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The recently released mid-year report compiled by the Ministry of Housing indicates that it used slightly over a third of its 2013 budgetary expenditure. A significant part was used towards the development of 2,254 new house lots. The ministry distributed 636 house lots, processed 1,540 titles and constructed 48 turnkey houses for young professionals.

Two community development plans have been finalised for Tuschen, Region 3 and Ordnance Fort Lands, Region 6. 
Additionally, during the first half of the year, a one-stop shop exercise was successfully held at Enmore, Region 4, while nine more are scheduled to be held in the remaining half of the year in areas such as Providence, Farm, Prospect, Covent Garden, Onderneeming, Zeelugt, Lust-en-Rust, Zeeburg/De Willem, and Hope/Experiment.
Under the Low Income Housing Settlement (LIS) programme, $370.7M was disbursed and construction of 67 of 210 core houses targeted for this year have been completed. Construction of the remaining 59 is currently in progress. 
With regard to home improvement subsidies,  the report said 52 of the targeted 200 subsidies have already been disbursed to eligible families in areas such as Lusignan, Block D Bath, Eliza and Mary and Ankerville, benefitting more than 234 families. 
Meanwhile, 34 subsidies were disbursed under the hinterland housing pilot, while another 36 homes have been selected for complete replacement, in areas such as Manawarin, Massara, Kwatamang, Annai, Whitewater, Oronoque and Katoka. A total of 490 people are slated to benefit.

With the PPP/C's ascension to office in 1992 came the largest housing drive in Guyana's history. This resulted in the distribution of more than 100,000 house lots to date. In the party's 2011 elections manifesto it promised to distribute 30,000 over the five year period of its term in office.

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