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The People's Progressive Party (PPP) issued a statement in which it questioned the methodology used by Transparency International (TI) in compiling its corruption perception index as well as question the sources which supplied the information. It said that while it respects TI's right to obtain information from whatever sources it deems necessary, it also feels compelled to draw attention to the body's reliance on information from organizations and individuals with known hostility towards it and with links to opposition.

"It is not illogical to assume that subjective and partisan influences can be brought to bear into the information and data gathering processes which in turn could introduce biases into the report" the party said.

The party said it therefore calls on Transparency International  to review its information sources on Guyana and in the interest of transparency it should inform the Guyanese people of the methodology used to obtain information, its sampling techniques and the universe of persons and organizations contacted to provide information and data.It is of the view that adequate consideration was not taken by those responsible for providing data and information on Guyana of the several initiatives taken by the current administration at both the legislative and administrative levels to enhance accountability and transparency in Guyana. Among these it said are the establishment of the Integrity Commission, the de-linking of the Auditor General's Office from the Ministry of Finance and Freedom of Information Act.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

As I noted last post should be around hers somewhere...We did not invent Pradoville Boobie, Ed the talking horse Brazzington and NICIL or the Berbice river crew. These parasitic deals and entities are all a PPP index making concerns for the allegation of corruption. But our people who have to navigate through the straits of embedded corrupt state agencies can attest to the burden of it on their lives.


They see the 8 year back up in the justice system where justice is essentially denied from land disputes to common criminal muggings. They grasp that the PPP reserve for itself complete authority as only in an autocracy can they function. The lack the modern criteria of adaptive inclusive leadership. It is by definition a corrupt model.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

As I noted last post should be around hers somewhere...We did not invent Pradoville Boobie, Ed the talking horse Brazzington and NICIL or the Berbice river crew. These parasitic deals and entities are all a PPP index making concerns for the allegation of corruption. But our people who have to navigate through the straits of embedded corrupt state agencies can attest to the burden of it on their lives.


They see the 8 year back up in the justice system where justice is essentially denied from land disputes to common criminal muggings. They grasp that the PPP reserve for itself complete authority as only in an autocracy can they function. The lack the modern criteria of adaptive inclusive leadership. It is by definition a corrupt model.

You have evidence of corruption which can withstand the least amount of scrutiny? And by the way the corruption in the judicial system didn't appear yesterday or last month for that matter. 

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

As I noted last post should be around hers somewhere...We did not invent Pradoville Boobie, Ed the talking horse Brazzington and NICIL or the Berbice river crew. These parasitic deals and entities are all a PPP index making concerns for the allegation of corruption. But our people who have to navigate through the straits of embedded corrupt state agencies can attest to the burden of it on their lives.


They see the 8 year back up in the justice system where justice is essentially denied from land disputes to common criminal muggings. They grasp that the PPP reserve for itself complete authority as only in an autocracy can they function. The lack the modern criteria of adaptive inclusive leadership. It is by definition a corrupt model.

You have evidence of corruption which can withstand the least amount of scrutiny? And by the way the corruption in the judicial system didn't appear yesterday or last month for that matter. 

It it walks, you need waddling and bills etc to know I am talking about a duck? Well most of us dont.

Originally Posted by albert:

You have evidence of corruption which can withstand the least amount of scrutiny? And by the way the corruption in the judicial system didn't appear yesterday or last month for that matter. 

Yes.  Just the legions of senior PPP personnel who are now millionaires (in US dollars) when they were all paupers before 1992, and their salaries definitely couldnt allow them to amass this wealthy, no matter ho0w thrifty they might have been.


Look at Amaila Falls.  Fip had no right to be awarded the contract to do anything, yet millions of dollars were spent before the PPP was embarrassed into dumping him.


These days some of the loudest critics of the PPP are some of its support base.  These cries have become even louder since Ramotar took over.

Last edited by Former Member

(Eyewitness)Transparency International (TI) local compradors sponsored a march against corruption in Guyana. They’re shedding crocodile tears and complaining that no government officials were arm in arm with them. Well it’s been truly said, β€œshow me your company and I’ll tell you who you are”.



We all know that the local TI body doesn’t just have only opposition friends…they’re themselves all opposition. Imagine the hypocrisy of continuously stabbing the government in the back ever since they were formed, but expecting members to attend their march – just because it was a United Nations (UN) sponsored event. They should’ve never been allowed to host the event in the first case. It’s tantamount to a paedophile being allowed to march against paedophilia – and complaining children didn’t attend!


The government would’ve needed to have their collective heads examined if they’d showed up. TI should be renamed β€œOI” – Opaque International, since they refuse to be transparent about the methodology through which they arrive at their ratings. Three years ago, the economist said β€œthe best-known corruption index may have run its course” because it was β€œmisleading”.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

(Eyewitness)Transparency International (TI) local compradors sponsored a march against corruption in Guyana. They’re shedding crocodile tears and complaining that no government officials were arm in arm with them. Well it’s been truly said, β€œshow me your company and I’ll tell you who you are”.



We all know that the local TI body doesn’t just have only opposition friends…they’re themselves all opposition. Imagine the hypocrisy of continuously stabbing the government in the back ever since they were formed, but expecting members to attend their march – just because it was a United Nations (UN) sponsored event. They should’ve never been allowed to host the event in the first case. It’s tantamount to a paedophile being allowed to march against paedophilia – and complaining children didn’t attend!


The government would’ve needed to have their collective heads examined if they’d showed up. TI should be renamed β€œOI” – Opaque International, since they refuse to be transparent about the methodology through which they arrive at their ratings. Three years ago, the economist said β€œthe best-known corruption index may have run its course” because it was β€œmisleading”.

Quit the crocodile tears...tell us of the geniuses in the PPP who rose from fowl coop to the Palatine boulevards of Pradoville I and II in short order and we will have a meaningful conversation. There is little wrong with the methodology. It only bothers those who find themselves exposed and their corrupt asses is to the wind.


Chairman of the Alliance for Change (AFC), Nigel Hughes, was appointed as the β€˜Secretary’ of the Amaila Falls Hydro Inc., the Special Purpose Vehicle/Company created for the development, construction and operation of the US$858M Hydro Power plant.
Executive Member of the AFC, Cathy Hughes, the wife of Nigel Hughes, as recent as yesterday issued a press statement in which she was identified as the Public Relations Officer for Sithe Global, locally.
Party Leader Khemraj Ramjattan, when contacted said that he was aware that Hughes has an association with the company but said he did not know that he was Company Secretary.
Excerpts from the Kaieteurnews




If appears the joint opposition has a clean slate....

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Chairman of the Alliance for Change (AFC), Nigel Hughes, was appointed as the β€˜Secretary’ of the Amaila Falls Hydro Inc., the Special Purpose Vehicle/Company created for the development, construction and operation of the US$858M Hydro Power plant.
Executive Member of the AFC, Cathy Hughes, the wife of Nigel Hughes, as recent as yesterday issued a press statement in which she was identified as the Public Relations Officer for Sithe Global, locally.
Party Leader Khemraj Ramjattan, when contacted said that he was aware that Hughes has an association with the company but said he did not know that he was Company Secretary.
Excerpts from the Kaieteurnews





If appears the joint opposition has a clean slate....

 Do you think this insipid stunt will overwhelm the mountain you have to climb; Berbice River Bridge, Skeldon Factory Bobby the boob, Fip, Marriott, Pradovilles I and III...leeching by close kin and extended family in every nook and cranny of state privileged....sorry ; you cannot carry enough oxygen to climb that high!!!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Since Mr.Yusuf talk against corruption within the AFC camp..he's termed as "waste", it seems anyone within the ranks of the AFC who darns to talk against that political gathering would face character assassination...smh

He is a waste because he was a PPP fifth column plant plain and simple. He started with over priced bigan and bagee and then on nebulous assertions of tallies of donations not accounted for.

And sir, were the PPP so concerned with this area, they would have had in place transparency laws and an election commission with bite to prevent this kind of malfeasance ( not that I am accepting your premise) when they rear their heads. Unfortunately, this corrupt PPP would then have to expose its quit pro schemes with Bobby the Boob, Ed the talking horse etc.


Again, speak to the lack of legislation about elections funding; don't you think we should know if any of the Chinese of Indian companies funded the PPP? They surely got sweetheart deals in the aftermath. Get real; you cannot complain of the lack of accountability when the administration with 20 years in office behind them cannot see fit to protect our nation from being bought and paid for in election funded by potential pirates through  firm election laws!!!

Last edited by Former Member

Its a sad state of affairs in the opposition camp of Guyanese politics, the character assassination of a member for speaking out against corruption within their camp, the very party that opposing the state against corruption when the very corruption is highlighted at their doorstep by one of their own, he's now regarded as a "waste of time"...


I guess Dr. Tarron Khemraj will soon it not already, suffer the same faith...

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its a sad state of affairs in the opposition camp of Guyanese politics, the character assassination of a member for speaking out against corruption within their camp, the very party that opposing the state against corruption when the very corruption is highlighted at their doorstep by one of their own, he's now regarded as a "waste of time"...


I guess Dr. Tarron Khemraj will soon it not already, suffer the same faith...

If Theron say the AFC is a crooked I will believe him. It does not matter to me in the strategic game mapping of our political circumstance  to discount the necessity of the AFC. Without them, the PPP would have us eating cake

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Dr. Tarron Khemraj actions speak volumes when he jump ship

First, let me inform you that the PNP is a bud, no a seed, no a direct grafting off of an entire branch of the PPP. I do not worry where Theron goes because I have caught a minute glimpse of the man and he has a soul.

Last edited by Former Member

Khemraj told Guyana Times on Thursday that it was the AFC that left him and not he who left the party, pointing out that since the 2011 general election to now, the party did not seek his advice on any issue or decision it made.

He said during the pre-election period, the party regularly obtained his input, but even with regard to the Amaila Falls hydropower project, it did not seek his advice.

The crossover of these three members followed the resignation of Dr Shamir Andrew Ally, who was a member of the New York Chapter. Guyana Times had obtained a copy of Dr Ally’s letter of resignation. β€œWith regrets, I no longer wish to be involved with the AFC party,” Dr Ally had stated in his letter.

Dr Ally expressed deep dissatisfaction with the AFC leaxdership, saying he contributed his β€œscarce time, financial resources, energies, skills and contacts to the AFC Party”, and spent one month during November-December 2011 in Guyana, and saw on site the political realities in Guyana.

He stated that, on his return to Guyana in December 2011, he expressed his disappointment with the AFC internally and externally. β€œMany emails were sent to AFC leadership on my Guyana on site experiences on a number of issues, including finances, controls, discipline, management, leadership, et al,” he said.

β€œAt the New York/New Jersey AFC chapter, a few individuals hurled insults, character assignations and caustic remarks to me, and no person in the AFC leadership, took concrete action to ensure that there will be no repetition of such behaviours,” Dr Ally lamented.


source: Guyanatimes


Dear Conscience,


Corruption has left our country among the poorest

December 10, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 


DEAR EDITOR, The impending economic and political crisis in Guyana is not an accident; it was caused by an out of control and corrupt, political Stalinist oligarchy that controls the ruling party. Since November 2011, the failure of the minority PPP regime to accept that they continue to bleed politically, has led to a series of desperate acts of political bullyism, spiteful actions and the reckless squandering of taxpayers’ money, that have exacerbated the financial hardship of the masses. The Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal has and continues to close deals, using the resources of the people like if they are running a cake shop. Why is the PPP playing politics with the lives of hard working Guyanese? Why is the PPP offering these workers slave-like wages as if they are plantation workers? We have concluded that the cabal is only concerned with their own well-being. Each day brings another damaging corrupt scandal from controversial back-room deals that will never stand the scrutiny of any proper procurement process.  If one is to observe all the PPP-led deals they have common traits – no competition, a family member or a friend of the party gets the deal, and a one-man operation sits somewhere in the background as the underwriters or financial engineers of the deal and they all are quoted at multiples of the real market value for a similarly structured deal.  In common language – it is wholesale theft from the people. While the ordinary citizens continue to be crushed under the heavy burden of huge increases in the cost of living, deteriorating real value of their wages and a 16% VAT; the kingpins in the cabal and their baron friends and relatives continue to make more and more money off the backs of those whom the regime has abandoned. How did we get here in 2013?  Why did we allow Guyana to descend to this level after Desmond Hoyte and Carl Greenidge started the process of economic recovery in 1989 and Dr. Cheddi Jagan and Dr Asgar Ally so ably pursued after 1992? The answer is Guyana has a very corrupt, greedy and selfish regime that will not stop until its members and their friends covet all of the country’s resources. We want all Guyanese to know that corruption and racial politics have made Guyana the second poorest country in the Caribbean after Haiti. This is why Guyanese are migrating en masse to all the Caribbean islands in search of work that this regime is unable to provide. Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish Singh

Originally Posted by albert:

The People's Progressive Party (PPP) issued a statement in which it questioned the methodology used by Transparency International (TI) in compiling its corruption perception index as well as question the sources which supplied the information. It said that while it respects TI's right to obtain information from whatever sources it deems necessary, it also feels compelled to draw attention to the body's reliance on information from organizations and individuals with known hostility towards it and with links to opposition.

"It is not illogical to assume that subjective and partisan influences can be brought to bear into the information and data gathering processes which in turn could introduce biases into the report" the party said.

The party said it therefore calls on Transparency International  to review its information sources on Guyana and in the interest of transparency it should inform the Guyanese people of the methodology used to obtain information, its sampling techniques and the universe of persons and organizations contacted to provide information and data.It is of the view that adequate consideration was not taken by those responsible for providing data and information on Guyana of the several initiatives taken by the current administration at both the legislative and administrative levels to enhance accountability and transparency in Guyana. Among these it said are the establishment of the Integrity Commission, the de-linking of the Auditor General's Office from the Ministry of Finance and Freedom of Information Act.


Time for TI to be more transparent. 


Why did the PPP wait for the report to be released before taking on TI ? The PPP needs to be more proactive rather than reactive.


They need to hire some trained consultants. They are sending a message of a weak party with a lack of intelligent leadership.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by albert:

You have evidence of corruption which can withstand the least amount of scrutiny? And by the way the corruption in the judicial system didn't appear yesterday or last month for that matter. 

Yes.  Just the legions of senior PPP personnel who are now millionaires (in US dollars) when they were all paupers before 1992, and their salaries definitely couldnt allow them to amass this wealthy, no matter ho0w thrifty they might have been.


Look at Amaila Falls.  Fip had no right to be awarded the contract to do anything, yet millions of dollars were spent before the PPP was embarrassed into dumping him.


These days some of the loudest critics of the PPP are some of its support base.  These cries have become even louder since Ramotar took over.

Speculation... dear chap. Your opposition buddies had 7 different nights on national television to produce one iota of evidence of corruption and all they did was to either abscond or repeat the same nonsense you're peddling here. AGAIN I ASK:where is the evidence that cannot withstand the least bit of scrutiny

Originally Posted by asj:

I do not blame TI for the report they presented, Guyana is a country of less than three quarters of a million persons, and every day you check the News Papers, there is always some fraud and corruptions of the PPP/C staring at you.

Kaieteur News and Stabroek News are opposition aligned muck-racking tabloids so which 'newspapers' are you referring to?


Couldn't be this Kaieteur News you're talking about? The same KN which yesterday reported with confidence on its front pages that Jagdeo acquired the house in question. It even published pictures of the home. But when this lie was exposed as the house was proven to be owned by a Regent Street businessman it publishes a tiny correction in a small corner of the front page today



Originally Posted by Conscience:

The sinister motives of the  opponents of the state are being exposed almost on a daily basis, when one compare yesterday and today Kaieteur News papers it speaks volumes to that effect.

the only thing being exposed is how desperate the regime has become given it no longer has the usual cover for its runaway corrupt practices. It is now being forced to grasp that the states assets are not theirs to plunder at will.

Originally Posted by albert:

The People's Progressive Party (PPP) issued a statement in which it questioned the methodology used by Transparency International (TI) in compiling its corruption perception index as well as question the sources which supplied the information. It said that while it respects TI's right to obtain information from whatever sources it deems necessary, it also feels compelled to draw attention to the body's reliance on information from organizations and individuals with known hostility towards it and with links to opposition.

"It is not illogical to assume that subjective and partisan influences can be brought to bear into the information and data gathering processes which in turn could introduce biases into the report" the party said.

The party said it therefore calls on Transparency International  to review its information sources on Guyana and in the interest of transparency it should inform the Guyanese people of the methodology used to obtain information, its sampling techniques and the universe of persons and organizations contacted to provide information and data.It is of the view that adequate consideration was not taken by those responsible for providing data and information on Guyana of the several initiatives taken by the current administration at both the legislative and administrative levels to enhance accountability and transparency in Guyana. Among these it said are the establishment of the Integrity Commission, the de-linking of the Auditor General's Office from the Ministry of Finance and Freedom of Information Act.

Others are questioning the GDP growth rate of the PPP.  IT IS FAKE!


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