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PPP/C plans to revive specialty hospital project

Dr Frank Anthony
Dr Frank Anthony

The resuscitation of the controversial specialty hospital project is one of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic’s (PPP/C) strategies to boost the local healthcare sector should it win the March 2 elections, former Minister of Culture Dr Frank Anthony has said.


Speaking at the party’s Anna Regina, Essequibo Coast rally on Saturday, Anthony bemoaned what he said was the tremendous suffering of the health sector and charged that little has been done by the David Granger-led APNU+AFC government to transform it. He claimed that medication and critical drugs have been in short supply at hospitals across the region.

“Look at what is happening in [the] health sector, there are long waits for medical care. Lack of drugs and medicine; families are helpless. Is this the kind of health care system that we want? We must all say enough is enough,” Anthony said to loud applause. According to him, should the PPP/C return to government, specialty care would be available at hospitals across the country and persons would not have to travel to foreign countries and to Georgetown to access such care. Prior to 2015, the PPP/C had been in power for 23 years and poor health care had been a major issue over those years.

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AFC PNC voted down the PPP effort to build a speciality hospital.

What did the PNC build instead ? Nada, Nothing.

Is sheer haplessness wid AFC PNC.

PPP built the Marriot, thank god. PNC wanted to break it down ! It has now became the best thing since sliced bread.

PNC can't even run a cake shop, how can they run a country ?

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:

AFC PNC voted down the PPP effort to build a speciality hospital.

What did the PNC build instead ? Nada, Nothing.

Is sheer haplessness wid AFC PNC.

PPP built the Marriot, thank god. PNC wanted to break it down ! It has now became the best thing since sliced bread.

PNC can't even run a cake shop, how can they run a country ?

Sean, do you know that the government is there to build the country to facilitate its citizens and find ways to link transportation for economic benefits and job creation? That how a country is developed. Whatever the govt builds belong to the state since taxpayer money is spent to do everything. Jagdeo is not supposed to take credit for that. That's his job to do the country's business. I give him credit to carry out his vision of Guyana. But even to that, he can lose the election. Granger didn't do anything and still, he feels he can win over Jagdeo. Do you see how these things work? It's now what you do, it's how you convinced the Guyanese electorates. 

Prince posted:
Sean posted:

AFC PNC voted down the PPP effort to build a speciality hospital.

What did the PNC build instead ? Nada, Nothing.

Is sheer haplessness wid AFC PNC.

PPP built the Marriot, thank god. PNC wanted to break it down ! It has now became the best thing since sliced bread.

PNC can't even run a cake shop, how can they run a country ?

Sean, do you know that the government is there to build the country to facilitate its citizens and find ways to link transportation for economic benefits and job creation? That how a country is developed. Whatever the govt builds belong to the state since taxpayer money is spent to do everything. Jagdeo is not supposed to take credit for that. That's his job to do the country's business. I give him credit to carry out his vision of Guyana. But even to that, he can lose the election. Granger didn't do anything and still, he feels he can win over Jagdeo. Do you see how these things work? It's now what you do, it's how you convinced the Guyanese electorates. 

Why don’t you shut yuh poke 🤣if you don’t know what to say.


Future of Specialty Hospital in limbo after World Bank blacklists contractor

The future of a planned Specialty Hospital at Turkeyen, East Coast Demerara, has been thrown yet again into limbo, after the Indian government said it could not support a controversial contractor which was

Signs of the times? -Nothing doing at the Turkeyen plot of land, East Coast Demerara.

Signs of the times? -Nothing doing at the Turkeyen plot of land, East Coast Demerara.

recently blacklisted by the World Bank.

The company, Fedders Lloyd Corporation Limited, an Indian contractor, was selected late last year by the coalition Government as the alternate contractor after the previous one, Surendra Engineering Company Limited, was fired in 2014.
Fedders Lloyd was the second most qualified bidders for the US$18M project that had been initiated by the People’s Progressive Party/Civic government.
All seemed well with Fedders Lloyd and the Specialty Hospital contract until the World Bank debarred the company from participating in any work between April 6, 2016 and April 5, 2020.
Yesterday, Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, disclosed that the Specialty Hospital issue was raised by Minister of Finance, Winston Jordan on Tuesday during the weekly Cabinet meeting.
The Specialty Hospital, which would have offered Guyanese special medical procedures that normally would have to be done overseas, was to be funded from a US18M line of credit from the Government of India through its Export-Import Bank.
However, in late 2014, Surendra which had been facing flak for delays in another state contract involving US$4M in drainage pumps, was fired after government said that the company submitted fake bank documents.

Surendra was taken to court and a $900M judgment was handed down last year January.
According to Harmon, when the coalition government took office last May, it told the Indian government that it instead wanted the balance of money, some US$13.8M to improve three regional hospitals- at Bartica, Region Seven; Suddie in Region Two and the West Demerara Regional Hospital, Region Three.
The Indian government gave the assurance that it was prepared to fund the upgrade of the three hospitals.
Cabinet also granted its no objection to the continuation of the Specialty Hospital project and to the engagement of Fedders Lloyd Corporation as the contractor.
According to Minister Harmon, in June, the High Commission of India in Guyana wrote the Government informing that Fedders Lloyd had been debarred and was no longer eligible for the project.
According to the World Bank website, Fedders Lloyd apparently breach procurement guidelines in 2004 and then again in 2010.
Harmon disclosed that the Indian government made it clear that it wanted a fresh tender process to select an Indian contractor for the project.
“By this decision, the Specialty Hospital is again put on hold pending the completion of fresh tendering to select an Indian contractor,” the minister said.
According to Harmon, the Government of Guyana is worried about the US$13.8M balance as it is being significantly reduced by inflation, interest and other charges.
He said that as a result of these developments, the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Public Health have been requested to “make certain enquiries” of the Indian government.

The findings, the Minister disclosed, will inform Cabinet on a definitive court of action on the Specialty Hospital.
Harmon also disclosed that the Attorney General Chambers is pursuing legal means to recover its $900M court judgment.
According to the World Bank website, the period of ineligibility of Fedders Lloyd Corporation Limited extends to any legal entity that they directly or indirectly control. The company is ineligible to be awarded bank-financed contracts for a period of four years.
Surendra itself is no stranger to controversy. After building the US$12.8M Enmore Packaging Plant, the former administration under President Bharrat Jagdeo then turned around and granted a US$4M contract to the Indian firm to supply 14 pumps to help reduce flooding on the coastland.
Diligent checks found that the company had no history in pumps. That contract is still mired in problems as Government has withheld some monies for spare parts not provided.
The announcement for construction of the 150-bed hospital was made in February 2011 by former President Bharrat Jagdeo when he returned from India.


Baseman posted:
Prince posted:
Sean posted:

AFC PNC voted down the PPP effort to build a speciality hospital.

What did the PNC build instead ? Nada, Nothing.

Is sheer haplessness wid AFC PNC.

PPP built the Marriot, thank god. PNC wanted to break it down ! It has now became the best thing since sliced bread.

PNC can't even run a cake shop, how can they run a country?

Sean, do you know that the government is there to build the country to facilitate its citizens and find ways to link transportation for economic benefits and job creation? That how a country is developed. Whatever the govt builds belong to the state since taxpayer money is spent to do everything. Jagdeo is not supposed to take credit for that. That's his job to do the country's business. I give him credit to carry out his vision of Guyana. But even to that, he can lose the election. Granger didn't do anything and still, he feels he can win over Jagdeo. Do you see how these things work? It's now what you do, it's how you convinced the Guyanese electorates. 

Why don’t you shut yuh poke 🤣if you don’t know what to say.

Tell dee Princess deh an' leh she kno wha fuh cover up.

Princess loves to babble nonsense hoping fuh get lil attention.


But of course everything de PPP deh do dem had de side account weh de contracta dem does put de money or do pro bono wuk pon dem house. De principle was right. Mek de specialty haspital now!! Good idea is good idea!!!


Tell dem rass deh !

Abbie eye jook on Guyanese politicians, look how dem Americans ones does thief too. Dem building big big mansion after dem retire from politics. It na add up but people does wash dem feet wid milk.

hey hey hey

Last edited by Former Member

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