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Human Services & Social Security Minister resigns from Government

April 10, 2015 1:28 pm Category: Politics A+ / A-

By Tracey Khan-Drakes



Minister of Human Services and Social Security, Jennifer Webster.


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Minister of Human Services & Social Security, Jennifer Webster recently submitted her resignation to President Donald Ramotar, citing health complications. Her resignation takes effect from April 30, 2015.

Cabinet Secretary Dr. Roger Luncheon during his post Cabinet Media briefing on Friday April 10, at the Office of the President, noted that President Donald Ramotar has since accepted the Minister’s resignation.

 β€œThe President disclosed that in her submission the Minister indicated that lack of significant improvement on her health situation, whilst conducting the fairly rigorous demands of Minister of Government, particularly of the sector Human Services & Social Security, it was such that a deliberate decision was made by her and she opted to pursue getting her health concerns addressed, β€œthe Government spokesman explained.

Webster served for many years in the Public Sector and is qualified in the field of Finance. She served as a Permanent Secretary in the Office of the President and in 2006 she became a Member of Parliament with the portfolio of Minister within the Ministry of Finance. Following the 2011 general and regional elections she was appointed Minister of Human Services and Social Security.

Dr. Luncheon did not say who would replace Webster in the weeks leading up to the 2015, general and regional elections.





[] β€“  iNews has been reliably informed that a senior female government official is embroiled in the case against Guyanese pilot Khamraj Lall, who was arrested in Puerto Rico trying to smuggle S$620,000 into Guyana on his jet on November 22.
According to a reliable source, the United States has since launched an investigation into the government official and reports indicate that the US authorities have also restricted her travel to America.

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