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Former Member

PPP/C MPs will refuse salary increases

…to challenge in Parliament – Jagdeo

When Government and Opposition Members of Parliament gather for the next sitting of the National Assembly on Thursday, the People’s Progressive Party/Civic will be ready to vigorously challenge the astronomical salary increases the Government has given itself.

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo

In strongly denouncing these unconscionable salary increases, former President and Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo said his Party will be laying a motion in the National Assembly to annul this hefty increase which now sees all parliamentarians earning $2.4 million yearly as opposed to $2 million.

In addition, the Prime Minister earns a whopping $20,580,000 per annum, while the other Vice Presidents each receive $11,135,064.

A Cabinet Minister will be given a huge package of $10,439,124 annually – more than $300,000 over previous Ministers and a Junior Minister or a Minister within a Ministry will be paid $8,346,492 per annum. Government’s adjustment to the salary scale will also see the Leader of the Opposition receiving $10,439, 124 on an annual basis.

Following the announcement of this development, the PPP/C wasted no time in condemning the decision taken by the Administration, particularly since it was them who had heavily criticised the former Government “leading a Cadillac and exorbitant lifestyle” in a “donkey-cart economy”.

It is for this reason, among many others, that the PPP/C will be challenging these increases which could also see their parliamentarians benefitting.

Increases approved Despite the Party’s resolve to reject these increases, PPP/C General Secretary Clement Rohee told Guyana Times on Monday that even if its Members stand up against the increases in Parliament, the possibility exists that Parliament can vote to have the increases approved, which will ultimately see its MPs being paid the unjustifiable increases being advocated for the Government.

Nonetheless, Rohee said the PPP/C will continue to stand in solidarity with the majority of Guyana in rejecting the exorbitant pay packages.

“The People’s Progressive Party/Civic welcomes the nationwide rejection of the selfish and self-serving salary increase awarded to Ministers of the Granger-led APNU/AFC coalition Administration. This nationwide rejection is a true manifestation of the voice of the people,” he stated.

Already, nongovernmental organisations (NGOs), activists and persons associated with Government have spoken out against this move.

The Guyana Teachers Union, Guyana Trades Union Congress, former Speaker of the National Assembly Ralph Ramkarran, columnists Freddie Kissoon, Christopher Ram and David Hinds have all denounced the salary increases.

Government’s justification Social media also erupted with grave concerns with Guyanese expressing their disbelief regarding the decision and Government’s feeble justification.

Amid the massive public outcry, President David Granger sought to defend and justify the decision to have hefty salary increases.

According to the Head of State, the salary increases will eventually translate to good governance. State Minister Joseph Harmon had stated that the salary increase decision was made to ensure Ministers and Government officials are paid an attractive salary so as to discourage them from being corrupt.

Attorney General and Legal Affairs Minister Basil Williams had stated that the process of increasing the salaries was ‘transparent’.

Governance Minister Raphael Trotman had asked Guyanese to trust the Government and to understand that the decision by  Cabinet to increase its own salary was justified.

Meanwhile, Minister of State Joseph Harmon defended Cabinet’s decision to increase its own pay by millions of dollars, declaring it “justified”. The Minister’s statement sent shockwaves throughout the country, given the fact that Government and its Ministers have only been in office for four months.

More motions Meanwhile, the PPP/C plans to table a motion in the National Assembly on Thursday, calling on all MPs to make public their tax returns to the Guyana Revenue Authority over the last 10 years.

In keeping with the interest of accountability and transparency, Jagdeo has long been calling for all parliamentarians and Government Ministers to publicly declare all their assets and make public their tax returns

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Guys, Bharat on to something here.  The man got wind in his sail.


I cannot believe we give away the moral high ground to Bharat.  This is kinergarden politics.


Last edited by Former Member

Rat & Kwame been and try out a Ocean View Room at de Marriot.

Kwame...."Bharat give me more...give me more"


Rat...."Now when ah Knacking yuh behind....

ah feel like if I open de Hotel Room Door

and Knocking the whole Atlantic Ocean"


Kwame....."It aint that Bad...Right"


Rat......"Honey be careful...

If anyone dash yuh thru dis window...

Marudo will send his Gun Ships to claim you ass....

look how he claim the whole oil rig"

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Rat & Kwame been and try out a Ocean View Room at de Marriot.

Kwame...."Bharat give me more...give me more"


Rat...."Now when ah Knacking yuh behind....

ah feel like if I open de Hotel Room Door

and Knocking the whole Atlantic Ocean"


Kwame....."It aint that Bad...Right"


Rat......"Honey be careful...

If anyone dash yuh thru dis window...

Marudo will send his Gun Ships to claim you ass....

look how he claim the whole oil rig"

Jalil still trying to deflect criticism of the unjustified and much criticized pay raise for ministers, vice presidents and prime minister. They did not give him key nessage and talking points as yet, so he is trying his best on the fly.  They and he do not realize that the election campaign done, they are the de facto government and that they must own what they do. Guyanese deserve better than they are currently getting in terms of governing, accountability, integrity and transparency.

Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Rat & Kwame been and try out a Ocean View Room at de Marriot.

Kwame...."Bharat give me more...give me more"


Rat...."Now when ah Knacking yuh behind....

ah feel like if I open de Hotel Room Door

and Knocking the whole Atlantic Ocean"


Kwame....."It aint that Bad...Right"


Rat......"Honey be careful...

If anyone dash yuh thru dis window...

Marudo will send his Gun Ships to claim you ass....

look how he claim the whole oil rig"

Jalil still trying to deflect criticism of the unjustified and much criticized pay raise for ministers, vice presidents and prime minister. They did not give him key nessage and talking points as yet, so he is trying his best on the fly.  They and he do not realize that the election campaign done, they are the de facto government and that they must own what they do. Guyanese deserve better than they are currently getting in terms of governing, accountability, integrity and transparency.

??? The PPP lost the ABC and other countries declare

elections was free and fair.

Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Guys, Bharat on to something here.  The man got wind in his sail.


I cannot believe we give away the moral high ground to Bharat.  This is kinergarden politics.


who exactly is "we"?


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