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PPP/C ready for Local Govt polls

March 15, 2016 | By | Filed Under New, http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....or-local-govt-polls/

The People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) says that it is pleased with the response of its supporters to its call for maximum mobilization and participation in the local government elections scheduled for Friday. This is according to PPP /C General Secretary Clement Rohee.

PPP/C General Secretary Clement Rohee

PPP/C General Secretary Clement Rohee

During a press conference held at Freedom House, yesterday, Rohee told reporters that the mood of party supporters is high, full of excitement and readiness to exercise their franchise to elect their local representatives.

According to him, following the May 11, 2015 regional and general elections the supporters of the PPP/C have openly expressed the demand that they want their country back with the PPP/C in office.

“People view participation in the local government elections as a harbinger for the next general and regional elections…they have made it clear that they will utilize the local government elections to demonstrate and express their displeasure and disgust with the maladministration and anti-working people policies and measures adopted and initiated by the Granger coalition administration.”

He said that from all indications, the Guyanese people anxiously look forward to fresh general and regional elections to reverse the results of the flawed electoral process.

Rohee noted, too, the electorate is pinning its hopes on the outcome of the Elections Petition filed by the PPP/C to hasten the change that will see the PPP/C back in government once again.

“Hundreds of thousands of Guyanese voters are going to the polls on March 18, angry with the APNU+AFC coalition administration.”

The opposition politician asserted  that Guyanese electorate are going to the polls to cast the punishment vote against the APNU+AFC for their unfulfilled promises and the heavy tax-burdens recently foisted on them as a result of the passage of the 2016 budget.

“They are angry, over the constant lies and half-truths peddled by government ministers, the politics of deception practiced by the Granger administration but more specifically, they are angry over the large salary increases granted to Ministers after a mere two months in office, the removal of cash grants and other social benefits granted by the PPP/C administration to school children, pensioners and single parents and parents in general.”

Further compounding the situation, the General Secretary said is the electorate’s deep suspicion of the electoral system which has the potential of developing into a crisis of confidence in GECOM and the emasculation of the entire democratic process based on the universal principal of one man one vote.

“The PPP draws attention to the extant political situation which is characterized by attempts by Government Ministers who, while preying on the fears of the electorate, issue threats as in the case of a Minister responsible for Natural Resources who is reported to have told Barticians that if they don’t vote for the APNU+AFC Candidates no financial support will be forthcoming from Central Government.”

Rohee said that it is against this backdrop that the Guyanese electorate in general and the PPP/C supporters in particular will be going to the polls on Friday‘ to establish people’s power at the grass-roots level in the 70 constituencies and Municipalities.

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