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PPP/C has lost respect for Granger – Opposition Leader

Nov 09, 2017 News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...r-opposition-leader/


– “We do respect the institution of the presidency, but not the person that holds that office now”

Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo went on another tirade yesterday, telling reporters that the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) has lost respect for President David Granger because he has failed to comply with the Constitution.


Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo addressing the media on Wednesday.

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PPP/C has lost respect for Granger – Opposition Leader

Nov 09, 2017 News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...r-opposition-leader/

– “We do respect the institution of the presidency, but not the person that holds that office now”

Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo went on another tirade yesterday, telling reporters that the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) has lost respect for President David Granger because he has failed to comply with the Constitution.

The Opposition Leader is still reeling from the President’s unilateral decision to appoint Justice James Patterson as the Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM). This dissatisfaction led to the PPP/C waving placards and shouting slogans in the Parliament chambers which drowned out the President’s address on November 2.

Jagdeo stated that he sees a pattern of unconstitutional rule emerging, where this President is the sole arbiter of every Constitutional provision where he can act ‘unilaterally and selfishly contrary to the laws’. He stated that the PPP/C is being made to feel that they must accept this out of respect for the institution of the presidency.

“We do respect the institution of the presidency, but not the person that holds that office now. We have given him enough opportunities to comply with our Constitution and to uphold the high office,” Jagdeo stated.

He maintained that he has great respect for the Office of the President and intends to attend meetings with the President; however, he said that the respect has to be earned.

“It can’t be taken for granted. He cannot think that he will do whatever he wants and we will all kneel and pay homage to him. He seems as if that is what he wants,” Jagdeo said.

He stated that the PPP/C will continue to display actions, similar to the Parliament protest, that bring attention to the issues affecting Guyana.

President Granger has described the PPP/C MPs as ‘vulgarians’ for their demonstrations in the National Assembly. Jagdeo sought to paint the President’s actions as vulgar for refusing to make the ExxonMobil contract public, increasing taxes and rates on some products and services.

The PPP/C has moved to the court to challenge the GECOM chairman’s appointment. The former President also called on President Granger to request Patterson’s resignation for admitting that he omitted the word ‘acting’ from his Curriculum Vitae (CV) when he stated he served as Chief Justice of Grenada in 1987.


President David Granger


President Granger has described the PPP/C MPs as ‘vulgarians’ for their demonstrations in the National Assembly. Jagdeo sought to paint the President’s actions as vulgar for refusing to make the ExxonMobil contract public, increasing taxes and rates on some products and services.



Not only PPP. Lots of people have lost respect for Granger, including former AFC grassroots supporters. With every passing month we're all observing a creeping trend towards exorbitant control with Granger's nice-guy image fading, fading....

Gilbakka posted:

Not only PPP. Lots of people have lost respect for Granger, including former AFC grassroots supporters. With every passing month we're all observing a creeping trend towards exorbitant control with Granger's nice-guy image fading, fading....

I knew he would have been a bad President, but nothing prepared me for anything this bad.  His quiet demeanor threw people off - I think.  He has zero leadership skills and is very uneducated about the issues facing Guyana.  The man is certainly stuck in a 1970s time capsule, completely disconnected from the rest of the world.  Drunk man walking in a graveyard syndrome!

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa

President’s speech in Atlanta shows “significant descent in the PNC” –Jagdeo


Opposition Leader, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo on Wednesday said that President David Granger’s address at a People’s National Congress (PNC) Chapter hosted in Atlanta, Georgia, in the United States, four days ago reveals that he is bent on returning Guyana to the days of “Burnhamism” as he [Granger] is finding it difficult to adapt to the values of the 21stcentury.

Opposition Leader, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo

“The President probably did not know he was being live streamed when he spoke at a PNC Chapter abroad, so when he thought he was making a speech that it may be confined to the room… and so that speech is very revealing to many people and it showed significant descent in the PNC… I think he’s stuck in the mind-set of the 70s and the 80s,”  the Opposition Leader told media operatives at his Church Street office.

Jagdeo reiterated several times that the President’s speech disclosed that “he wanted people in the PNC … and it seems as though there is a significant yield of descent within the PNC over the path it’s pursuing and its programs in the Government and he wants to crown all of this by saying, you know, you have to be faithful to the leader.”

President Granger at the biennial conference in Atlanta, among other things, said “I think the time has come for people to stop attacking the leader of the party as a past-time, as cake-shop or rum-shop gaff, and establish a truce between the membership and the leadership.”

Moreover, he said further “the party cannot be strong if it is weakened by constant harping or by rumour-mongering. The party cannot be united if it is divided by rivalry and factionalism, by disloyalty.”

Giving credence to his assertions, Jagdeo said was the fact that Granger’s examples of “people being unfaithful” involved Former Prime Minister, Hamilton Greene, and others who left the PNC party.

“… But he had the most scathing criticism for [former] President [Desmond] Hoyte and if you read the coded messages about President Hoyte, it is that he [Hoyte] made an error in changing the economic program of the PNC, he made an error in allowing free and fair elections, and President Hoyte departed from Burnhamism, didn’t want to be called comrade anymore and that he, Granger is going to go back to ensure that Burnham’s legacy is maintained and fulfilled,” the Opposition leader said.

President David Granger

Moreover, Jagdeo posited that Granger’s mind set is dominated by the memories of the 70s and 80s era when he became part of the elite and failed to recognise how the actions of the then PNC Leader, Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham “devastated this country.”

“his mind-set is dominated by those things that he remembers fondly because he was part of an elite, without seeing how those same policies devastated this country, pauperised the public sector, led to huge accumulation of debt, many of our people [out of Guyana] feeling that [the country] was a pariah state….He did not experiment on those things because he is part of the ruling elite and again we see the same thing…He does not sympathise with people.”

“… Burnhamism thrived and the lack of democracy thrived because we were a closed society…but now it’s not going to work Mister President, it’s not going to work again” Jagdeo quipped while calling on Guyanese to “bring our President into the 21st century” by voicing their criticisms and displaying public advocacy.

He posited that if this Administration works hard and ensures that their policies are appropriate for Guyanese development, then they are capable of fairly winning the elections in this modern era.

Nevertheless, he emphasised that citizens need to express their dissatisfaction with the Government’s attempts to return to a past that devastated the lives of many.

“We are not asking anyone to support…PPP’s position. All we’re asking is that people support and express descent now, in whatever fashion they can. Not with violence, because violence has no place in our society, but expressing robustly their dissatisfaction with attempts to take us back to that sordid, that past that destroyed the lives of so many people.”

In Granger’s speech while in Atlanta a few days ago, the statement that caught the attention of many was when he said “you have to ask yourself how the PNC gained office in 1964. Ask how the PNC remained in office and what it did to do so. Ask yourself how the PNC regained office in 2015 and ask yourself how would the PNC retain office in 2020”.

Since then, several members of public have voiced their interpretations of the President’s words.

According to former PPP/C Minister, Leslie Ramsammy, “there is no room for misinterpretation. Every one of the PNC activists knows exactly what he was speaking of.”

Ramsammy said that the statement describes “an elicit promise by leaders of the PNC to their supporters to restore the legacy of Forbes Burnham – the legacy of usurping and keeping power through rigged elections and dictatorship.”

“President David Granger gave his clearest, most unambiguous, most explicit promise that his mission is to carry on from where Forbes Burnham left off in 1985,” he said.

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:

Perhaps KN doesn't understand the essential role of the Opposition party.

Without doubt, as opposition parties in Guyana go, the PPP beats all of them hands down in devising peaceful forms of protest. And imaginative forms too.

When Maurice Bishop was Grenada's Prime Minister, he had invited his leftist Guyanese friends to attend anniversary celebrations of the Revo. Just before boarding the aircraft at Timehri, airport security blocked WPA activist Andaye from entering the plane. Cheddi Jagan protested and said if Andaye could not fly, not a soul would fly. And he lay down on the tarmac in front of the plane. Others quickly joined him. Within minutes Andaye was permitted to board. 

Nehru posted:

That GADAHA was always a bastard, criminal, thief and racist!!!!

This 'bandar' is a racist 'wannabe' Burnham ! One only needs to look at the social and economic changes that have taken place since he took office. His hands are soiled with the blood of PPP supporters who were accompanying ballot boxes and were killed by GDF thugs and goons that reported directly to him !  


Dr Jagan was a very decent person.

Jagdeo speaks and acts with the kind of authority that sends chills up the Coalition government's spine. He is the perfect person for that job. Granger is evil.

ksazma posted:

Dr Jagan was a very decent person.

Jagdeo speaks and acts with the kind of authority that sends chills up the Coalition government's spine. He is the perfect person for that job. Granger is evil.

Granger is evil AND a racist !!

ksazma posted:

Dr Jagan was a very decent person.

Jagdeo speaks and acts with the kind of authority that sends chills up the Coalition government's spine. He is the perfect person for that job. Granger is evil.

Correct on both items.

Demerara_Guy posted:

President David Granger


President Granger has described the PPP/C MPs as ‘vulgarians’ for their demonstrations in the National Assembly. Jagdeo sought to paint the President’s actions as vulgar for refusing to make the ExxonMobil contract public, increasing taxes and rates on some products and services.


When asked to be transparent Jagdeo used to scream and have temper tantrums about how he has a mandate and no one can tell him what to do.

Jagdeo fully well knows that Granger didn't act illegally as he fully well knows that he refused to amend the constitution to incorporate the Carter formula.

But he has naïve people like Gilbakka nibbling out of his hands and kissing his toes.

ksazma posted:

. He is the perfect person for that job. Granger is evil.

Given that you are a proud member of the Indo KKK, screaming that black Guyanese are lazy failures, its no surprise that you honor your Grand Wizard.

Drugb posted:

Even the remaining slop can boys will not defend Granger.

You however you defend Jagdeo with your addiction to the fumes from his slop.  I expect this given that you are a member of the Indo KKK and he is the Grand Wizard.


People are finally seeing the light at the "beginning" of the tunnel. I will repeat myself to say that Granger knows his popularity is low, and he will do whatever it takes to have the PNC retain power over the forthcoming oil wealth in Guyana. Reason #1: As soon as he takes office, he began to cleanse government ministries by firing people he doesn't feel comfortable with, and replacing them with Army retirees and those that would be loyal to him. Reason #2: His unpopular appointment of Justice Patterson-who was hand-picked from the beginning. Reason #3: Granger is pushing the envelope to reset Guyana to his comfort zone to win 2020 election at all cost. 

The PPP still have a slim chance of winning, but it will be difficult. Jagdeo needs to keep the pressure up and get on the right side of the diplomatic community. He needs to ease up the harsh rhetorics on the people that blindsided him in the first place. And finally, he must introduce a new face to represent the PPP by early 2019. One without baggage. Nandlall, Rohee, or himself are all waste at this juncture. 

Last edited by Former Member

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