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MAY 9, 2016 Source

– urges major tax wavers for farmers

The People’s Progressive Party / Civic (PPP/C) opposition wants the government of Guyana to make some urgent and drastic interventions in the rice industry.The call is to be made on the floor of the National Assembly at this week’s sitting.The PPP/C has tabled a motion that stands in the name of Former Minister, Irfaan Ali.Ali asked specifically for the government “to withdraw its pronouncement that the rice industry’s crisis ‘is a private matter’ and give support to the industry, especially the farmers.”

Ali’s Motion, titled “The State of the rice industry in Guyana” has five whereas clauses and one resolve. However, his resolve calls on the government to adopt about eight measures.In his whereas clauses, Ali noted that last October, Dharamkumar Seeraj, the General Secretary of the Rice Producers Association and a Member of Parliament, wrote Minister of Agriculture, Noel Holder conveying a grave concern of the PPP/C in respect to the state of the Rice Industry in Guyana.

PPP/C MP, Irfaan Ali

PPP/C MP, Irfaan Ali

Ali said that in that letter, Seeraj pointed out that rice farmers were promised a 100 percent increase in the price for which paddy was sold for the first crop of 2015, by several leaders of the APNU+AFC during the campaign leading up to the National and Regional Elections held on 11th May, 2015. However, “in breach of that promise,” for the second crop for 2015, farmers received 35 percent to sixty percent of the price obtained for their paddy in the first crop of 2015.”
Ali said that as a consequence, both rice farmers and rice millers are facing tremendous financial and economic hardships and many of them are unable to meet their obligations under loan contracts with commercial banks for which their homes and other assets have been lodged as collateral by way of mortgages. He said that many of these properties are now in jeopardy of being the subject of foreclosures and sales.
The former Minister added that in an attempt to bring some measure of relief, a number of measures were proposed to Minister Holder for his implementation. However, none of these proposed measures have been implemented “and the situation in the rice industry has since gotten progressively worse.”
Should the Motion gain favor with the rest of the House, Ali wants the government to, “with every convenient speed,” resume negotiations with Venezuela with the intention of selling rice and paddy to that country.
The Former Minister indicated that the PPP/C wants government to immediately remove all forms of taxes and duties on fuel for the industry as well as remove all taxes and duties on inputs for the industry, including machinery, equipment and spares.
The Motion seeks to have the government commence discussions with all the commercial banks lending to the industry to review terms and conditions of loans taking into account the low prices farmers are getting in order to ‘soften’ repayment conditions.
PPP/C also wants government to suspend payments of land leases and drainage and irrigation charges; lay supplementary provisions in the National Assembly to provide financial support to farmers in order to aid in the purchase of seed paddy and fertilizers and immediately implement minimum export prices for rice and paddy.
The Motion also called on government to implement an aggressive marketing strategy in order to enhance current prices and secure new lucrative markets. (Abena Rockcliffe- Campbell)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Here is Venezuela broke, their workers forced on a 2 day week.  Massive black outs.  Airlines canceling service because they haven't been paid.  Food shortages.

No this isn't Guyana of 1983. This is Venezuela of 2016, and you all think that this is a good market!

When Venezuela doesn't pay for their rice then you will hear the screams.

Maduro is going to lose the next election, and every agreement that he signed, for political purposes, will be ripped up.

caribny posted:

Here is Venezuela broke, their workers forced on a 2 day week.  Massive black outs.  Airlines canceling service because they haven't been paid.  Food shortages.

No this isn't Guyana of 1983. This is Venezuela of 2016, and you all think that this is a good market!

When Venezuela doesn't pay for their rice then you will hear the screams.

Maduro is going to lose the next election, and every agreement that he signed, for political purposes, will be ripped up.

Rice for cheap oil!!  The GoG keeps world prices to consumers and the difference goes to a special fund for general Agro development and provide support to rice farmers.

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:

Here is Venezuela broke, their workers forced on a 2 day week.  Massive black outs.  Airlines canceling service because they haven't been paid.  Food shortages.

No this isn't Guyana of 1983. This is Venezuela of 2016, and you all think that this is a good market!

When Venezuela doesn't pay for their rice then you will hear the screams.

Maduro is going to lose the next election, and every agreement that he signed, for political purposes, will be ripped up.

Rice for cheap oil!!  The GoG keeps world prices to consumers and the difference goes to a special fund for general Agro development and provide support to rice farmers.

What cheap oil

ba$eman posted:

Rice for cheap oil!!  The GoG keeps world prices to consumers and the difference goes to a special fund for general Agro development and provide support to rice farmers.

Venezuela you think is going to sell oil cheaper than it already is, when they are broke, and the country is on the brink of collapse?

Venezuela owes airlines almost $US2 billion, and many airlines have either ceased service, cut back service, or refuse to sell tickets in Venezuela.

Black outs.  Food shortage.  Some of the highest crime rates in the world.

And you think that Venezuela is going to sell Guyana cheap oil.

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Rice for cheap oil!!  The GoG keeps world prices to consumers and the difference goes to a special fund for general Agro development and provide support to rice farmers.

Venezuela you think is going to sell oil cheaper than it already is, when they are broke, and the country is on the brink of collapse?

Venezuela owes airlines almost $US2 billion, and many airlines have either ceased service, cut back service, or refuse to sell tickets in Venezuela.

Black outs.  Food shortage.  Some of the highest crime rates in the world.

And you think that Venezuela is going to sell Guyana cheap oil.

PNC should consider the PPP offer  and stop with the brinkmanship.  Dont bother with venez problems, all in all the rice for oil was a sweet deal.  Venez alleviated the exposure to spot market dump pricing.  Guyana was on the brink of starvation and had enormous sufferings but was still sending money to fight in South Africa and Angola. So Venez could do it.  

ba$eman posted:

PNC should consider the PPP offer  and stop with the brinkmanship.  Dont bother with venez problems, all in all the rice for oil was a sweet deal.  Venez alleviated the exposure to spot market dump pricing.  Guyana was on the brink of starvation and had enormous sufferings but was still sending money to fight in South Africa and Angola. So Venez could do it.  

It's a stupid suggestion, not an offer.

Mr.T posted:
ba$eman posted:

PNC should consider the PPP offer  and stop with the brinkmanship.  Dont bother with venez problems, all in all the rice for oil was a sweet deal.  Venez alleviated the exposure to spot market dump pricing.  Guyana was on the brink of starvation and had enormous sufferings but was still sending money to fight in South Africa and Angola. So Venez could do it.  

It's a stupid suggestion, not an offer.

Well, what ever it is, it's more than you can ever hope to contribute!!

ba$eman posted:

PNC should consider the PPP offer  and stop with the brinkmanship.  Dont bother with venez problems, all in all the rice for oil was a sweet deal.  Venez alleviated the exposure to spot market dump pricing.  Guyana was on the brink of starvation and had enormous sufferings but was still sending money to fight in South Africa and Angola. So Venez could do it.  

The PNC needs to focus on helping the rice industry to find more reliable markets.

The fact that Maduro began to scream that Granger wasn't a legitimate gov't, using the same language that the PPP did, was noted.

It makes no sense to mortgage an industry to a lunatic who claims 2/3 of your territory.

BTW the oil deal doesn't work at current prices.  By the time prices increase, Maduro will be long gone.


Venezuela was well supplied with rice from Guyana until Maduro decided to ban the product over the row of offshore drilling licenses. Venezuelans now have to queue for hours to get a few kg of rice. Maduro has no choice but to remove the ban and import rice again.   

Sunil posted:

Venezuela was well supplied with rice from Guyana until Maduro decided to ban the product over the row of offshore drilling licenses. Venezuelans now have to queue for hours to get a few kg of rice. Maduro has no choice but to remove the ban and import rice again.   

That's right; let Venezuela initiate the negotiation with Guyana. 

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The PNC is too busy planning big celebrations. They have a history of neglecting the rice industry and there is nothing to suggest that they intend to be different this time around. 

May 26th Gala takes precedence over everything else!  Get with the program, brudda. 

ba$eman posted:
Mr.T posted:
ba$eman posted:

PNC should consider the PPP offer  and stop with the brinkmanship.  Dont bother with venez problems, all in all the rice for oil was a sweet deal.  Venez alleviated the exposure to spot market dump pricing.  Guyana was on the brink of starvation and had enormous sufferings but was still sending money to fight in South Africa and Angola. So Venez could do it.  

It's a stupid suggestion, not an offer.

Well, what ever it is, it's more than you can ever hope to contribute!!

Sunil posted:

Venezuela was well supplied with rice from Guyana until Maduro decided to ban the product over the row of offshore drilling licenses. Venezuelans now have to queue for hours to get a few kg of rice. Maduro has no choice but to remove the ban and import rice again.   

In fact this shows why the PPP are a bunch of idiots.  Maduro was supposed to end the deal with Guyana, last year and switch to Uruguay, who are fellow Latin Americans, and are cheaper.

Obviously no one wishes to supply Venezuela with rice as they fear that they wouldn't be paid.  But these are the people who the PPP wishes to buy from us.

Lennox posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The PNC is too busy planning big celebrations. They have a history of neglecting the rice industry and there is nothing to suggest that they intend to be different this time around. 

May 26th Gala takes precedence over everything else!  Get with the program, brudda. 

Better to send rice to Venezuela, and then bawl when you don't get paid.

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

PNC should consider the PPP offer  and stop with the brinkmanship.  Dont bother with venez problems, all in all the rice for oil was a sweet deal.  Venez alleviated the exposure to spot market dump pricing.  Guyana was on the brink of starvation and had enormous sufferings but was still sending money to fight in South Africa and Angola. So Venez could do it.  

The PNC needs to focus on helping the rice industry to find more reliable markets.

The fact that Maduro began to scream that Granger wasn't a legitimate gov't, using the same language that the PPP did, was noted.

It makes no sense to mortgage an industry to a lunatic who claims 2/3 of your territory.

BTW the oil deal doesn't work at current prices.  By the time prices increase, Maduro will be long gone.

Nah, PNC could move and make Maduro take them seriously as the sitting Govt.

True, PNC needs to get off their rears and find new markets however, get new markets to grow the industry.  Still lock in a deal with Venez.

The fact that he claims 2/3 all the more reason to make them dependent on Guyana for food.  Don't mortgage, just know the risk, ensure there is mitigation, but don't give up on the market.

Enter into a binding forward contract which ensures it works even at current oil prices.  Build in penalty clauses to ensure compliance.  Build in notice period so there is transition time in event of termination.

caribny posted:
Lennox posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The PNC is too busy planning big celebrations. They have a history of neglecting the rice industry and there is nothing to suggest that they intend to be different this time around. 

May 26th Gala takes precedence over everything else!  Get with the program, brudda. 

Better to send rice to Venezuela, and then bawl when you don't get paid.

Better to have something to bawl about rather than sit and mope!!


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