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The PPPC's Prime Ministerial candidate, Ambassador Elisabeth Harper addressing attendees at the annual commemorative ceremony for late Presidents Cheddi and Janet Jagan at Babu John, Port Mourant.

The PPPC's Prime Ministerial candidate, Ambassador Elisabeth Harper addressing attendees at the annual commemorative ceremony for late Presidents Cheddi and Janet Jagan at Babu John, Port Mourant.


The People’s Progressive Party Civic’s (PPPC) prime ministerial candidate, Ambassador Elisabeth Harper  Sunday joined other senior party functionaries in eyeing the prospects of regaining majority control of the National Assembly at the upcoming polls.

“I believe in Guyana. I believe in service to Guyana and I wholeheartedly believe that, given the opportunity, I can work with President Ramotar in the next majority government, to contribute to increasing the potential of this great nation that we live in” she said.

The PPP endured a one-seat minority at the November 2011 general and regional elections which saw the combined opposition controlling 33 of the 65 seats in the House.

In her three-minute remarks at the commemorative event held at Babu John in honour of late Presidents Cheddi and Janet Jagan, the political novice credited the youths with boosting her on her arrival for the afternoon’s proceedings.

Notably absent from Harper’s remarks were the political mudslinging and caustic remarks by other speakers. Obviously striking a conciliatory chord, she said “I pledge myself to dedicate my energies to building Guyana to a more prosperous nation,”and urged the estimated 2,000 persons to help make Guyana a better place.  “I want to encourage all of you, everyone, to put Guyana first and let us work to build this beautiful land of ours,” she said.

ppp babu2015A section of the gathering at the PPP's commemorative event in honour of late Presidents Cheddi and Janet Jagan.Before the official programme began, Harper drew applause when she arrived, stood before those seated and waved her hands to them. She was greeted by several party-faithful, including senior functionaries who made her feel comfortable in her first major political outing since she was last month identified as the PPPC’s prime ministerial candidate.

Harper, who officially demits office as Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the end of March, was among those who laid wreaths in memory of the Jagans.

The others included President Donald Ramotar, Former President Bharrat Jagdeo, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds and PPP General Secretary, Clement Rohee.



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“I pledge myself to dedicate my energies to building Guyana to a more prosperous nation,”and urged the estimated 2,000 persons to help make Guyana a better place.  “I want to encourage all of you, everyone, to put Guyana first and let us work to build this beautiful land of ours,” she said.


“I believe in Guyana. I believe in service to Guyana and I wholeheartedly believe that, given the opportunity, I can work with President Ramotar in the next majority government, to contribute to increasing the potential of this great nation that we live in” she said.


took 3 minutes to say all of that air headed bull crap.

Originally Posted by caribny:

How does this goodly black woman feel to be in a party which proudly declares itself to be a "coolie party"?

She feels quite comfortable; as comfortable as she has felt in  a decade and a half  service as second in command of a department than did not hire black people for any official overseas posting of consequence.

Originally Posted by caribny:

How does this goodly black woman feel to be in a party which proudly declares itself to be a "coolie party"?

The Party never declared itself to be a coolie party.  In fact how many times Dr. Jagan and I said, that the PPP is not an Indian party?.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by caribny:

How does this goodly black woman feel to be in a party which proudly declares itself to be a "coolie party"?

The Party never declared itself to be a coolie party.  In fact how many times Dr. Jagan and I said, that the PPP is not an Indian party?.

Jagdeo said so two days ago and reaffirmed it today even though he tried to contextualize it. Rohee agrees with him.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by caribny:

How does this goodly black woman feel to be in a party which proudly declares itself to be a "coolie party"?

The Party never declared itself to be a coolie party.  In fact how many times Dr. Jagan and I said, that the PPP is not an Indian party?.

Jagdeo said so two days ago and reaffirmed it today even though he tried to contextualize it. Rohee agrees with him.

Please provide the proof. Are now becoming like Toilet paper KN ?


Jagdeo is our hero and a two time President and yes, he was democratically elected both times unlike your PNC which rigged and frigged for 28 long years.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by caribny:

How does this goodly black woman feel to be in a party which proudly declares itself to be a "coolie party"?

The Party never declared itself to be a coolie party.  In fact how many times Dr. Jagan and I said, that the PPP is not an Indian party?.

Jagdeo said so two days ago and reaffirmed it today even though he tried to contextualize it. Rohee agrees with him.

Please provide the proof. Are now becoming like Toilet paper KN ?


Jagdeo is our hero and a two time President and yes, he was democratically elected both times unlike your PNC which rigged and frigged for 28 long years.

Stupid man, the reporting is also in the stabroeknews.It was formally addressed at a Press conference at freedom house yesterday where Jagdeo affirmed the statement.


No one elected Jagdeo. He was foisted as a candidate by Janet.  Do you think handing me the PNC as mine makes your argument more cogent? You are a maleducated dunce driven by your racist inclinations so you mean crap to me.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by caribny:

How does this goodly black woman feel to be in a party which proudly declares itself to be a "coolie party"?

The Party never declared itself to be a coolie party.  In fact how many times Dr. Jagan and I said, that the PPP is not an Indian party?.

Jagdeo said so two days ago and reaffirmed it today even though he tried to contextualize it. Rohee agrees with him.

Please provide the proof. Are now becoming like Toilet paper KN ?


Jagdeo is our hero and a two time President and yes, he was democratically elected both times unlike your PNC which rigged and frigged for 28 long years.

He's a hero to losers such as yourself, not to me and other intelligent persons on the planet.


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