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Wrap: It’s a Family Affair

Apr 7, 2015
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The Ramotars, The Luncheons, The Anthonys, The Persauds, The Ramsons, The Benns, The Chandarpals, The Teixeiras, The Gajrajs, The Rohees, The Noktas, The Jagans, The Jagde … oops.


At least you can’t accuse the PPP of having no sense of family,” quipped Kwesi Isles on Facebook when the PPP/C list of candidates was released.

This is the ruling party’s response to the rise of the youth demographic. Creating family dynasties. The trouble is you don’t bring in fresh blood and fresh thinking by installing offspring who grew up being dandled on the knees of Freedom House habitues.

The fact is that the party in recent weeks had been reaching out to youngish professionals and been rebuffed. Only a few bit, among them Clinton Urling who dressed in full suit and tie today looked out of place as a new boy in school. The visceral reaction to his decision is more about the party’s current toxic image.

That said the APNU/AFC list is also pretty disheartening. No one stands out save for perhaps Simona Broomes head of the Guyana Women Miners Organization. And we do not see young people being adequately represented. We wrote earlier today that in 2011, eighteen to 35 [year-olds] formed 46 percent or 215,781 of the electorate, voters aged 36 to 50, 139,780 or 29 percent, and voters 51 years and above number 119,928 or 25 percent of the 475,496 persons. We can assume that the massive increase in the voters list from 2011 of 91,629 is made up of a lot of the 18-35 demographic which means well over 50%. In fact it could be close to 65% since the list contains many persons who have since died and would have been in the oldest category.

Neither party has responded to that change. The best example was saved for the end of today when the Yoruba Singers played to a deserted alliance youth rally.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

The greatest Nepotism Show in Guyana will be playing at PPP campaigns. The masses will see who is important to the PPP.

Having said that, I notice that one of CN Sharma's sons is on the PPP list while another is on the APNU+AFC list. One way to protect the Sharma family dynasty? Not new though. Remember A. H. & L. Kissoon?

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

The greatest Nepotism Show in Guyana will be playing at PPP campaigns. The masses will see who is important to the PPP.

Having said that, I notice that one of CN Sharma's sons is on the PPP list while another is on the APNU+AFC list. One way to protect the Sharma family dynasty? Not new though. Remember A. H. & L. Kissoon?

I saw that...I was cracking up when I saw that.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

The greatest Nepotism Show in Guyana will be playing at PPP campaigns. The masses will see who is important to the PPP.

Having said that, I notice that one of CN Sharma's sons is on the PPP list while another is on the APNU+AFC list. One way to protect the Sharma family dynasty? Not new though. Remember A. H. & L. Kissoon?

I saw that...I was cracking up when I saw that.

Bro, methinks these Robb Street business people sure know how to hedge their bets, especially those tycoons between Camp and Wellington streets.


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