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November 5 2018


PPP/C gov’t spent around $100m in three years on officials medical bills – Lawrence -promises to provide cost of insurance payment for ministers


While government is still to make public how much is the equivalent of its share of fifty percent towards ministers’ health insurance, it has revealed that nearly $100M was spent in three years on medical expenses by the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) administration.

“In 2012, from the public’s purse, some $37.138M (was) spent and then in 2013 $9.732M and then in 2014, Mr. Speaker some $47.2M,” Public Health Minister Volda Lawrence told the National Assembly on Wednesday.

Lawrence had been asked by PPP/C MP Juan Edghill how much the APNU+AFC government had spent on dental bills from its taking office in May 2015 to the June 2018 period and she gave not only her government’s figure but compared it to a similar three-year period for the PPP/C.

“Mr. Speaker, I am happy to report to this Honourable House that of June 2015, no request was made to the public funds for a medical coverage nor dental for any of our ministers. The same thing happened in 2016, again, there is a nil, in June of 2018, there is a nil; however for 2017 prior to us signing onto the insurance company, some $2.404M was spent,” she said.

She explained that government, holding to its stance that the public treasury should not be burdened by the medical expenses of ministers, sought to obtain insurance coverage where it would pay half of the premiums and the ministers the other half. “It was just about a year after we took office that the Cabinet was apprised of expenditures incurred previously for medical and other expenses. And we  took the decision to begin a search which would look at various insurance companies that can be able to provide insurance coverage for members of Cabinet and ministers and their families,  should they wish that so that we do not place a burden on the public funds as transpired in years previous,” she said.

Pressed by Edghill on what  the insurance bill for government amounted to, Lawrence said that she did not have it at hand but would make it available to him when she does.  “Mr. Speaker, at this time I do not have that figure but I can assure this House that at our next sitting I will provide that information,” she said.

She explained that the premiums varied per minister as they were based on the insurance company’s medical assessment of the insured person.

The insurance company’s premium, according to Lawrence, is deducted monthly from the salaries of the ministers.

In the months leading up to the 2015 General and Regional Elections, APNU and the AFC, then on the opposition benches,  had bemoaned what they called the PPP/C’s “haemorrhaging” of  monies from the public coffers on their teeth and other “narcissistic” and  “vanity medical procedures”. It said that such practices needed to stop as ordinary Guyanese who are faced with large medical bills are being turned away from government offices when they seek public aid.

The two parties  said then that the levels to which the disparity between the ordinary Guyanese and this elite group of PPP/C ministers and their friends had reached was obscene and used the message as a campaign issue, even as they called for the public to “condemn this blatant abuse of the tax dollars”.

It said that APNU and the AFC were committed to responsible and equitable distribution of funds for medical procedures for all Guyanese and also to a comprehensive overhaul of the healthcare system.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

“Mr. Speaker, I am happy to report to this Honourable House that of June 2015, no request was made to the public funds for a medical coverage nor dental for any of our ministers.

The same thing happened in 2016, again, there is a nil, in June of 2018, there is a nil; however for 2017 prior to us signing onto the insurance company, some $2.404M was spent,” she said"


All the hullabaloo about taxpayers funds used for the medical expenses on PM Nagamootto is false.

Last edited by Django

Sigh...isn't this old news

how bout... dis de facto guvament give dem selves 100 percent  increase with the advice from dem handlers when they were installed in 2015

Last edited by Former Member
Anan posted:

Sigh...isn't this old news

how bout... dis de facto guvament give dem selves 100 percent  increase with the advice from dem handlers when ther were installed in 2015

Want a lie to seem true tell it again and again.

Do some justice and tell how you arrived at the 100% increase.

Click below

Food for thoughts

Django posted:
Anan posted:

Sigh...isn't this old news

how bout... dis de facto guvament give dem selves 100 percent  increase with the advice from dem handlers when ther were installed in 2015

Want a lie to seem true tell it again and again.

Do some justice and tell how you arrived at the 100% increase.

Click below

Food for thoughts

True, eating carrots improves your eyesight. No lie about Vitamin C either.

Django posted:

“Mr. Speaker, I am happy to report to this Honourable House that of June 2015, no request was made to the public funds for a medical coverage nor dental for any of our ministers.

The same thing happened in 2016, again, there is a nil, in June of 2018, there is a nil; however for 2017 prior to us signing onto the insurance company, some $2.404M was spent,” she said"


All the hullabaloo about taxpayers funds used for the medical expenses on PM Nagamootto is false.

I am not against ministers being provided free specialized health care. I would hope they improve the health facilities for the people as well. 19 doctors on leave in berbice at the same time. There is no maned trauma center...not even a regular general practitioner on hand at all times. Patient have to wait. This is untenable.


Hey DJ,

You missed this very important detail:

"While government is still to make public how much is the equivalent of its share of fifty percent towards ministers’ health insurance"

We need to see that number released publicly. The devil is in the details.

yuji22 posted:

Hey DJ,

You missed this very important detail:

"While government is still to make public how much is the equivalent of its share of fifty percent towards ministers’ health insurance"

We need to see that number released publicly. The devil is in the details.

“Mr. Speaker, at this time I do not have that figure but I can assure this House that at our next sitting I will provide that information,” she said."

The above Honorable Minister Lawrence promised, did you missed it ?

Last edited by Django
D2 posted:
Django posted:

“Mr. Speaker, I am happy to report to this Honourable House that of June 2015, no request was made to the public funds for a medical coverage nor dental for any of our ministers.

The same thing happened in 2016, again, there is a nil, in June of 2018, there is a nil; however for 2017 prior to us signing onto the insurance company, some $2.404M was spent,” she said"


All the hullabaloo about taxpayers funds used for the medical expenses on PM Nagamootto is false.

I am not against ministers being provided free specialized health care. I would hope they improve the health facilities for the people as well. 19 doctors on leave in berbice at the same time. There is no maned trauma center...not even a regular general practitioner on hand at all times. Patient have to wait. This is untenable.

I read that in an article, seems like improper management.


I did not miss it. What I meant was that we will have to see those numbers to compare it to the $ 33 million per year that the PPP spent. Add the massive pay increase to what AFC/PNC ministers gave themselves and you get the big picture.

Django posted:

I read that in an article, seems like improper management.

These people do not manage well. Labaria, morabana etc are everywhere but they keep the antidote only in gt. You get bite and you are likely to lose a limb or be dead before you get help. I was bitten on the toes by a labaria ( cut in half by a reactor) and I nearly lost a toe. My dad hired the launch sam chase  ( plied the Demerara) to get to Atkinson from Lana to save my foot We need communications and better management to save lives. 

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

I did not miss it. What I meant was that we will have to see those numbers to compare it to the $ 33 million per year that the PPP spent. Add the massive pay increase to what AFC/PNC ministers gave themselves and you get the big picture.

I am sure it will be lesser,than the yearly amount the PPP spent. Regarding the pay increase of Ministers,is it justifiable surely not.

Don't forget Parliamentary members also received an increase.

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

I did not miss it. What I meant was that we will have to see those numbers to compare it to the $ 33 million per year that the PPP spent. Add the massive pay increase to what AFC/PNC ministers gave themselves and you get the big picture.

I am sure it will be lesser,than the yearly amount the PPP spent. Regarding the pay increase of Ministers,is it justifiable surely not.

Don't forget Parliamentary members also received an increase.

They should start eliminating perks if they want to brag about what is spent where. Taxing poor people for vehicles at exorbitant rates while allowing luxury cars to come in to special people is a terrible abuse of power. It also create preferred class.

D2 posted:
Django posted:

I read that in an article, seems like improper management.

These people do not manage well. Labaria, morabana etc are everywhere but they keep the antidote only in gt. You get bite and you are likely to lose a limb or be dead before you get help. I was bitten on the toes by a labaria ( cut in half by a reactor) and I nearly lost a toe. My dad hired the launch sam chase  ( plied the Demerara) to get to Atkinson from Lana to save my foot We need communications and better management to save lives. 

Surely they need better management, it's not rocket science to learn.Guyanese in the homeland are stuck in their ways,don't need advice from the diaspora.

Simply they think they know it all.

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

I did not miss it. What I meant was that we will have to see those numbers to compare it to the $ 33 million per year that the PPP spent. Add the massive pay increase to what AFC/PNC ministers gave themselves and you get the big picture.

I am sure it will be lesser,than the yearly amount the PPP spent. Regarding the pay increase of Ministers,is it justifiable surely not.

Don't forget Parliamentary members also received an increase.

I am not disputing the numbers or making any assumptions. It is good for the taxpayers if the government can spend the wisely.

Let us see what was spent on the Insurance. I am certain that it will be significantly less and having insurance is a definitely a better option.

Last edited by Former Member
D2 posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

I did not miss it. What I meant was that we will have to see those numbers to compare it to the $ 33 million per year that the PPP spent. Add the massive pay increase to what AFC/PNC ministers gave themselves and you get the big picture.

I am sure it will be lesser,than the yearly amount the PPP spent. Regarding the pay increase of Ministers,is it justifiable surely not.

Don't forget Parliamentary members also received an increase.

They should start eliminating perks if they want to brag about what is spent where. Taxing poor people for vehicles at exorbitant rates while allowing luxury cars to come in to special people is a terrible abuse of power. It also create preferred class.

Seriously, the Guyanese people should know how much a Minister makes when factoring all the perks. That bottom of the ladder country can't afford the cost.The issues are no one questions these people whom they vote for.

The media should do an investigative reporting to inform the people.

Last edited by Django

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