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Lowenfield"s instructions were clear from the begining. Give the APNU a win regardless. I find ironic, the very same Carricom countries that Granger swore by turned against him.  I can't say with any degree of certainty what Claudette Singh will do come Monday. I'm pretty sure she knew that the submissions were false. Why then did she accepted them. If the PPP had done anything remotely as this, there would have been mayhem in the land.

@Sheik101 posted:

Lowenfield"s instructions were clear from the begining. Give the APNU a win regardless. I find ironic, the very same Carricom countries that Granger swore by turned against him.  I can't say with any degree of certainty what Claudette Singh will do come Monday. I'm pretty sure she knew that the submissions were false. Why then did she accepted them. If the PPP had done anything remotely as this, there would have been mayhem in the land.

I take "accepted" to mean that she simply took the report that Lowenfield handed her in an envelope. Not that she endorsed the report. Monday we should know what she thinks about the report, if not before.

@Former Member posted:

I take "accepted" to mean that she simply took the report that Lowenfield handed her in an envelope. Not that she endorsed the report. Monday we should know what she thinks about the report, if not before.

In parliamentary language, as per Robert's Rules of Order, to accept a report means to accept the entire contents of it.  


Claudette doesn't need to accept the report. She needs to declare on it. No where in the Constitution talks about accepting or endorsing before declaring.

She received the report before 11am. She could have easily responded to Lowenfield to request a new report be submitted to reflect the SORs. But she did not do this as she is not constitutionally bound to reject anything presented to her by Lowenfield.

The only reason she did not act on Lowenfield's report in the past was due to court orders. Expect same be done by PPP/C issuing a subpoena to prevent Claudette from declaring.

Let's see how that would work for them.


The report presented was already rejected by the courts. Lowenfield did not comply to the request made by the Chairperson, who is his boss.

 It has proven over and over that the CEO is not fit and proper for his office, now it is left for the Commission to fire him.

 Claudette needs to act Fit and Proper for her office, let's see if she is a patriot or a crook.

@kp posted:

The report presented was already rejected by the courts. Lowenfield did not comply to the request made by the Chairperson, who is his boss.

 It has proven over and over that the CEO is not fit and proper for his office, now it is left for the Commission to fire him.

 Claudette needs to act Fit and Proper for her office, let's see if she is a patriot or a crook.

The report he presented was NOT a report ever presented or debated on in a court of law. Though the news outlets suggested the report reflected Mingo's numbers, it did NOT.

I am also getting word that Madame Singh may have been hospitalized. Key word: MAY.



The whole GECOM Fiasco has been indicative of a dysfunctional entity.  Who the heck works so slowly and makes so many excuses to get the job done.  

If Claudette is playing sick now, I am sure she can do a zoom call from the hospital.  A little hand holding by the UN and Foreign Bodies is needed to move these results along.  

Say no to bullying by a few low lives darkies!!


@Rochelle posted:

Claudette doesn't need to accept the report. She needs to declare on it. No where in the Constitution talks about accepting or endorsing before declaring.

She received the report before 11am. She could have easily responded to Lowenfield to request a new report be submitted to reflect the SORs. But she did not do this as she is not constitutionally bound to reject anything presented to her by Lowenfield.

The only reason she did not act on Lowenfield's report in the past was due to court orders. Expect same be done by PPP/C issuing a subpoena to prevent Claudette from declaring.

Let's see how that would work for them.

1. Recount of the election results were done under the supervision of GECOM which was observed by International and local organizations.

2. Results of the recount were certified by the respective members of the political groups contesting the elections and the votes were immediately available to all groups and the public. Statements of the recount were also posted at each polling station and they were also presented to GECOM.

3. Of specific note, the Statements of Recount - SORs - are the ones which must be presented to GECOM Chairman and Commissioners.

4. Keith Lowenfield failed to submit the specifically needed information - SORs - to GECOM Chairman and Commissioners.

5. While the election results are known by the published recount of votes, it is the Chairman of GECOM who makes the official announcement.

6. The initial counting of votes under Clairmont Mingo are and will not be the issue for the declaration of the March 02, 2020 elections.

@Rochelle posted:

Claudette doesn't need to accept the report. She needs to declare on it. No where in the Constitution talks about accepting or endorsing before declaring.

She received the report before 11am. She could have easily responded to Lowenfield to request a new report be submitted to reflect the SORs. But she did not do this as she is not constitutionally bound to reject anything presented to her by Lowenfield.

The only reason she did not act on Lowenfield's report in the past was due to court orders. Expect same be done by PPP/C issuing a subpoena to prevent Claudette from declaring.

Let's see how that would work for them.

You sound like a broken record. Lowenfield’s latest report is identical to the numbers posted on GECOM website with Mingo’s fraud. These were already submitted to the Commission and were rejected. The Chairwoman has no need to request a new report, she has done that before, requesting a report based on the Certificates of Recount.

The Commission will meet and discharge Lowenfield. They will appoint a new CEO, and a declaration will be made.

Long Live Democracy.

@Rochelle posted:

That said, no one knows for certain when the next meeting will be held due to the death threats faced by Lowenfield and other GECOM commissioners.

Sase and company will meet and discuss, kicking and fighting. But Claudette Singh one has one option constitutionally, and that is to declare.

The only option she has is to declare using the Certificates of Recount.

Long Live Democracy.

@Rochelle posted:

The report he presented was NOT a report ever presented or debated on in a court of law. Though the news outlets suggested the report reflected Mingo's numbers, it did NOT.

I am also getting word that Madame Singh may have been hospitalized. Key word: MAY.


I guess you did not read my post earlier today. You are spreading false news as usual. They contain Mingo’s fraudulent numbers. Check it for yourself, do not depend on PNC propaganda.

Long Live Democracy.


For the record, neither Lowenfield nor the three Coalition Commissioners showed up today for the 11AM meeting. Lowenfield sent the report. Maybe he is still staying under cover because of the death threat he received yesterday. I am not sure why she asked the PPP Commissioners to review the report anyway although she is covering her due diligence as she must understand the law better than any of us. No one knows what she is going to do but what we do know is that she needed a two days window to alter the quorum from at least two Commissioners from each side as well as her. Monday's meeting can satisfy the quorum if only the three PPP or Coalition Commissioners as well as herself. The question is what she intends to do on Monday and who shows up.

Meanwhile there is a global pandemic also affecting Guyana and the Coalition doesn't care about those being affected.

@Former Member posted:

For the record, neither Lowenfield nor the three Coalition Commissioners showed up today for the 11AM meeting. Lowenfield sent the report. Maybe he is still staying under cover because of the death threat he received yesterday. I am not sure why she asked the PPP Commissioners to review the report anyway although she is covering her due diligence as she must understand the law better than any of us.

No one knows what she is going to do but what we do know is that she needed a two days window to alter the quorum from at least two Commissioners from each side as well as her.

Monday's meeting can satisfy the quorum if only the three PPP or Coalition Commissioners as well as herself.

The question is what she intends to do on Monday and who shows up.

Meanwhile there is a global pandemic also affecting Guyana and the Coalition doesn't care about those being affected.

Quorum consists of two members each from the government and opposition sides plus the Chairman to be present at a meeting.

When subsequent meetings are called and two of the government or opposition members fail to attend, then such meetings will be cancelled.

After that is done, the Chairman plus any three Commissioners can then conduct meeting(s) and decisions binding for the Commission.

@Former Member posted:

Quorum consists of two members each from the government and opposition sides plus the Chairman to be present at a meeting.

When subsequent meetings are called and two of the government or opposition members fail to attend, then such meetings will be cancelled.

After that is done, the Chairman plus any three Commissioners can then conduct meeting(s) and decisions binding for the Commission.

Listening to Sanjeev Datadin tonight if the PPP Commissioners show up for the Monday meeting and the Government ones don't Lowenfield can be fired even if the Chairperson doesn't vote for it (Article 226). For declaration of a President if there is no quorum at the first meeting the quorum for that declaration 24 hours later can be met with only 4 of the 7 members. For all other matters, a quorum of 4 can be met only after 48 hours after the meeting is cancelled because there is no quorum.

It looks like the Chairperson has had enough of Lowenfield and he will be gone on Monday whether the Coalition Commissioners show up or not.


I heard that Cathy Hughes complained that Guyana does not have 460k voters. I wonder how she will feel now that Lowenfield's new totals amounts to over 475k votes. The PNC said that the 460k voters included dead and out of the country voters. For Lowenfield to now get 475k voters, it must be that some of those dead people did not go back to their graves after March 2, 2020.

Between Mingo and Lowenfield they have managed to present 5 reports bearing five different sets of totals. The only two sets of totals that are almost alike are the one that the PPP published on March 4, 2020 and the recount one.


These are the numbers that were physically touched from all the boxes within the containers during the national recount. Even if you count the rejected votes you still to 464563 votes cast. The PNC threw tantrums that those 464563 votes cast include invalid votes for dead and migrated people. Now Lowenfield new totals not including rejected votes totals 475118. It looks like Lowenfield was able to find 14766 more votes that were not even on those boxes in those containers. He must have counted dead people from outside of Guyana also.



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Noting that Mr. Lowenfield’s report is a “very clear and flagrant violation of the specific instructions” contained in two letters to him by the Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), Retired Justice Claudette Singh that he must use the recounted, certified and valid votes that were cast on March 2, 2020, Gunraj said the Commission has constitutional options open to it to use the correct figures from the recount. “The commission is already in possession of numbers officially from the recount exercise and that is as far as I can say,” he said.

@Former Member posted:

I heard that Cathy Hughes complained that Guyana does not have 460k voters. I wonder how she will feel now that Lowenfield's new totals amounts to over 475k votes. The PNC said that the 460k voters included dead and out of the country voters. For Lowenfield to now get 475k voters, it must be that some of those dead people did not go back to their graves after March 2, 2020.

Between Mingo and Lowenfield they have managed to present 5 reports bearing five different sets of totals. The only two sets of totals that are almost alike are the one that the PPP published on March 4, 2020 and the recount one.

This observation needs to be highlighted and repeated and disseminated to show how asinine pro-riggers in APNU+AFC are.


Put sanctions on this gov't if Lowenfield does not comply

I believe that Lowenfield will be dismissed tomorrow.

I think that if the Chairperson was interested in making a declaration using the report he sent in yesterday, she would have scheduled another meeting for today. The Commission requires 48 hours elapse to doo something like dismissing the CEO.

@Rochelle posted:

The report he presented was NOT a report ever presented or debated on in a court of law. Though the news outlets suggested the report reflected Mingo's numbers, it did NOT.

I am also getting word that Madame Singh may have been hospitalized. Key word: MAY.


Rochelle dear, few days back you made a long post arguing statistically that 460k was inflated and improbable given all sorts of spurious assumptions. You even had Google educated lawyer Django and Totsi, Totsa the rest of the flotsam and jetsam brigade backing you.

Please explain now how you think Lowenfield conjure up 475k, more votes than were cast. 

@Former Member posted:

Rochelle dear, few days back you made a long post arguing statistically that 460k was inflated and improbable given all sorts of spurious assumptions. You even had Google educated lawyer Django and Totsi, Totsa the rest of the flotsam and jetsam brigade backing you.

Please explain now how you think Lowenfield conjure up 475k, more votes than were cast. 

Return to my thread. I said the 661,378 figure of registered voters who voted was questionable. 

That 460k figure is far more realistic than 661k, or 82% of the population. 

Last edited by Rochelle
@Rochelle posted:

The report he presented was NOT a report ever presented or debated on in a court of law. Though the news outlets suggested the report reflected Mingo's numbers, it did NOT.

I am also getting word that Madame Singh may have been hospitalized. Key word: MAY.


No doubt the report he now presents was never presented or debated on in a court of law (in fact he has so far presented fiver different report containing five different sets of figures) but his method was and that method was ruled unlawful. I post below the recent CCJ ruling regarding this.

[47] By the unnecessary insertion of the word “valid”, the Court of Appeal impliedly invited the CEO to engage, unilaterally, in a further and unlawful validation exercise unknown to and in clear tension with the existing, constitutionally anchored electoral laws. That further exercise, which the CEO was quick to embrace in breach of the Court of Appeal Stay of proceedings, also had the effect of facilitating a serious trespass on the exclusive jurisdiction of the High Court established by Article 163. The idea that the CEO or GECOM could, in an unaccountable, non-transparent and seemingly arbitrary manner, without the due processes and the legal standards established in Article 163 and in the Validation Act, disenfranchise scores of thousands of electors is entirely inconsistent with the constitutional framework. Whatever allegations of irregularity attended those votes (and we neither agree nor disagree as to the existence of such irregularities) must be adjudged by the High Court under Article 16350 as was correctly stated by the Chairperson of GECOM.


@Former Member posted:

I believe that Lowenfield will be dismissed tomorrow.

I think that if the Chairperson was interested in making a declaration using the report he sent in yesterday, she would have scheduled another meeting for today. The Commission requires 48 hours elapse to doo something like dismissing the CEO.


Aunty Claudette doesn't work on Sundays. 

Separately, there wasn't any APNU commissioners present to meet that day. And YES, it was intentionally planned that way.

See you Monday. 

@Rochelle posted:


Aunty Claudette doesn't work on Sundays. 

Separately, there wasn't any APNU commissioners present to meet that day. And YES, it was intentionally planned that way.

See you Monday. 

Whether there were Coalition Commissioners or not, a meeting was scheduled which had to be cancelled because the quorum was not satisfied. Therefore that schedule counts. There was a law passed in 2009 to combat what the Coalition Commissioners did yesterday so that the country does not have to contend with the actions of Commissioners behavior as displayed yesterday.

Regarding the Chairperson not working on Sundays, there were many examples of her doing so during the recent national recount. I cannot speak for the Chairperson but I would surmise that her making an exception for a declaration of a President far supersedes her presence at the national recount.

It looks more to do with needing 48 hours elapse to dismiss the CEO than just needing 24 hours elapse to declare a President.

But tomorrow will give us another opportunity to view where this soul train is heading.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

So are fine with Lowenfield counting more votes than what were in the boxes?

Prove it. Prove that he counted more than were in the boxes.

By law, the only way you can prove it is AFTER a declaration.

Either Claudette declares on what is in front of her, or she not declare. This will result in the same outcome: APNU remains in power. 

@Rochelle posted:

Return to my thread. I said the 661,378 figure of registered voters who voted was questionable. 

That 460k figure is far more realistic than 661k, or 82% of the population. 

So dawling, which number are you now questioning or defending?

Are you saying the list should be 460k?

All your concerns are to be addressed in an Elections Petition.


@Rochelle posted:

Prove it. Prove that he counted more than were in the boxes.

By law, the only way you can prove it is AFTER a declaration.

Either Claudette declares on what is in front of her, or she not declare. This will result in the same outcome: APNU remains in power. 

Why are the PNC hiding their SOPs.  

Ok, the SOR tallied to 464k~ total cast of which 460k~ were not spoilt. This has been documented as what were in the boxes.  

So, where does 475k come from?

@Rochelle posted:

Prove it. Prove that he counted more than were in the boxes.

By law, the only way you can prove it is AFTER a declaration.

Either Claudette declares on what is in front of her, or she not declare. This will result in the same outcome: APNU remains in power. 

Honey, law is not applied like a shopping bazaar model.  Rulings and judgements are  made based on the evidence provided. It then flows up to and outcome based on that evidence.

Based on the evidence, as indicated by the votes cast, the PPP won by 15k votes.  The ruling must be made consistent with this. 

Last edited by Former Member
@Rochelle posted:

Return to my thread. I said the 661,378 figure of registered voters who voted was questionable. 

That 460k figure is far more realistic than 661k, or 82% of the population. 

Here you go again, you do not even know what you said. Registered voters on the OLE and actual votes cast are two different numbers. Think before you post, your credibility on this forum is declining very fast.

Long Live Democracy.

@Rochelle posted:

Prove it. Prove that he counted more than were in the boxes.

By law, the only way you can prove it is AFTER a declaration.

Either Claudette declares on what is in front of her, or she not declare. This will result in the same outcome: APNU remains in power. 

You are pretending that the recount never occurred. As a matter of fact, the entire Guyana and the world was able to hear or see it. Lowenfield’s numbers include Mingo’s fraudulent numbers for Region 4. Prove me wrong.

Long Live Democracy.

@Rochelle posted:

The report he presented was NOT a report ever presented or debated on in a court of law. Though the news outlets suggested the report reflected Mingo's numbers, it did NOT.

I am also getting word that Madame Singh may have been hospitalized. Key word: MAY.


Claudette Singh will not endorse a report based on BOGUS numbers. He has to declare the results based on the valid votes as reported on the SORs. Lolofeel gave the PNC 15,000 additional votes. Now 475,000 people voted.


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