the electricity which it generates. 


Why should Lindeners pay for this issue when they have nothing to do with GPL?  What's wrong with Lindeners getting electricity at the same cost than what is available to BOSAI?


You will have to prove that the gov't subsidizes the electricity which BOSAI uses for its own purposes.


Also remember that when the PPP sold the bauxite industry to BOSAI, that Chinese company immediately got rid of  over 80% of the workers.  Many of whom must now leave Linden to economically sustain themselves, with all the hardships that this creates in families.

No company in the world would produce electricity to incur an excess to supply a population of 70 thousand people. There is a cost and Bosai is using the same types of generators as GPL, because they are close in proximity to Linden, the electricity loss due to transmission is much less.  Clearly the Lindeners are abusing this subsidized electricity as they consume 4 times as much as the rest of the nation and pay 1/5 of the cost that the rest of Guyana does. 



No company in the world would produce electricity to incur an excess to supply a population of 70 thousand people. There is a cost and Bosai is using the same types of generators as GPL, because they are close in proximity to Linden, the electricity loss due to transmission is much less.  Clearly the Lindeners are abusing this subsidized electricity as they consume 4 times as much as the rest of the nation and pay 1/5 of the cost that the rest of Guyana does. 

First of all there are now only 35k people left in Linden.  Secondly given that bauxite is a big energy consumer the bulk of what is produced by BOSAI is for their use.



What machinery GPL uses is irrelevant given that even they admit that their transmissions lines are inefficient.  What they will not admit is so is their entire production, which is why Guyana has the most expensive electricity in CARICOM.


So why should Linden have to pay BOSAI for GPLs inefficiency?  GPL does NOT supply Linden so any chatter about them is irrelevant. 


You are unable to prove that the PPP is paying BOSAI money for generating electricity.


Whether Lindeners abuse electricity or not is irrelevant because what it costs to produce electricity in Linden is completely unrelated to the rest of the country. 


Prove that the PPP pays BOSAI money for the electricity it produces for its own use and for Linden, or stand down from this argument.


Your usual excuses for the PPP is irrelevant to this discussion.


You cannot prove anything here just as you failed miserably to prove that GEO will ever be a hub.


BTW COPA is only going to GEO to replace Delta.  CAL cannot carry the entire load and not every one will want to use some outfit like Travelspan.  Fly Jamaica has serious financial problems, as is usual with one plane outfits.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:

First of all there are now only 35k people left in Linden.  Secondly given that bauxite is a big energy consumer the bulk of what is produced by BOSAI is for their use.



What machinery GPL uses is irrelevant given that even they admit that their transmissions lines are inefficient.  What they will not admit is so is their entire production, which is why Guyana has the most expensive electricity in CARICOM.


So why should Linden have to pay BOSAI for GPLs inefficiency?  GPL does NOT supply Linden so any chatter about them is irrelevant. 


You are unable to prove that the PPP is paying BOSAI money for generating electricity.


Whether Lindeners abuse electricity or not is irrelevant because what it costs to produce electricity in Linden is completely unrelated to the rest of the country. 


Prove that the PPP pays BOSAI money for the electricity it produces for its own use and for Linden, or stand down from this argument.


Your usual excuses for the PPP is irrelevant to this discussion.


You cannot prove anything here just as you failed miserably to prove that GEO will ever be a hub.


BTW COPA is only going to GEO to replace Delta.  CAL cannot carry the entire load and not every one will want to use some outfit like Travelspan.  Fly Jamaica has serious financial problems, as is usual with one plane outfits.


The excess electricity you claim was due to the production of Alumina which produces excess head that was converted to electricity. This is no longer the case as Bosai does not produce Alumina.


Ramotar, in his explanation on Saturday last, said that “electricity in Linden has a history when we used to produce alumina and they had excess heat so they could have given cheap electricity”.

If you need to find out how govt subsidizes electricity to Linden you only need look at the budget that parliament approves to find the line item to a tune of GYD 3.2B.

Govt to set aside $3.2B for electricity for Region 10

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds on Monday confirmed that there will be no increase in electricity tariffs for Linden, Region 10.

In fact, the government has set aside $2.900 billion in the 2014 national budget to subsidise the cost of electricity in Linden, while neighbouring Kwakwani Utilities Inc will receive $300 million, a total of $3.2 billion in subsidies, once there is no objection from the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC) in the National Assembly.



drug_b, i think i am on solid ground in observing that u know likely less than an 8th grader about electricity generation and the economics that drives it . . . nah suh bai?


doan make me re-post your embarrassment from last year, arite klown?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

If you need to find out how govt subsidizes electricity to Linden you only need look at the budget that parliament approves to find the line item to a tune of GYD 3.2B.

Govt to set aside $3.2B for electricity for Region 10

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds on Monday confirmed that there will be no increase in electricity tariffs for Linden, Region 10.

In fact, the government has set aside $2.900 billion in the 2014 national budget to subsidise the cost of electricity in Linden, while neighbouring Kwakwani Utilities Inc will receive $300 million, a total of $3.2 billion in subsidies, once there is no objection from the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC) in the National Assembly.


You have yet to disclose who this subsidy is being paid to.  Are Lindeners expected to pay to subsidize BOSAI? Unemployment in that town is estimated to be as high as 70%, with many people having to roam Guyana to earn a living. This because when the PPP handed the bauxite industry to BOSAI up to 80% of the workers were fired.


Why doesn't the PPP also stop subsidizing Guysuco?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:

You have yet to disclose who this subsidy is being paid to.  Are Lindeners expected to pay to subsidize BOSAI? Unemployment in that town is estimated to be as high as 70%, with many people having to roam Guyana to earn a living. This because when the PPP handed the bauxite industry to BOSAI up to 80% of the workers were fired.


Why doesn't the PPP also stop subsidizing Guysuco?

Yes Boasai is the recepient, both the PNC and AFC agreed to the funding, they didn't raise foolish questions on this as you do.

Unemployment in Linden is by choice, it was a mining town and now its not. In the US when the coal mining dried up, peopel moved on to other cities where they could find employment. Lindeners should do the same, in fact Linden is in a stragetic position at the gateway to the interior, there is lots of work in the mining and timber industry to the point where labor has to be imported. Like Obama said, Blacks need to stop the excuses and put their shoulders to the wheel instead of looking for handouts.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

You have yet to disclose who this subsidy is being paid to.  Are Lindeners expected to pay to subsidize BOSAI? Unemployment in that town is estimated to be as high as 70%, with many people having to roam Guyana to earn a living. This because when the PPP handed the bauxite industry to BOSAI up to 80% of the workers were fired.


Why doesn't the PPP also stop subsidizing Guysuco?

Yes Boasai is the recepient, both the PNC and AFC agreed to the funding, they didn't raise foolish questions on this as you do.

Unemployment in Linden is by choice, it was a mining town and now its not. In the US when the coal mining dried up, peopel moved on to other cities where they could find employment. Lindeners should do the same, in fact Linden is in a stragetic position at the gateway to the interior, there is lots of work in the mining and timber industry to the point where labor has to be imported. Like Obama said, Blacks need to stop the excuses and put their shoulders to the wheel instead of looking for handouts.

So BOSAI receives a subsidy for electricity, most of it is for its own use and poor people in Linden, the very people who it fired, must pay!!!!



Obama is a jackass and I have offered my opinions on him long ago.  He runs behind white gays and begs for their love. And he is so ungrateful that he didn't even have the manners to thank blacks for turning out in record numbers, allowing him to win states that the GOP normally takes, places like VA, NC, FL, and OH.  So I really don't care what he has to say.  He is welcome to run behind white gays and white women as he seeks a legacy other than being the president who left blacks worse off than he found them.


And in case you don't know there is massive white poverty is states like West Virginia, where their lot is now down to drinking poisoned water.


When the PPP shut down Guysuco, and thousands of Indians are tossed out of work then you can opine on Linden.  So much you don't know as Lindeners form much of the back bone of the work force involved in gold and timber.  That's why you used 70k as the population of that town, when it is only 35k, and it might even be less than that by now.


And whats your babble about labor being imported.  Brazilians come to Guyana to engage in practices that they couldn't get away with in Brazil. They don't arrive to work for Guyanese.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:

So BOSAI receives a subsidy for electricity, most of it is for its own use and poor people in Linden, the very people who it fired, must pay!!!!



Obama is a jackass and I have offered my opinions on him long ago.  He runs behind white gays and begs for their love. And he is so ungrateful that he didn't even have the manners to thank blacks for turning out in record numbers, allowing him to win states that the GOP normally takes, places like VA, NC, FL, and OH.  So I really don't care what he has to say.  He is welcome to run behind white gays and white women as he seeks a legacy other than being the president who left blacks worse off than he found them.


And in case you don't know there is massive white poverty is states like West Virginia, where their lot is now down to drinking poisoned water.


When the PPP shut down Guysuco, and thousands of Indians are tossed out of work then you can opine on Linden.  So much you don't know as Lindeners form much of the back bone of the work force involved in gold and timber.  That's why you used 70k as the population of that town, when it is only 35k, and it might even be less than that by now.


And whats your babble about labor being imported.  Brazilians come to Guyana to engage in practices that they couldn't get away with in Brazil. They don't arrive to work for Guyanese.

First of all Bosai is not receiving a subsidy, they are receiving payment for providing electricity to Linden which is not as you claimed, excess electricity. In fact Bosai has had to recently shut down their own Bauxite operations in order to fulfill its govt contract to supply Linden with electricity. 


On Friday, Bosai was forced to shut down the two kilns at the bauxite plant to ensure that the community at large could receive electricity. This led to the eight-hour scheduled system of rationing power to communities, across the mining town.


To address your point about the taxpayers responsibility to Lindeners for loss of jobs due to a failing bauxite industry after world market prices fell, no nation should perpetually be responsible for providing aid for job loss. Even in America, unemployment has a cut off, Obama managed to extend unemployment insurance for 3 years after which people were cut off. Why should Linden be any different? Even Burnham noted that Linden should be brought up to par with the rest of the nation in paying electric bills. 


Obama is correct, Blacks must stand on their own feet, continuing to give them crutches will only make them weaker. 


Guysuco should be shut down, but Indians are already fleeing this industry as opportunity in other sectors beckons with higher wages. They will not sit around and wait for subsidy like the Lindeners. 


How many professionals in the medical and education sectors are imported from abroad? Lindeners can fit these positions if they put their minds to it an take education like the rest of the nation. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:



How many professionals in the medical and education sectors are imported from abroad? Lindeners can fit these positions if they put their minds to it an take education like the rest of the nation. 

Well why hasn't Guysuco been closed.  The excuse is that unemployment will result.


The reason why medical and educational personnel are imported is because Guyanese flee.  Among those Guyanese who flee are many Lindeners in those fields.  Why should any one stay in Guyana if tyhey can be paid more in Barbados?


You really expect me to believe that BOSAI would deliberately money by shutting down their plants to enable electricity to be made available.


Try that on some one else.


What black people want from Obama is what every one else wants. An economy which generates jobs.  So I guess you and Obama think that some thing is wrong when blacks make that demand.  When white women make that demand Obama goes groveling to them, which is why I think that he is a complete waste.  The man clearly hates black people.  The little gimmick that he recently babbled about is something best handled by an NGO.  If that is the best that he can do he ought to resume running behind white gays to earn their love.  Yes gay marriage is the most important priority.

Last edited by Former Member

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