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@Django: Don't you think if the PPP realized that 140 boxes were not tabulated in the count, they would have corrected this already and move on? Are these 140 boxes created and stuffed after the elections? Does the PPP have SOPs for these 140 boxes?
I don't think the PPP is as shameless as the PNC. If the PNC thought that 140 boxes were not tabulated, why all the kindergarten behavior?

Last edited by Former Member

@Django: Don't you think if the PPP realized that 140 boxes were not tabulated in the count, they would have corrected this already and move on? Are these 140 boxes created and stuffed after the elections? Does the PPP have SOPs for these 140 boxes?
I don't think the PPP is as shameless as the PNC. If the PNC thought that 140 boxes were not tabulated, why all the kindergarten behavior?

That's their own statement posted since March 12 . I said something ain't right when saw their tabulation.

Well i don't know which sides are to be blamed for the toddler behavior.


Django is doing exactly what the hapless PNC is doing in Guyana... taking the focus away from the real issues. This matter was posted on this site 4 days ago with a follow up video from Jagdeo. 

All of the SOPs are uploaded.... take it from there

@Skelly, all the boxes were counted, APNU/ AFC and PPPC has the same signed SOPs from there agents to verified this. APNU cannot run from this. 

All  accomplice names involved in the rigging of democracy, both local and overseas will be send to the US government for sanction. 


They are the ones who change the rules in the middle of the game when they introduce unverify spread sheet instead of SOP...Again one reason why they refuse to present the region 4 winning SOP and shut up all and bring closure...simple isnt it?

They who ?

They. the ones who were taken to court to comply with the constution to present/tally request wont bother you anymore... one reason why they refuse to present the region 4 winning SOP and shut up all and bring closure...simple isnt it?

 @Dyjango If you are man enough to stop dodging and answer the simple question above you don't have to try so hard - throwing shit in the air hoping it would some how stick....

Django is doing exactly what the hapless PNC is doing in Guyana... taking the focus away from the real issues. This matter was posted on this site 4 days ago with a follow up video from Jagdeo. 

All of the SOPs are uploaded.... take it from there


Dave, why don't you post the "real" PPP tally of the SOPS? 


@Former Member: bai Labba, me seh if Jagdeo and de PPP dem ah try fuh pull the wool over em peeple eyes and dem get ketch, den deserve everything PNC gave them. Let's see who lied after the region 4 recounts. If, on the other hand, PNC thought that the PPP figures were bogus, you think by now they would have pulled their figures and show proof seeing that Mingo and Lowenfield controlled every GECOM machine. Why did not ask for a recount then?


@Former Member meh tink no side had complete SOP. Dis is what dis seh. When Mingo and the PNC peopkle in Gecom see dem na MIGHT over take PPP dem start de spreadsheet rig in front de observer and de wurl. But Peter, red shut, Bharrat and dem was on FB sayin dem win and dem had 100% SOP. Now abie know dem na had 100% SOP. PNC demselve na gat 100% SOP. It show how both side lazy, unehical immoral, lying tiefs and vagabonds. No side no but both want control public perception. Me always tell people dat me would never touch Bharrat wid wan 100 feel poll. 


@Django  This is an adult forum, stop being a kid posting lies.

All the ballots were counted at the polling stations, a Statement of Polls was generated at each station and carbon copies were given to EACH political party.    So any party can tally their SOP and determine the TOTAL vote , thus know the winner.  ALL the opposition parties have the same numbers on their SOP, thus they know APNU/PNC is a cheat.

To say 140 ballots were not counted, LIES, How come Goadie Mingo declared PNC winner TWICE, did he use and include the 140 ballots???

 The process of verification is just for cross reference infront of GECOM commissioners. All formalities.


During all these days of conflicts, don't you think Goady Mingo and Lolofield would have announced that these boxes were not counted and that the PPP SOPs were missing 140 boxes of votes? Instead of fighting with the international observers and the whole world, don't you think Goadie Man would have pulled out his goadie and displayed the SOPs? Why did they not prove the 140 boxes of SOPs totals and add them to the total, have it verified while the observers were there and swear in Granger(they were in a hurry to do so)? Sum ting nah wite hey.


A lot of the comments seem to be based on limited information. 

First, after the votes are counted and the SOP are signed by all the agents required to , the PPP polling agent takes a photo and sends it to a regional centre which sends a copy to of the image to the PPP election secretariat for tabulation and input. The Polling agent for each party gets a copy of the SOP which is given to the candidate at the end of the evening and is passed up as needed for regional count verification, etc.

Second, the Tally sheet is used during the counting process.  It is the sheet where the officers and the Polling Agents place their check marks, or what ever to indicate that a party receives a vote.  At the end of the counting of the regional and national ballots, these are signed by the Presiding officer and given to the party's Polling Agent who passes it on to the candidate who passes it on the chain of command. 

Third, the ballot boxes are loaded with an original of the SOP which all have signed off, the Ballots within sealed envelopes and stubs. These are then sealed by security tabs which are numbered and the parties have the numbers of the security tabs.  The parties also in most cases put on their own security tape.  Some presiding officers did not permit this.

Fourth, the ballot box is then taken by vehicle by police escort, with party agents following to a central container into which it is stored and locked.  Each party and GECOM attach their own seal and/or lock and chain.


So, the Tally Sheets were meant basically be the party's internal mechanisms.  It is my opinion that the PPP/ has published those that they have to show how they match up with the SOP and that they have been signed by the Presiding Officer.  Transparency and verification. Everyone knows that in Region 4 the numbers put out by Mingo are suspect and not verified.  To use the numbers presented by him is meant to obfuscate and continue to propagate a narrative based on lies and duplicity. 



@Django: Skelly ,who created the ruckus at GECOM  Command Center for Region 4 ? just be fair in your answer.
Bhai, the ruckus started when the PNC pulled out their own spreadsheet and started announcing their own totals. All the OPPOSITION parties objected and the ruckus started. The PNC was responsible for initiating the conflict. You cannot stand up and watch eye pass in front of your eyes. PNC is noted for its dishonesty.


Voice Recording.. Ayo be the judge. 

I believe this was done by the Russians lol 


Audio (9)

@Former Member, Django and others know what really happened but they trying to muddy the waters.  This is why the international community must remain engaged at every step of the way. The PNC has not been able to get away with lies and manipulation, thanks to the international community!

In the end the truth will be enforced by international will and the PNC accept defeat. Let us see how many of them willing to risk it all and go down with the sinking ship!  Gaskin done left his FIL in his own sh1t creek!

BTW, where is Ms Cookup?  Has she been relegated to kitchen duties?


@Django...not so fass bai. Each ballot box muss gat seal envelope of all the SOPs that de party dem agent get on eleckshun nite. If dem PNC bais at Gecom stuff after eleckshun dem also gat to bruck up the seal envelope or replace wid dem own one. Dem will have to forge de Gecom officer and the party polling agent signature too. Hey hey hey...dis is why Labba callin pon de PPP foh get all dem SOP in orda. Dem GECOM PNC and Ms "Singh" go stuff few of dem box. Dat mean dem go forge de signature and reseal wid NEW WAX. All dat done happen...hey hey hey. 


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