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President Ramotar to confirm Seelall’s appointment as Top Cop

March 10, 2015 3:21 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-

By Leroy Smith

( – President Donald Ramotar is scheduled to officially swear in acting Police Commissioner Seelall Persaud in his post sometime this afternoon, after close to a year of acting as Top Cop.



On Monday evening President Donald Ramotar in a telephone interview confirmed that he will be swearing in Persaud.

Persaud has been a member of the Guyana Police Force for more than three decades but became popular while serving as the country’s Crime Chief for a number of years under Commissioners Henry Green and later Leroy Brummell.

Since he took his post at the helm of the police force last year Persaud has implemented several projects and initiatives aimed at restoring the police force to its former glory.
Those projects include working with the communities on the Police Public Partnership Agreement – which has been receiving much support from the business community and those in civil society.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

It's about time.  The PPP has done as badly or worse when it comes to confirming people in positions.  Jagan used to say some people should get Oscar awards.


They need to confirm the Chancellor and Chief Justice too.


bhai Seelall rewarded for his tenacious defence of torturers in the ranks and in-your-face defiance of rule-of-law types everywhere by promoting the most infamous of these animals


the macho-challenged shyteaans of GY celebrating and feeling rather sexy

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

It's about time.  The PPP has done as badly or worse when it comes to confirming people in positions.  Jagan used to say some people should get Oscar awards.


They need to confirm the Chancellor and Chief Justice too.

call me crazy . . . but somehow, i suspect that if Seelall Persaud were Afro-Guyanese you'd be singing a much different tune


like i said . . . lots of 'actors' on this BB


the "Oscars" metaphor is so so ironic

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:

bhai Seelall rewarded for his tenacious defence of torturers in the ranks and in-your-face defiance of rule-of-law types everywhere by promoting the most infamous of these animals


the macho-challenged shyteaans of GY celebrating and feeling rather sexy


Not really chap.


I'd like to see more Indians represented as Constables and Corporals than some Indian twat as Commissioner.


The dilemma of Indians will not be solved at the top but at the bottom.


I would happily make the trade of a 90% Indian army and Police force for a Black presidency.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

So why should Seelall not be confirmed?  And why does that sadden you that he will be confirmed?


The precarious position of Indian people (and all Guyanese) in Guyana is not advanced by having one coolie be made Police Commissioner.


It is advanced by the democratization of the Force and parity between Blacks and Indians in the Force.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

So why should Seelall not be confirmed?  And why does that sadden you that he will be confirmed?

Recently he said life must go on with his promotion of two policemen who tortured a young man.  He is not fit for the office. Nowhere else would he be confirmed after saying that.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

So why should Seelall not be confirmed?  And why does that sadden you that he will be confirmed?


The precarious position of Indian people (and all Guyanese) in Guyana is not advanced by having one coolie be made Police Commissioner.


It is advanced by the democratization of the Force and parity between Blacks and Indians in the Force.

Who gives a sh.t about who heads the force except they be of the right temperament and moral disposition?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:

bhai Seelall rewarded for his tenacious defence of torturers in the ranks and in-your-face defiance of rule-of-law types everywhere by promoting the most infamous of these animals


the macho-challenged shyteaans of GY celebrating and feeling rather sexy


Not really chap.


I'd like to see more Indians represented as Constables and Corporals than some Indian twat as Commissioner.


The dilemma of Indians will not be solved at the top but at the bottom.


I would happily make the trade of a 90% Indian army and Police force for a Black presidency.

thought experiment shaitaan:


would you and your Hindutva friends trade the Indo-Guyanese condition overall - economic and political - with that of Afro-Guyanese, including the present Army/Police ratios reversed?


i mean, since those powerful Blacks control soooo much REAL shit


btw, those disciplined service ratios are nowhere near 9 to 1 in favor of Afros

Last edited by Former Member

I think overall, the promotions of police have been based on seniority, and that system seemed to have worked well, except for too many people being in acting appointments.


Seelall has not been promoted merely because he was Indian.  He worked his way up.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

I think overall, the promotions of police have been based on seniority, and that system seemed to have worked well, except for too many people being in acting appointments.


Seelall has not been promoted merely because he was Indian.  He worked his way up.

stop trying to steer the conversation away from the elephant in the room


Seelall Persaud is UNFIT because he promoted torturers who should be in Jail much less still employed by the force


he then compounded the outrage by talking ignorant shit rationalizing the affront to human decency and rule of law


i daresay, in ANY other country in this hemisphere, his ass would be out of a job, and the minister of home affairs would have been pensioned off too


is is simply indecent that you come here and support this bum because he is Indian!

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:


It is advanced by the democratization of the Force and parity between Blacks and Indians in the Force.

So here is what we do.  Hand over 50% of the business in G/town to black people in exchange for 50% of the positions in the GDF and GPF.


I suspect that black people will be happier with that deal than Indians.

Originally Posted by redux:

thought experiment shaitaan:


would you and your Hindutva friends trade the Indo-Guyanese condition overall - economic and political - with that of Afro-Guyanese, including the present Army/Police ratios reversed?


i mean, since those powerful Blacks control soooo much REAL shit


btw, those disciplined service ratios are nowhere near 9 to 1 in favor of Afros

This reminds of a white professor who, bored of hearing his white kids whining about affirmative action and reverse discrimination posed the following question to the class.  If these white kids found that they woke up the following morning, and saw that they had become irreversibly black how much compensation would they demand.  The answer was million, suggesting that even they saw huge advantage to being white in the USA.


Shaitaan isn't going to take that deal, even as he whines about the Indian Holocaust, which he predicts will occur if the coalition wins on May 16th if, after days of trying to steal the election, the PPP loses.


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