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October 13,2016 Source

The People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) will today boycott President David Granger’s address to parliament because it believes it is hypocritical to listen to him speak on democracy.

“You then come tomorrow to the Parliament which is the place our laws are born…our democracy is protected and then lecture us on good governance?” Leader of the Opposition and former President Bharrat Jagdeo yesterday questioned.

“It will be a dereliction of our duties as MPs to sit and listen to another lecture on good governance when the President, the Executive, cannot respect the holder of a constitutional post and give him a fair hearing in this country,” he added.  

The Opposition Leader was speaking at forum in a series  his party held, at the Sleepin Hotel, on corruption.

At yesterday’s forum, the former President laced into Granger and his administration on a range of issues, singling out the President’s role in suspending trade unionist Carvil Duncan from Chairman-ship of the Public Service Commission (PSC), which Jagdeo feels is an abuse of the President’s executive powers.

Carvil Duncan
Carvil Duncan

“We will not listen to him. We will send a signal to the people of this country…that we will not allow the hollowing out of our democracy. If we do not stop the initial steps, they are going to grow into an avalanche of activities, aimed at denying us our rights,” he posited.

However, Jagdeo informed that the boycott tomorrow will  be limited to the President’s address and the party’s members will return for the rest of the session’s business.

Earlier in the day, the Ministry of the Presidency announced that President Granger, acting in accordance with Article 225 (6) of the Constitution, had suspended Duncan as Chairman of the PSC with immediate effect, pending the outcome of the proceedings of the Tribunal which is inquiring into whether he should be removed.

A statement from the Ministry of the Presidency said that in a letter dated October 10, 2016, Granger notified Duncan that in addition to his role as PSC Chairman, he is also suspended from performing the Constitutional functions as an ex-officio member of the Judicial Service Commission, the Police Service Commission and other functions as ex-officio member of the Commissions of the Board of the Guyana Defence Force.

The statement noted that Article 225 (6) states that, “If the question of removing the officer from office has been referred to a tribunal under this article, the President, acting in accordance with the advice of the prescribed authority, may suspend the officer from performing the functions of his office, and any such suspension may at any time be revoked by the President, acting in accordance with such advice as aforesaid, and shall in any case cease to have effect if the tribunal recommends to the President that the officer should not be removed from office.”

On September 15, the President under Article 225 (4) of the Constitution, appointed a Tribunal to inquire, investigate and recommend whether Duncan ought to be removed from office for inability to discharge the functions of his Constitutional posts following a criminal charge against him. Prior to that, the statement said that Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo had written to Duncan calling on him to explain why a Tribunal should not be appointed to investigate him but this letter went unanswered.  Duncan has since said that he never received the correspondence. However, the statement yesterday said that the Tribunal is in receipt of evidence that the Prime Minister’s letter was delivered by the Guyana Post Office Corporation.

Last Saturday, Duncan alleged that he was offered a “financial package” in exchange for his resignation. Minister of State, Joseph Harmon has since denied the assertion. The statement yesterday said that both the President and Harmon had met with Duncan in an effort to have him voluntarily vacate the Constitutional positions he holds, since it is undesirable for someone who is facing criminal charges to hold those positions.

Duncan is currently facing a charge that he paid himself approximately $1M and allegedly conspired with former Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Guyana Power and Light, Aeshwar Deonarine, for an unapproved transfer of approximately $27M into the latter’s personal account.

Members of the Tribunal, Justice Roxanne George-Wiltshire, Justice (ret’d) Winston Patterson and Attorney-at-Law, Robert Ramcharran, are expected to present their report to the President on or before Monday, October 31, 2016, the statement said.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Mars posted:

The PPP are complaining about corruption and when this tiefman is suspended via the legal channels, they are still complaining. They are protecting their fellow tiefman. 

All you talking shyte about corruption for a very long time while the PNC is the most corrupt government on earth.

Prove that the PPP stole otherwise shut your trap. Close to a Billion worth of audits to PNC friends cannot even prove shyte. So shut your trap.

Regarding Duncan, until the courts find him guilty, he must be presumed innocent. I understand Guyana has become a dictatorship under Jackass Grainjaw but the courts must be allowed to rule on this matter.

If the courts finds him guilty, then he deserves jail time. Until then, innocent until proven guilty.

Shut you PNC trap.

yuji22 posted:
Mars posted:

The PPP are complaining about corruption and when this tiefman is suspended via the legal channels, they are still complaining. They are protecting their fellow tiefman. 

All you talking shyte about corruption for a very long time while the PNC is the most corrupt government on earth.

Prove that the PPP stole otherwise shut your trap. Close to a Billion worth of audits to PNC friends cannot even prove shyte. So shut your trap.

Regarding Duncan, until the courts find him guilty, he must be presumed innocent. I understand Guyana has become a dictatorship under Jackass Grainjaw but the courts must be allowed to rule on this matter.

If the courts finds him guilty, then he deserves jail time. Until then, innocent until proven guilty.

Shut you PNC trap.

He is still presumed innocent. Nothing has changed on that front, Dunce. There are provisions in the constitution to suspend him from his post and those channels were used pending the outcome of the findings of the tribunal. This is not rocket science but I won't expect the poorly educated like you to understand.

How did I ever become PNC?

Mars posted:
Nehru posted:


GFY cvntworm

I dont know what you saying but I do know you are an AHOLE.

Nehru posted:
Mars posted:
Nehru posted:


GFY cvntworm

I dont know what you saying but I do know you are an AHOLE.

You're too bloody stupid to understand but that's to be expected with a dumbass like you. 


Last edited by Mars
Mars posted:
Nehru posted:
Mars posted:
Nehru posted:


GFY cvntworm

I dont know what you saying but I do know you are an AHOLE.

You're too bloody stupid to understand but that's to be expected with a dumbass like you. 


You are even WORST than a AHOLE. I was complementing a SHIT HEAD like you.

Nehru posted:
Mars posted:
Nehru posted:
Mars posted:
Nehru posted:


GFY cvntworm

I dont know what you saying but I do know you are an AHOLE.

You're too bloody stupid to understand but that's to be expected with a dumbass like you. 


You are even WORST than a AHOLE. I was complementing a SHIT HEAD like you.

So says the first lump of shit to be born from a vagina instead of an assh0le.

Last edited by Mars
Nehru posted:

Like Bill Maher would say :" I dont know it for sure BUT I know you are an AHOLE and SHIT HEAD"

Oh Please! Coming a dumbass like you going around telling people on GNI that you're a professor. 

You should thank the British for bring your ancestors to BG or you would be employed as a sewer diver today.


Mars posted:
Nehru posted:

Like Bill Maher would say :" I dont know it for sure BUT I know you are an AHOLE and SHIT HEAD"

Oh Please! Coming a dumbass like you going around telling people on GNI that you're a professor. 

You should thank the British for bring your ancestors to BG or you would be employed as a sewer diver today.


The British tried everything with you BUT you still end up a SHIT HEAD, DONKEY and AHOLE. I guess there is no hope for you. Did you try brain surgery????

Nehru posted:
Mars posted:
Nehru posted:

Like Bill Maher would say :" I dont know it for sure BUT I know you are an AHOLE and SHIT HEAD"

Oh Please! Coming a dumbass like you going around telling people on GNI that you're a professor. 

You should thank the British for bring your ancestors to BG or you would be employed as a sewer diver today.


The British tried everything with you BUT you still end up a SHIT HEAD, DONKEY and AHOLE. I guess there is no hope for you. Did you try brain surgery????

Are you still running around lying that you're a professor?

Anyone seeing that you have a vocab of 100 words which you use repeatedly would know that you're a dummy. You can't hide.

Nehru posted:

A SHIT HEAD like you who has his head up his Kakahole is expected not to know, see or understand!!!!!!!!!

Professors usually make it past 4th standard dummy. You're a whole big lump of shit. No wonder people are nauseated when, in your drunken stupor, you step on the subway in the morning.

Mars posted:
Nehru posted:

Like Bill Maher would say :" I dont know it for sure BUT I know you are an AHOLE and SHIT HEAD"

Oh Please! Coming a dumbass like you going around telling people on GNI that you're a professor. 

You should thank the British for bring your ancestors to BG or you would be employed as a sewer diver today.


LOL...Yo Mars, I thought you came from India also

VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:
Nehru posted:

Like Bill Maher would say :" I dont know it for sure BUT I know you are an AHOLE and SHIT HEAD"

Oh Please! Coming a dumbass like you going around telling people on GNI that you're a professor. 

You should thank the British for bring your ancestors to BG or you would be employed as a sewer diver today.


LOL...Yo Mars, I thought you came from India also

Yeah but how would a SHIT HEAD know that.

VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:
Nehru posted:

Like Bill Maher would say :" I dont know it for sure BUT I know you are an AHOLE and SHIT HEAD"

Oh Please! Coming a dumbass like you going around telling people on GNI that you're a professor. 

You should thank the British for bring your ancestors to BG or you would be employed as a sewer diver today.


LOL...Yo Mars, I thought you came from India also

You wasted a whole thought. Even if I did, I wouldn't be a dumbass like that Drunken Dalit.


Then you must be as

Mars posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:
Nehru posted:

Like Bill Maher would say :" I dont know it for sure BUT I know you are an AHOLE and SHIT HEAD"

Oh Please! Coming a dumbass like you going around telling people on GNI that you're a professor. 

You should thank the British for bring your ancestors to BG or you would be employed as a sewer diver today.


LOL...Yo Mars, I thought you came from India also

You wasted a whole thought. Even if I did, I wouldn't be a dumbass like that Drunken Dalit.

 I stated above, a SHIT HEAD BRAYING DONKEY.  Thank you for confirming. Now run and Bray Donkey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nehru posted:

Then you must be as

Mars posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:
Nehru posted:

Like Bill Maher would say :" I dont know it for sure BUT I know you are an AHOLE and SHIT HEAD"

Oh Please! Coming a dumbass like you going around telling people on GNI that you're a professor. 

You should thank the British for bring your ancestors to BG or you would be employed as a sewer diver today.


LOL...Yo Mars, I thought you came from India also

You wasted a whole thought. Even if I did, I wouldn't be a dumbass like that Drunken Dalit.

 I stated above, a SHIT HEAD BRAYING DONKEY.  Thank you for confirming. Now run and Bray Donkey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't you think that it's time you learnt a few more words beyond the hundred that you now have in your vocabulary?

Mars posted:
Nehru posted:

Then you must be as

Mars posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:
Nehru posted:

Like Bill Maher would say :" I dont know it for sure BUT I know you are an AHOLE and SHIT HEAD"

Oh Please! Coming a dumbass like you going around telling people on GNI that you're a professor. 

You should thank the British for bring your ancestors to BG or you would be employed as a sewer diver today.


LOL...Yo Mars, I thought you came from India also

You wasted a whole thought. Even if I did, I wouldn't be a dumbass like that Drunken Dalit.

 I stated above, a SHIT HEAD BRAYING DONKEY.  Thank you for confirming. Now run and Bray Donkey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't you think that it's time you learnt a few more words beyond the hundred that you now have in your vocabulary?

You are still a SHIT HEAD, BRAYING DONKEY. When /IF you are capable of growing a brain then I can update your status!!!

Nehru posted:
Mars posted:
Nehru posted:

Then you must be as

Mars posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:
Nehru posted:

Like Bill Maher would say :" I dont know it for sure BUT I know you are an AHOLE and SHIT HEAD"

Oh Please! Coming a dumbass like you going around telling people on GNI that you're a professor. 

You should thank the British for bring your ancestors to BG or you would be employed as a sewer diver today.


LOL...Yo Mars, I thought you came from India also

You wasted a whole thought. Even if I did, I wouldn't be a dumbass like that Drunken Dalit.

 I stated above, a SHIT HEAD BRAYING DONKEY.  Thank you for confirming. Now run and Bray Donkey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't you think that it's time you learnt a few more words beyond the hundred that you now have in your vocabulary?

You are still a SHIT HEAD, BRAYING DONKEY. When /IF you are capable of growing a brain then I can update your status!!!

You're a complete lump of shit. If there was a big enough toilet you would have been flushed away at birth.

Mars posted

Oh Please! Coming a dumbass like you going around telling people on GNI that you're a professor. 

You should thank the British for bring your ancestors to BG or you would be employed as a sewer diver today.

Are you saying he's not a diver? Hmmm, that's a surprise, I always thought he was.


cain posted:
Mars posted

Oh Please! Coming a dumbass like you going around telling people on GNI that you're a professor. 

You should thank the British for bring your ancestors to BG or you would be employed as a sewer diver today.

Are you saying he's not a diver? Hmmm, that's a surprise, I always thought he was.


SHIT HEAD cain, how is it possible for you to have thoughts???


Nehru bhai, you like an octopus rass, slapping away with many hands all at the same time.  Dem bais trying to double and triple bank you, but you ain't budging!  Typical haaad aazzee coolie.  That's why PNC failed the first time!

ba$eman posted:

Nehru bhai, you like an octopus rass, slapping away with many hands all at the same time.  Dem bais trying to double and triple bank you, but you ain't budging!  Typical haaad aazzee coolie.  That's why PNC failed the first time!

Dem SHIT HEADS dont relaize is Uncle Nehru dem dealing with. How can they?

Nehru posted:
ba$eman posted:

Nehru bhai, you like an octopus rass, slapping away with many hands all at the same time.  Dem bais trying to double and triple bank you, but you ain't budging!  Typical haaad aazzee coolie.  That's why PNC failed the first time!

Dem SHIT HEADS dont relaize is Uncle Nehru dem dealing with. How can they?

Why dont the PPP just heckle Granger?...boycotting will get nowhere.


“It will be a dereliction of our duties as MPs to sit and listen to another lecture on good governance when the President, the Executive, cannot respect the holder of a constitutional post and give him a fair hearing in this country,” he added.

Nehru posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:
Nehru posted:

Like Bill Maher would say :" I dont know it for sure BUT I know you are an AHOLE and SHIT HEAD"

Oh Please! Coming a dumbass like you going around telling people on GNI that you're a professor. 

You should thank the British for bring your ancestors to BG or you would be employed as a sewer diver today.


LOL...Yo Mars, I thought you came from India also

Yeah but how would a SHIT HEAD know that.

Oi VishM I wooden take dat even if Iman had a biskit chest.

yuji22 posted:

“It will be a dereliction of our duties as MPs to sit and listen to another lecture on good governance when the President, the Executive, cannot respect the holder of a constitutional post and give him a fair hearing in this country,” he added.


Had the Govt kept the man in, these frickin weasels would be jumpin up an down foaming at the mouth, complaining cryababies ...LOSERS!

Last edited by cain

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