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Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The AFC knew the APNU had the numbers to win the plurality alone bur marginally so. Guyana in the hands of the PPP for another five years will create an friends and family kingdom of PPP office holders. The strategic things is to go for the jugular while there is no voter fatigue.


Unless one mistakes something else for the jugular. I don't see any sense in this. The AFC would have been better served as a equalizer to the other two parties. Now they have equalized themselves.

What h as they equalized given the PPP will hide behind the dictators constitution and continue their pillage of the state? The AFC took the view that the nations interest succeeds parochial interest of ethnic alliances. If they can get the PPP out of office, institute constitutional changes and build institutions that serve the people over party they would have had a purpose.


As it stands is merely pissing in the wind because the PPP cares little they were in the minority. They continued with all of their gargantuan spending habits that affords greatest leech prospects while mortgaging the state's children to eons of Chinese suzerainty.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Carib beer been begging Granger and Nagamootoo tuh guh taak tuh dem canecutters and rice farmas. Looks like de PPP duz listen tuh Carib beer.

Carib beer would want to know why they did not choose places like Linden, Buxton or Agricola? I wonder how much they are paying these days for Rent A Crowd per head?

In Guyana, some roti and aloo is all it takes. Dem rice farmas and cane cuttas are simple people. They don't worry too much about issues. They see de PNC sign (albeit disguised as APNU) and move to the left hand side.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The AFC knew the APNU had the numbers to win the plurality alone bur marginally so. Guyana in the hands of the PPP for another five years will create an friends and family kingdom of PPP office holders. The strategic things is to go for the jugular while there is no voter fatigue.


Unless one mistakes something else for the jugular. I don't see any sense in this. The AFC would have been better served as a equalizer to the other two parties. Now they have equalized themselves.

What h as they equalized given the PPP will hide behind the dictators constitution and continue their pillage of the state? The AFC took the view that the nations interest succeeds parochial interest of ethnic alliances. If they can get the PPP out of office, institute constitutional changes and build institutions that serve the people over party they would have had a purpose.


As it stands is merely pissing in the wind because the PPP cares little they were in the minority. They continued with all of their gargantuan spending habits that affords greatest leech prospects while mortgaging the state's children to eons of Chinese suzerainty.


Translation into normal speak:


Something must be done, this is something, something is better than nothing, therefore let us do something.


I don't believe all Indo-Guyanese have a fixed and inflexible mindset.

This election is not about the pre-1992 PNC regime. This election is about the present PPP regime.

The PPP is making the pre-1992 PNC a campaign issue, investing massive resources to instill fear into the minds of Indo-Guyanese.

The PPP is basically saying that a APNU+AFC government will return Guyana to the era of rigged elections, banning imported foods, racial discrimination, etc.

Today's reality, however, will not facilitate a return to those conditions.

[1] The charismatic but megalomaniac Burnham is long gone. David Granger is no Burnham.

[2] Burnham had nationalized about 80 percent of the economy, with no objections from Cheddi Jagan. That nationalization virtually killed the private sector. As far as the APNU+AFC is concerned, nationalization is history and will remain there. The private sector, which had begun to breathe again under Hoyte, will have a crucial role in the economy, minus crony capitalism.

[3] APNU+AFC are not foolish to entertain the idea of banning imported foods and goods now or ever.

[4] Racial discrimination will be minimized because the private sector will provide more jobs and services than the government.

These and other arguments APNU+AFC need to use to persuade Indo-Guyanese to vote against the PPP.

The PPP itself must be told bluntly that it cannot win people's love and support by instilling fear and issuing threats.

APNU+AFC plan to wage a positive campaign, imbuing voters with confidence in the future, post-PPP.


Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The AFC knew the APNU had the numbers to win the plurality alone bur marginally so. Guyana in the hands of the PPP for another five years will create an friends and family kingdom of PPP office holders. The strategic things is to go for the jugular while there is no voter fatigue.


Unless one mistakes something else for the jugular. I don't see any sense in this. The AFC would have been better served as a equalizer to the other two parties. Now they have equalized themselves.

how did the "equalizer" thing work out in the last parliament, eh?


a minority PPP used Burnham's constitution to ignore the legislature and continue gangster government


you are a bitter-end supporter of the abee-pan-tap status quo


most of y'all problems with the PPP are personal or otherwise narrowly circumscribed


enough with the faking

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

What h as they equalized given the PPP will hide behind the dictators constitution and continue their pillage of the state? The AFC took the view that the nations interest succeeds parochial interest of ethnic alliances. If they can get the PPP out of office, institute constitutional changes and build institutions that serve the people over party they would have had a purpose.


As it stands is merely pissing in the wind because the PPP cares little they were in the minority. They continued with all of their gargantuan spending habits that affords greatest leech prospects while mortaging the state's children to eons of chinese suzerainty.

That is what diplomacy was created for. The old saying that one catches more flies with honey than vinegar is paramount for diplomacy. The AFC could have approached the reformation piecemeal instead of going for the jugular. That approach may have taken away some of their weapons and can render them impotent. I am guessing that they have already realized that which prompted them to join the PNC giving up their bread and butter for three vice presidential positions. In a small country where even one vice president is too much.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The AFC knew the APNU had the numbers to win the plurality alone bur marginally so. Guyana in the hands of the PPP for another five years will create an friends and family kingdom of PPP office holders. The strategic things is to go for the jugular while there is no voter fatigue.


Unless one mistakes something else for the jugular. I don't see any sense in this. The AFC would have been better served as a equalizer to the other two parties. Now they have equalized themselves.


Them bais attempting to go fuh de PPP jugular with a butter knife from across the room

this is a numbers game. This is a strategic, surgical extraction of a precisely targeted amount, 8%, while keeping ones vote count in ones base up as a buffer. The PPP does not have the real numbers. They depend on the coalition to fail to keep their own together. Guyana is hyperactive with the prospect of a PPP loss. It scares Indians but even if they come out 100 percent for the PPP, they still lose if t he coalition can keep their base motivated. I think they can. The PPP has been completely awful with their thievery and also disrespectful to blacks, mixed and Amerinds.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

What h as they equalized given the PPP will hide behind the dictators constitution and continue their pillage of the state? The AFC took the view that the nations interest succeeds parochial interest of ethnic alliances. If they can get the PPP out of office, institute constitutional changes and build institutions that serve the people over party they would have had a purpose.


As it stands is merely pissing in the wind because the PPP cares little they were in the minority. They continued with all of their gargantuan spending habits that affords greatest leech prospects while mortaging the state's children to eons of chinese suzerainty.

That is what diplomacy was created for. The old saying that one catches more flies with honey than vinegar is paramount for diplomacy. The AFC could have approached the reformation piecemeal instead of going for the jugular. That approach may have taken away some of their weapons and can render them impotent. I am guessing that they have already realized that which prompted them to join the PNC giving up their bread and butter for three vice presidential positions. In a small country where even one vice president is too much.

It was done for the sole purpose of being relevant and grabbing POWER.  It has nothing to do with improving the lives of the Guyanese people.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

What h as they equalized given the PPP will hide behind the dictators constitution and continue their pillage of the state? The AFC took the view that the nations interest succeeds parochial interest of ethnic alliances. If they can get the PPP out of office, institute constitutional changes and build institutions that serve the people over party they would have had a purpose.


As it stands is merely pissing in the wind because the PPP cares little they were in the minority. They continued with all of their gargantuan spending habits that affords greatest leech prospects while mortaging the state's children to eons of chinese suzerainty.

That is what diplomacy was created for. The old saying that one catches more flies with honey than vinegar is paramount for diplomacy. The AFC could have approached the reformation piecemeal instead of going for the jugular. That approach may have taken away some of their weapons and can render them impotent. I am guessing that they have already realized that which prompted them to join the PNC giving up their bread and butter for three vice presidential positions. In a small country where even one vice president is too much.

 This is presently a zero sum game. There is only one strategy possible.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The AFC knew the APNU had the numbers to win the plurality alone bur marginally so. Guyana in the hands of the PPP for another five years will create an friends and family kingdom of PPP office holders. The strategic things is to go for the jugular while there is no voter fatigue.


Unless one mistakes something else for the jugular. I don't see any sense in this. The AFC would have been better served as a equalizer to the other two parties. Now they have equalized themselves.


Them bais attempting to go fuh de PPP jugular with a butter knife from across the room

this is a numbers game. This is a strategic, surgical extraction of a precisely targeted amount, 8%, while keeping ones vote count in ones base up as a buffer. The PPP does not have the real numbers. They depend on the coalition to fail to keep their own together. Guyana is hyperactive with the prospect of a PPP loss. It scares Indians but even if they come out 100 percent for the PPP, they still lose if t he coalition can keep their base motivated. I think they can. The PPP has been completely awful with their thievery and also disrespectful to blacks, mixed and Amerinds.


Are you proposing the rather novel proposition that if the Indos stick together with some bribed Amerindians that the PPP cannot hold power?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

What h as they equalized given the PPP will hide behind the dictators constitution and continue their pillage of the state? The AFC took the view that the nations interest succeeds parochial interest of ethnic alliances. If they can get the PPP out of office, institute constitutional changes and build institutions that serve the people over party they would have had a purpose.


As it stands is merely pissing in the wind because the PPP cares little they were in the minority. They continued with all of their gargantuan spending habits that affords greatest leech prospects while mortaging the state's children to eons of chinese suzerainty.

That is what diplomacy was created for. The old saying that one catches more flies with honey than vinegar is paramount for diplomacy. The AFC could have approached the reformation piecemeal instead of going for the jugular. That approach may have taken away some of their weapons and can render them impotent. I am guessing that they have already realized that which prompted them to join the PNC giving up their bread and butter for three vice presidential positions. In a small country where even one vice president is too much.

 This is presently a zero sum game. There is only one strategy possible.


People don't vote strategy chap. They vote for Governments.

Originally Posted by redux:

how did the "equalizer" thing work out in the last parliament, eh?


a minority PPP used Burnham's constitution to ignore the legislature and continue gangster government


you are a bitter-end supporter of the abee-pan-tap status quo


most of y'all problems with the PPP are personal or otherwise narrowly circumscribed

I thought it worked to some degree. The PPP were not able to thief as much as before. They could have continued that approach except the MONC nonsense since all that did was make Ramoutar eventually dismiss the parliament. Minority government not withstanding, he still had that power. The opposition did not address their concerns in a smart way. They could have gotten more had they approach thing differently. But like Stormy stated, they wanted to go for the jugular which I believe they mistook some other part for the jugular.


And yes, I do prefer the PPP over the PNC no matter how many times they change their clothes. I was born in the year of the riot and left Guyana while the PNC were still in power illegally so I have no other experience to base my sentiments on.   

Originally Posted by ksazma:
And yes, I do prefer the PPP over the PNC no matter how many times they change their clothes. I was born in the year of the riot and left Guyana while the PNC were still in power illegally so I have no other experience to base my sentiments on.   


Dem bais conveniently fugettin dat de PNC was responsible for Wismar and more recently 1997, 2001, and of course Buxton.


The fact that they chose to beat/kill nuff coolies as an Opposition party means that they should just write off the Indo vote for the forseeable future. Even a QC grad can forsee dat

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

What h as they equalized given the PPP will hide behind the dictators constitution and continue their pillage of the state? The AFC took the view that the nations interest succeeds parochial interest of ethnic alliances. If they can get the PPP out of office, institute constitutional changes and build institutions that serve the people over party they would have had a purpose.


As it stands is merely pissing in the wind because the PPP cares little they were in the minority. They continued with all of their gargantuan spending habits that affords greatest leech prospects while mortaging the state's children to eons of chinese suzerainty.

That is what diplomacy was created for. The old saying that one catches more flies with honey than vinegar is paramount for diplomacy. The AFC could have approached the reformation piecemeal instead of going for the jugular. That approach may have taken away some of their weapons and can render them impotent. I am guessing that they have already realized that which prompted them to join the PNC giving up their bread and butter for three vice presidential positions. In a small country where even one vice president is too much.

 This is presently a zero sum game. There is only one strategy possible.


People don't vote strategy chap. They vote for Governments.

I do not say people voting the strategy stated above. It is the minimax strategy as it is the only present option  in light of the PPP decision to not cooperate.


And people do vote strategy if the circumstances present avail itself for strategic use of the vote ie in multivoting systems. Also, people act in groups and groups are motivated by self interest and self interest always involve strategy. The strategy of Indians as a group is to keep black people out of office....especially as the constitution makes the state an ethnic prize.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

What h as they equalized given the PPP will hide behind the dictators constitution and continue their pillage of the state? The AFC took the view that the nations interest succeeds parochial interest of ethnic alliances. If they can get the PPP out of office, institute constitutional changes and build institutions that serve the people over party they would have had a purpose.


As it stands is merely pissing in the wind because the PPP cares little they were in the minority. They continued with all of their gargantuan spending habits that affords greatest leech prospects while mortaging the state's children to eons of chinese suzerainty.

That is what diplomacy was created for. The old saying that one catches more flies with honey than vinegar is paramount for diplomacy. The AFC could have approached the reformation piecemeal instead of going for the jugular. That approach may have taken away some of their weapons and can render them impotent. I am guessing that they have already realized that which prompted them to join the PNC giving up their bread and butter for three vice presidential positions. In a small country where even one vice president is too much.

 This is presently a zero sum game. There is only one strategy possible.


People don't vote strategy chap. They vote for Governments.

I do not say people voting the strategy stated above. It is the minimax strategy as it is the only present option  in light of the PPP decision to not cooperate.


And people do vote strategy if the circumstances present avail itself for strategic use of the vote ie in multivoting systems. Also, people act in groups and groups are motivated by self interest and self interest always involve strategy. The strategy of Indians as a group is to keep black people out of office....especially as the constitution makes the state an ethnic prize.


I concede that advanced Western democracies have many instances of tactical/strategic voting.


You also answer my point quite nicely. The Indos see their self-interest in keeping the PNC out of office. Their strategy is to vote PPP. Ain't no more complex than that.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

What h as they equalized given the PPP will hide behind the dictators constitution and continue their pillage of the state? The AFC took the view that the nations interest succeeds parochial interest of ethnic alliances. If they can get the PPP out of office, institute constitutional changes and build institutions that serve the people over party they would have had a purpose.


As it stands is merely pissing in the wind because the PPP cares little they were in the minority. They continued with all of their gargantuan spending habits that affords greatest leech prospects while mortaging the state's children to eons of chinese suzerainty.

That is what diplomacy was created for. The old saying that one catches more flies with honey than vinegar is paramount for diplomacy. The AFC could have approached the reformation piecemeal instead of going for the jugular. That approach may have taken away some of their weapons and can render them impotent. I am guessing that they have already realized that which prompted them to join the PNC giving up their bread and butter for three vice presidential positions. In a small country where even one vice president is too much.

 This is presently a zero sum game. There is only one strategy possible.


People don't vote strategy chap. They vote for Governments.

I do not say people voting the strategy stated above. It is the minimax strategy as it is the only present option  in light of the PPP decision to not cooperate.


And people do vote strategy if the circumstances present avail itself for strategic use of the vote ie in multivoting systems. Also, people act in groups and groups are motivated by self interest and self interest always involve strategy. The strategy of Indians as a group is to keep black people out of office....especially as the constitution makes the state an ethnic prize.


I concede that advanced Western democracies have many instances of tactical/strategic voting.


You also answer my point quite nicely. The Indos see their self-interest in keeping the PNC out of office. Their strategy is to vote PPP. Ain't no more complex than that.

It is much more simple than that. People will NEVER Vote to be worst off than they presently are!!!!!!

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:

how did the "equalizer" thing work out in the last parliament, eh?


a minority PPP used Burnham's constitution to ignore the legislature and continue gangster government


you are a bitter-end supporter of the abee-pan-tap status quo


most of y'all problems with the PPP are personal or otherwise narrowly circumscribed

I thought it worked to some degree. The PPP were not able to thief as much as before. They could have continued that approach except the MONC nonsense since all that did was make Ramoutar eventually dismiss the parliament. Minority government not withstanding, he still had that power. The opposition did not address their concerns in a smart way. They could have gotten more had they approach thing differently. But like Stormy stated, they wanted to go for the jugular which I believe they mistook some other part for the jugular.


And yes, I do prefer the PPP over the PNC no matter how many times they change their clothes. I was born in the year of the riot and left Guyana while the PNC were still in power illegally so I have no other experience to base my sentiments on.   

it's good that you confirm my take on y'all "bitter-ender" support for the PPP . . . i take you at your word!


i'm curious though . . . why did a big man like u feel the need to 'qualify' with a smiley face?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

What h as they equalized given the PPP will hide behind the dictators constitution and continue their pillage of the state? The AFC took the view that the nations interest succeeds parochial interest of ethnic alliances. If they can get the PPP out of office, institute constitutional changes and build institutions that serve the people over party they would have had a purpose.


As it stands is merely pissing in the wind because the PPP cares little they were in the minority. They continued with all of their gargantuan spending habits that affords greatest leech prospects while mortaging the state's children to eons of chinese suzerainty.

That is what diplomacy was created for. The old saying that one catches more flies with honey than vinegar is paramount for diplomacy. The AFC could have approached the reformation piecemeal instead of going for the jugular. That approach may have taken away some of their weapons and can render them impotent. I am guessing that they have already realized that which prompted them to join the PNC giving up their bread and butter for three vice presidential positions. In a small country where even one vice president is too much.

 This is presently a zero sum game. There is only one strategy possible.


People don't vote strategy chap. They vote for Governments.

I do not say people voting the strategy stated above. It is the minimax strategy as it is the only present option  in light of the PPP decision to not cooperate.


And people do vote strategy if the circumstances present avail itself for strategic use of the vote ie in multivoting systems. Also, people act in groups and groups are motivated by self interest and self interest always involve strategy. The strategy of Indians as a group is to keep black people out of office....especially as the constitution makes the state an ethnic prize.


I concede that advanced Western democracies have many instances of tactical/strategic voting.


You also answer my point quite nicely. The Indos see their self-interest in keeping the PNC out of office. Their strategy is to vote PPP. Ain't no more complex than that.

It is much more simple than that. People will NEVER Vote to be worst off than they presently are!!!!!!

Of course you will have to sell the idea that Ne.groes cannot do better than Indians despite you have a dunce as president and lots of other square pegs squatting in official posts.

Originally Posted by redux:

it's good that you confirm my take on y'all "bitter-ender" support for the PPP . . . i take you at your word!


i'm curious though . . . why did a big man like u feel the need to 'qualify' with a smiley face?

What you see is what you get with me bai. I am not without having preferences. Regarding the smiley face, it is Sunday and I will be going to the phagwah mela soon so I am not in a fighting mood today.  Today, I am easy like Sunday morning.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:

it's good that you confirm my take on y'all "bitter-ender" support for the PPP . . . i take you at your word!


i'm curious though . . . why did a big man like u feel the need to 'qualify' with a smiley face?

What you see is what you get with me bai. I am not without having preferences. Regarding the smiley face, it is Sunday and I will be going to the phagwah mela soon so I am not in a fighting mood today.  Today, I am easy like Sunday morning.

that you declare a "preference" for government by criminals as long as abee pan tap is your own ignoble affair


your smiley face 'explain' though is cowardly and makes no sense since we are not friends, and if you didn't want to "fight" you could have gone to the Phagwah Mela without posting

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by ksazma:

rom those standpoint, I see Nagamootoo running from pillar to post to get a leadership position. He himself left the PPP when they selected Ramoutar instead of him claiming that Cheddie Jagan told him in his ear that he will be the next leader of the party. I don't want to deny the man his own words. He may be educated but that should not be a cover for him running from pillar to post to get the leadership job that Cheddie promised him in his ear. He did struggled against the PNC and even though the PPP were involved with narcotics for many years before 2011, he did not leave. Not until he was not awarded the leadership role for the 2011 elections did he leave even though he shouted out from the rooftop that he will not join that neemakharam, Ramjattan. Now he is with the PNC, the same people who whooped his ass so many times in the past. All that to the naked eyes looks like someone running from pillar to post. how is that for a forensic analysis?  

Please add to your memory that Moses Nagamootoo supported the Jagdeo/Hinds candidacy in 2006. Does this mean that he had a new-found "leadership" obsession late in his life?

Originally Posted by redux:

that you declare a "preference" for government by criminals as long as abee pan tap is your own ignoble affair


your smiley face 'explain' though is cowardly and makes no sense since we are not friends, and if you didn't want to "fight" you could have gone to the Phagwah Mela without posting

Maybe an ignoble affair but I have no problems sticking with it bai. Regarding me being a coward, you should know better since I don't shy away from an argument that I believe in. That has been chronicled here for over 10 years. I will get to the phagwah mela when the time is right. Lastly, I am never in need of friends. As it is, I have way more than my time can afford. Now if you are offended by the smiley face, I withdraw it. Now calm down bai. It is early Sunday.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:

that you declare a "preference" for government by criminals as long as abee pan tap is your own ignoble affair


your smiley face 'explain' though is cowardly and makes no sense since we are not friends, and if you didn't want to "fight" you could have gone to the Phagwah Mela without posting

Maybe an ignoble affair but I have no problems sticking with it bai. Regarding me being a coward, you should know better since I don't shy away from an argument that I believe in. That has been chronicled here for over 10 years. I will get to the phagwah mela when the time is right. Lastly, I am never in need of friends. As it is, I have way more than my time can afford. Now if you are offended by the smiley face, I withdraw it. Now calm down bai. It is early Sunday.


Redux saw the PPP employ the "cuss down the voters" strategy and suspects it's worth trying since it got Jagdeo two terms


Somehow I'm not so sure it's gonna wuk fuh dem Coalition chappies

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Some people want it but not necessarily care to earn it.

goat's shitSome mistake Goat Shit for Channa.


Nagamootoo has been running from pillow to post to get a leadership position. 

goat's shitSome will eat and enjoy anything that look like Channa.



Wonder where he will run next.

goat's shitBreeze mek Goat Shit fly all over the Place..... Channa



In my opinion the AFC could have made deals with the PPP after the 2011 elections by asking for some favors while giving some.

goat's shitThe truth is AFC tried working with PPP....but Freedom House refuse to Support Nagamootoo as Speaker.....So do not Confuse Goat Shit with Channa now....



Then even if they couldn't stop the PPP corruption, they could have secured some benefits for the people they claim to represent thereby increasing the gravy pool.

goat's shitDoes.... weeding out corruption make you a Bad Person....Bhai what you Smoking....or Eating.



But their actions got them no corn and no hush and now they had to join band with the PNC which in my opinion further diminish their importance.

goat's shitBrother Your opinion is not right.... and as a Muslim you must enjoin what is right and forbid what is not do thing expecting Corn.....Husks....or Channa



Just over two months will indicate how that move was received by the voters.

goat's shitGuyanese are not stupid....they will enjoin what is right.




The PNC got what they wanted.

goat's shitIf the PNC wanted to get rid of Lamumba, Kwame, Phalorie Joe, EdgeHill, Witicka, Kit Nascimento, Norman McClean and all DEM BLACK CHANNA.....yes they got rid of them...All the Black Channa in Freedom House and Office of the President now.




Any stray traditional PNC vote returned to the PNC because those voters will say, "heck, the PNC and AFC is all one now so we might just as well vote like we used to in de ole days".

goat's shitAFC & APNU pledge to end racially divisive politics for the first very  first in Guyana time since the 1950s and root out corruption, crime and bad governance.



Now those stray PPP voters will also say, "heck, the PNC and AFC is all one now so we might as well vote like we used to in de ole days because we sure as hell not giving abee vote to dem PNC crooks.

goat's shitNOW...after the 60 years..... Guyana was making another giant step towards national reconciliation, multi-ethnic and multi-party rule.

Brother......Isn't that the right thing?




We prefer tuh give am tuh dem PPP crooks instead".

goat's shit“It will be, as it has been,

a bumpy road to the Promised Land.

But we will not be daunted......

We will not be intimidated. 

We shall defeat the monster of racism.....

We shall overcome the campaign of fear,”


”Brothes do not think like a Drunk Man....

Do not Believe that is Channa"



That is the dilemma that the AFC is ignoring hoping that the PNC has enough of their own votes to get Nagamootoo a leadership position through the back door. 

goat's shitMoses was offered any Position he wanted....

if he Stay with Corrupt PPP....

and Just Believe ...nothing wrong....

it is Just a Few Black Channa.

Nagamootoo has been running from pillow to post to get a leadership position.


Kzaaazzz, yours is an opinion that must be informed from incontrovertible and impeccable sources.


So let's take a moment and do some forensics about your assertion that Moses is (a) running from pillar (you mentioned pillow but I don't think satire was intended that Moses "slept" around) to post; and (b) "to get a leadership position".


I'm sure you know of Moses's qualification and occupation (author, politician, attorney).

I'm sure you know of Moses's children success at academia, vocational studies and in their careers and communities, both domestically and abroad. And all this at his own personal expense.

When you use the "follow the money" approach I'm sure you know of Moses's modest housing. His street is even unpaved.


I'm sure you looked at Moses taking a sabbatical from the PPP to pursue studies at UWI. HE then returned and resumed working for the PPP. He then resigned from the PPP and joined the AFC. Convince me that this is running from pillar to post.


Let's talk "leadership". Not only has he been a leading vote getter in PPP's Executive level, but he took leave of the PPP herd to attack its corruption, while in the PPP, on principled positions - the narco trade and theft of State's (and the people's) assets.


I'm sure when you say he's running "to get a leadership position" that you took this into consideration.


When you see his impact in the vote of no confidence and ultimately the coalition, I guess you do not consider these acts of leadership.



if be Brother believe

this is Channa

This is a close up of what goat poop looks like. Ever seen a goat poop ...

Hope do not mix it

with Rice

and offer others.....

he might fool them if they Drunk

Black Channa/ Senagalu pulao


This is how its done:


Ramotar should have administered “some kicks up their asses” – Jagdeo at Babu John

March 8, 2015 5:55 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-

By Jomo Paul

A section of the gathering at Babu John. [iNews’ Photo]

[] – Former President Bharrat Jagdeo says that President Donald Ramotar should have dealt with Guyana’s political opposition in a much sterner manner during the life of the tenth Parliament.

Jagdeo, speaking at a memorial to honour the life and work of the founder of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic, Dr Cheddi Jagan at Babu John on Sunday afternoon said that Ramotar has taken a more democratic approach to handling Guyana’s opposition hence his term was reduced.

“The past three years must have been a nightmare to Ramotarâ€Ķâ€ĶSometimes we need to administer something else, some kicks up the asses,” the former President said.

According to Jagdeo, the opposition has shown no real promise to build Guyana into a stronger nation but instead from all indications, they are willing to plunge Guyana back into the dark days of the Burnham era.

“The Opposition beats its drum at six in the morning and says let us throw out the coolie people â€Ķ” the former President said.

A section of the crowd at Babu John. [iNews’ Photo]

According to Jagdeo, that dark past saw Guyanese having their freedom and integrity stripped for them, all of which were restored under the rule of the incumbent PPP.

“We lived in a country where people had snatched our freedom and dignity from usâ€ĶWe have restored pride to this country, we have restored dignity to people’s lives,” said Jagdeo.

To further lament his point, Jagdeo said that Opposition Leader David Granger believes in the philosophies similar to those of Burnham and will return Guyana to the Burnham era if he is elected President come May 11.

“His philosophy is dominated by that period of Burnhanismâ€Ķ..This is all aged old Burnhanism, vintage old Burnhanismâ€Ķhe draws his inspiration from that period,” he contended.

Jagdeo also claimed that since the PPP’s establishment, the Party has stuck to Jagan’s principles; defending the wealth accumulated by public officials saying that members of the Opposition ranks have similar assets.

“It’s not only Jagdeo and a couple of ministers that have fancy houses and big vehicle,” he said adding that “Cheddi Jagan’s vision for Guyana remains strong.”

He said that “blind ambition” and “naivety” has led the Alliance For Change into a coalition with A Partnership For National Unity.


Bai Jalil, yuh prappa gat nuff time pun yuh hand tuh splice up dat post.  I know very well what is expected of a Muslim. I also know how politics work. If the Opposition was really all about wiping out corruption, crime and bad governance along with moving toward national unity and reconciliation, why couldn't they make some sacrifices for the good of those really wonderful goals? Why the need for all the extra vice presidents to appease each side. You may be willing to buy what they are selling bai but I don't see them any better than the PPP. But I do remember the wutlissness of the PNC. That I am convinced hasn't disappeared. Evidenced by their first promised action to create a ton of vice presidents to appease each other. The other crookedness will follow. 


Ksazma, check out how abbe bai barefacedly answered these Coalition idiots on the charge of corruption with a "SO WHAT DE F IS DE PRABLEM WID TIEFIN? ALL AWEH TIEFIN"


“It’s not only Jagdeo and a couple of ministers that have fancy houses and big vehicle,” he said adding that “Cheddi Jagan’s vision for Guyana remains strong.”

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Ksazma, check out how abbe bai barefacedly answered these Coalition idiots on the charge of corruption with a "SO WHAT DE F IS DE PRABLEM WID TIEFIN? ALL AWEH TIEFIN"


“It’s not only Jagdeo and a couple of ministers that have fancy houses and big vehicle,” he said adding that “Cheddi Jagan’s vision for Guyana remains strong.”

Jagdeo is an assassin. He has no shame.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Ksazma, check out how abbe bai barefacedly answered these Coalition idiots on the charge of corruption with a "SO WHAT DE F IS DE PRABLEM WID TIEFIN? ALL AWEH TIEFIN"


“It’s not only Jagdeo and a couple of ministers that have fancy houses and big vehicle,” he said adding that “Cheddi Jagan’s vision for Guyana remains strong.”

Jagdeo is an assassin. He has no shame.


It's actually exactly the answer I would have advised him to give. Jagdeo is unfortunately pretty bright


He just killed the whole corruption issue right dere with a "Meh ah tief, dem a tief, is all aweh ah tief"

Originally Posted by ksazma:

Bai Jalil, yuh prappa gat nuff time pun yuh hand tuh splice up dat post.

Bhai regardless of politices you are still my brother.


 I know very well what is expected of a Muslim. I also know how politics work.

No problem


If the Opposition was really all about wiping out corruption, crime and bad governance along with moving toward national unity and reconciliation, why couldn't they make some sacrifices for the good of those really wonderful goals?

What more sacrifice yuh want...then have a few Spots in the New Govt that are available to PPP members who want tol work with them to end corruption.....Many from PPP have indicated their willingness to Join. 



Why the need for all the extra vice presidents to appease each side.

Later you will understand why it had to be that way...


You may be willing to buy what they are selling bai but I don't see them any better than the PPP.

Believe me you will support it.....after you get the clear picture ....and you understand this is not about Race.


But I do remember the wutlissness of the PNC. That I am convinced hasn't disappeared.

Bhai I remember all them witless people in the PNC between 1964-1992....But yuh know what they are no longer around or in the PNC today....the people you hate to love are at Freedom house and Office of the President today.....I do not hate them because they are Black......I hate them because of what the Did to uyanese Indians, WPA & PPP supporters



Evidenced by their first promised action to create a ton of vice presidents to appease each other. The other crookedness will follow.

What is wrong with APNU holding 2 Top Positions (President & 1 Vice President)

And... What is wrong with AFC holding 3 Top Positions (Prime Minister & 2 Vice President)

Plus... What is wrong with De AFC Prime Minister being given more authority to run things by the APNU President)


Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Bai Jalil, yuh prappa gat nuff time pun yuh hand tuh splice up dat post.

Bhai regardless of politices you are still my brother.


 I know very well what is expected of a Muslim. I also know how politics work.

No problem


If the Opposition was really all about wiping out corruption, crime and bad governance along with moving toward national unity and reconciliation, why couldn't they make some sacrifices for the good of those really wonderful goals?

What more sacrifice yuh want...then have a few Spots in the New Govt that are available to PPP members who want tol work with them to end corruption.....Many from PPP have indicated their willingness to Join. 



Why the need for all the extra vice presidents to appease each side.

Later you will understand why it had to be that way...


You may be willing to buy what they are selling bai but I don't see them any better than the PPP.

Believe me you will support it.....after you get the clear picture ....and you understand this is not about Race.


But I do remember the wutlissness of the PNC. That I am convinced hasn't disappeared.

Bhai I remember all them witless people in the PNC between 1964-1992....But yuh know what they are no longer around or in the PNC today....the people you hate to love are at Freedom house and Office of the President today.....I do not hate them because they are Black......I hate them because of what the Did to uyanese Indians, WPA & PPP supporters



Evidenced by their first promised action to create a ton of vice presidents to appease each other. The other crookedness will follow.

What is wrong with APNU holding 2 Top Positions (President & 1 Vice President)

And... What is wrong with AFC holding 3 Top Positions (Prime Minister & 2 Vice President)

Plus... What is wrong with De AFC Prime Minister being given more authority to run things by the APNU President)


I hope yuh right bai. And no matter what, we are still brothers. Plus I don't hate blacks. Infact, I don't hate anyone evidenced by the many quarrels I have had right when I encounter what I think is hateful.

Originally Posted by ksazma:

Seriously though. The PPP will need to clean up their act if they are re-elected. They can't allow their actions to drive people to choose a historically less competent PNC government.

The PPP blew a Golden opportunity the has to heal all the problems and clean up their act after the 2011 General Elections by simply choosing Moses as the Speaker and working with the AFC.


But they were pigheaded.


The rest is History....

2011 is water under the Bridge....


So they have to blame themselves.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Ksazma, check out how abbe bai barefacedly answered these Coalition idiots on the charge of corruption with a "SO WHAT DE F IS DE PRABLEM WID TIEFIN? ALL AWEH TIEFIN"


“It’s not only Jagdeo and a couple of ministers that have fancy houses and big vehicle,” he said adding that “Cheddi Jagan’s vision for Guyana remains strong.”

What a wonderful thing for one who was supposedly the leader of a country has to say.


Jagdeo is one ignorant coolie MOF jackass.


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